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Digital Transmission
• A computer network is designed to send
information from one point to another.
• This information needs to be converted to either
a digital signal (digital transmission) or an analog
signal (analog transmission).
• In Digital transmission:
▫ (1) methods which convert digital data to digital
signals (digital-to-digital conversion)
▫ (2) methods which convert analog signals to
digital signals (analog-to-digital conversion)
Digital Signals
• Bit interval (instead of period) and bit rate (instead of
frequency) are used to describe digital signals
• The bit interval is the time required to send one single
• The bit rate is the number of bit intervals per second
(bits per second: bps)
Digital-to-Digital conversion
• The data can be either digital or analog.
• The signals that represent data can also be
digital or analog.
• The conversion involves three techniques:
▫ line coding
▫ block coding
▫ scrambling.
Block Coding
• Block coding is used for error detection and re-
transmitted the data.
• Block coding is represented using mB/nB slash
• In general, block coding changes a block of m
bits into a block of n bits, where n is larger than
Block Coding (cont..)

• Block coding perform three steps:

▫ Division
▫ Substitution
▫ combination
• Division:-
▫ in this step sequence of bits are divided into group
of m-bits.
• Substitution:-
▫ in this step group of m-bit is substitute into n-bit.
• Combination:-
▫ in this step combine all the n-bit group.
Block Coding (cont..)

• We get a stream when n-bit group is combine and

that stream is bigger then the original stream so
from that easily detect the error

• After block coding data send to line coding.

Line Coding
• Line coding is the process of converting digital
data to digital signals.
• Line coding converts a sequence of bits to a
digital signal.
• At the sender, digital data are encoded into a
digital signal.
• At the receiver, the digital data are recreated by
decoding the digital signal.
Line coding and decoding
Line coding schemes
Unipolar Scheme
• In unipolar scheme single voltage level is used to
represent data.
• In unipolar scheme, the binary 1 is represented
by a high level and a binary 0 by a zero level
• There are two common variations of unipolar
scheme :
▫ Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)
▫ Return to Zero (RZ).
Polar Scheme
• In polar scheme multiple voltage level is used to
represent data.
• In polar Scheme a binary 1 is represented by a pulse(+V)
and a binary 0 by the opposite pulse (-V).
• There are two common variations of polar scheme :
▫ Non-Return to Zero (NRZ)
▫ Return to Zero (RZ).
▫ Biphase
Polar scheme (cont.)
• NRZ encoding includes two methods:
▫ NRZ level (NRZ-L)
▫ NRZ-invert (NRZ-I)
• Biphase also refers to 2 methods. The first,
Manchester, is the method used by Ethernet
LANs. The second, Differential Manchester, is
the method used by Token Ring LANs.
Non return to Zero (NRZ)
• In this scheme binary 1 is represented using positive
voltage and binary 0 is represented using negative
• Two type of NRZ:
• NRZ-L(level)
• NRZ-I(inversion)
• NRZ-L:-The level of the signal depends on the type of bit
it represents
• NRZ-I. An inversion of the voltage level represents a 1
bit. A 0 bit is represented by no change
Return to Zero (RZ)As
• It is used three voltage level:
▫ positive
▫ negative
▫ zero
• Binary 1 is represented using positive voltage,0
is negative voltage and null value is represented
using zero voltage.
• It is created with the combination of RZ and
• Bit duration is divided into two parts:
• In first part voltage in first level and in second
voltage is on second level.
• Differential Manchester is created with the
combination of RZ and NRZ-I.
Bipolar Scheme
• It is used three voltage level:
▫ positive
▫ negative
▫ zero
• Binary 1 is represented using positive(+V) and negative(-
V) voltage,0 is zero.
• Bipolar scheme is also called “alternate mark inversion”
• Analog refers to something that is continuous
▫ —a set of specific points of data and all possible points between
• Digital refers to something that is discrete
▫ —a set of specific points of data with no other points in
• Human voice is an example of analog data. When somebody
speaks, a continuous wave is created in the air.
• This can be captured by a microphone and converted to an
analog signal
• Two technique to change an analog signal to digital signal:

▫ Pulse code modulation(PCM).

