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Hidrologi &

TKL 4301
Pertemuan 1

Prodi Teknik Lingkungan

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry
Pengajar: Aulia Rohendi
Email: olic104@gmail.com
Phone: 085277774555 (SMS & WhatsApp)
ST: Teknik Sipil Unsyiah
MSc: Water Management - Water Resources Management, UNESCO-IHE

Perkuliahan: 3 SKS, 16 Pertemuan

Bobot Nilai: Tugas dan Laporan (30%), UTS (30%), UAS (40%)
Syarat minimal kehadiran untuk mengikuti ujian UTS dan UAS: 80%
1. Chow et al. Applied Hydrology. 1988.
2. Davie. Fundamentals of Hydrology. 2008
3. Raghunath. Hydrology: Principles, Analysis, Design. 2006.
4. World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Guide to Hydrological Practices., Volume I.
Quite literally hydrology is ‘the science or study of’ (‘logy’ from Latin logia) ‘water’ (‘hydro’ from
Greek hudor). However, contemporary hydrology does not study all the properties of water.
Modern hydrology is concerned with the distribution of water on the surface of the earth and its
movement over and beneath the surface, and through the atmosphere. (Davie, 2008)
Hydrology is the science that deals with the occurrence and distribution of the waters of the
Earth in time and space, both above and below the land surface, including their chemical,
biological and physical properties, and their interaction with the physical environment
(WMO/UNESCO, 1992).
Keilmuan Hidrologi

diadopsi dari
Dingman, 2002
Kegunaan Studi
Beberapa kegunaan studi hidrologi dan hidrogeologi:
Pengendalian banjir
Penyediaan air bersih
Perencanaan irigasi
Pengendalian pencemaran air
Ramalan cuaca
Perencanaan pembangunan PLTA
Analisa perubahan iklim global (climate change)
What is water?
The use of water?
Policy Principles
3 E’s of Postel:
•Ecological integrity (or sustainability)
•Efficiency (or economic efficiency)
Kuantitas Air

Air asin/laut (97,2%)

Glasier dan es
Air Total dunia
(1.380.000.000 km3) Air permukaan
Danau dan sungai
Air tawar (2,8%) Lainnya (0,04%)
Dapat diekstrak
Air tanah (0.6%)
Tidak dapat
diekstrak (0,35%)
Raghunath (2006)
Kuantitas Air
Hydrologic cycle
Hydrologic cycle

Source: Chow et al. Applied Hydrology. 1988.

Water Balance
Data-data Hidrologi
Data-data standar dalam analisa hidrologi:
Data klimatologi
Data hidrometeorologi: temperatur, angin, kelembaban, dll
Catatan presipitasi
Catatan aliran permukaan
Fluktuasi air tanah
Data evaporasi
Data kualitas air
Data geomorfologi

Pengolahan data dilakukan melalui perhitungan statistika

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