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Siti Dewi R
Kritik Riset
 Penelitian dinyatakan bermanfaat jika orang yang
membacanya tahu kelemahan dan kekuatan riset dg dasar
tinjauan literatur yang kritis

 Kriteria selanjutnya untuk mengkritik adalah

kelengkapannyalaporan harus menyeluruh membahas
semua pertanyaan ttg masalah, sampel, metode penelitian,
metode evaluasi
 Konsistensilogis (masalah)tujuan, sampel, pengumpulan
data, analisa, kesimpulan

 Bukan hanya mencari kesempurnaancari cara untuk

peningkatan penelitian
General Guidelines
1. Strengths and Limitations

2. Give specific example, avoid vague generalizations of praise

and fault finding

3. Try to justify your criticism

4. Be as objective as possible
General Guidelines (cont’)
5. Be sensitive in handling negative comments.

6. Do not be condescending or sarcastic

7. Suggest realistic alternatives for the researcher

8. Evaluate all aspects of the study: substantive, theoretical,

methodological, ethical, interpretive, and presentational
Elements of a Research Critique
1. Substantive and Theoretical Dimensions
2. Methodological Dimensions
3. Ethical Dimensions
4. Interpretive Dimensions
5. Presentational and Stylistic Dimensions
1. Substantive and Theoretical Dimensions

 Important
 Soundness of the conceptualizations
 Creativity and appropriateness of the theoretical framework
 Questions poorly understood phenomena
2.Methodological Dimensions
 How to go answering the research question/ testing
 In quantitative, decision of :design, sample, method,
statistical analysis
 In qualitative: where the place, source of the data, who is
sample, type of evidence
3. Ethical Dimensions

 Who is the subject

 Didn’t interpret as creating an ethical dilemma
 Having committed some violation of ethical principle
4. Interpretive Dimensions

 Discussion (more subjective but based on the evidence), find

out limitation of the study
 Conclusions (the critique should also draw conclusions about
the state implications of study)
5. Presentational and Stylistic
Dimensions (research report)
 Sufficient information, Clear
 Grammatically correct, Concise
 Well organized
 Styles of writing
 Indication of overt bias
 How and why a problem was studied and what the result
 Accurate, clearly written, cogent
Critique problem, question, hypothesis
 Significance for nursing profession (practice, education,
 Good match between problem and paradigm
 Formally stated
 Purpose and question stated
 Hypothesis or prediction
Critique Literature review
 Review major studies
 Relate to research problem
 Discuss weaknesses in existing studies
 Appropriate language
 Objectives
 Brief synopsis
Other critique Guidelines

1. Theoretical and conceptual framework

2. Research design in quantitative
3. Qualitative and mixed designs
4. Sampling design
5. Qualitative sampling designs
6. Data collection procedures
7. Self-reports
8. Observational methods

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