▫ Delta modulation
Analog and Digital Data (cont.)
• An example of digital data is data stored in the
memory of computer in the form of 0s and 1s
• It is usually converted to a digital signal when it
is transferred from one position to another
inside or outside the computer
Analog and Digital Signals
• An analog signal is a continuous wave form that
changes smoothly over time
• A digital signal is discrete. It can have only a
limited number of defined values, often as
simple as 1 and 0
Pulse code modulation(PCM)
• Pulse-code modulation (PCM) is a method used
to digitally represent sampled analog signals.
• A PCM encoder has three processes:
1. Sampling:
The analog signal is sampled
2. Quantization:
The sampled signal is quantized
3. Encoding:
The quantized values are encoded as stream of
• Quantization process of converting an infinite
number of possibilities to a finite number of
conditions (rounding off the amplitudes of flat-
top samples to a manageable number of levels).
• It is perform in between of maximum amplitude
value and minimum amplitude values
• Then approximate the analog value.
• Last step for analog to digital conversation.
• In this step approximated value is converted into
the binary format.
From analog signal to PCM digital code
• The process of compressing and then expanding.
Delta modulation
• A delta modulation (DM or Δ-modulation) is an
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion
technique used for transmission of voice information
where quality is not of primary importance
• The modulator is used at the sender site to create a
stream of bits from an analog signal.
• The process records the small positive or negative
changes, called delta O.
• If the delta is positive, the process records a I; if it is
negative, the process records a O.
Transmission Mode
Transmission Mode
• Transmission mode refers to the mechanism of
transferring of data between two devices
connected over a network. It is also
called Communication Mode.
• These modes direct the direction of flow of
• Transmission mode has three type:-
Simplex Mode

• Simplex communication is
a communication channel that sends
information in one direction only.
Half-Duplex Mode
• A duplex communication system is a point-to-point
system composed of two or more connected parties or
devices that can communicate with one another in both
Full-Duplex Mode
• In a full-duplex system, both parties can
communicate with each other simultaneously.

Data Transmission

Parallel Transmission
• In parallel mode, multiple bits are sent with each
clock tick.
• In serial mode one bit is sent with each clock
• In parallel transmission n wires are used to
transmit n bits.
• This is limited to short distances as wiring is

Parallel transmission

Serial Transmission
• In serial transmission, one bit follows another so
we need only one communication channel rather
than n-channels to transmit data between two
communicating devices.
• Serial communication reduces the cost by
roughly a factor of n.
• Serial transmission occurs in of two ways:
▫ asynchronous
▫ synchronous

Serial transmission

Asynchronous transmission
• In asynchronous transmission the timing or a signal
is unimportant.
• To alert the receiver of the arrival of a new group of bits
(usually a byte), an extra bit (0) (start bit) is added at
the beginning of each byte.
• Another bit (1) (stop bit) needs to be transmitted at the
end of the group to indicated that the transmission of a
byte is finished.
• In addition, the transmission of each byte may then be
followed by a gap of varying duration.
• This can be either represented by an idle channel or by a
stream of additional stop bits.
• Asynchronous communication is slow but it is cheap
and effective.
• It is used for communication between the keyboard
and a computer

Asynchronous transmission

In asynchronous transmission, we send 1 start bit (0) at the

beginning and 1 or more stop bits (1s) at the end of each byte.
There may be a gap between each byte.

Synchronous transmission
• In synchronous transmission, the bit stream is
combined into ‘longer’ frames which may
contain multiple bytes.
• Each byte is introduced on to the transmission
link without a gap between two bytes.
• It is left to the receiver to separate the bit stream
into bytes for decoding purposes.
• The advantage of synchronous transmission is
speed, that’s why it is used for data transmission
between computers.


In synchronous transmission,
we send bits one after another without start/stop bits or gaps.
It is the responsibility of the receiver to group the bits.

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