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Rock Mechanics

• Engineering Uses of Rocks: Rocks are used for
engineering purposes in two primary ways:
o As a building material : aggregates, cut stones, decorative
panels, etc.
o As a foundation : bedrock determines kind of structure that
can be built.
• Knowledge and understanding of basic rock
properties will
o Enable us assess the usefulness and quality of aggregates
o allow structures to be founded correctly so the required
support will be there
Properties of Rocks
• The most important properties of rocks are those
related to its strength and deformability

• Intact Rock: They are

rock containing no
significant fractures
• Discontinuities : These
are faults and joints
found in insitu rock.
These may be weak
links in the rock mass
and may cause failures
Classification of intact rocks
Igneous rocks:
Strong when consisting interlocking network of crystals (which explains the small
range for granite).
For crystalline rocks, the smaller grain size gives higher strength (the average and
maximum strength of basalt is higher than granite).
Extrusive rocks have variable strength, because of possible vesicular, pyroclastic
Sedimentary rocks:
Limestone, dolomite: crystalline texture, thus generally strong, but variable (fossils).
Sandstone: wide range depending on the degree of cementation.
Shale: variable because of bedding.
Metamorphic rocks:
Strength increases in some cases because of compaction and recrystallization.
Schists have wide variation because of foliation.
Quartzite: strong because of interlocking silica crystals and absence of foliation.
Marble: similar to limestone or dolomite and smaller strength range.
Properties of Rocks
• The strength of rocks is the maximum stress it can
sustain under a given set of conditions
o Uniaxial Compressive Strength: It is stress which will cause a
cylindrical rock sample to fail when it is subjected to two
opposing (compressing forces).
o Tensile Strength: It is stress which will cause a cylindrical
rock sample to fail when it is subjected to two opposing
(outward forces). Tensile strength of rocks is usually much
lower than compressive strength
o Shear Strength: It is the shear stress that acts on the plane
of failure when rock is subjected to compressive or tensile
affecting rock behavior
• Composition (silicates and oxides most resistant to
• Texture/Fabric (phaneritic most resistant)
• Pores, cracks, flaws
• Previous stresses stored in grains
• Degree of Weathering (minerals that weather from
oxides and silicates to other compounds are
• Presence of fluids in pores or cracks
Importance of studying joints and shear

• To understand the nature and sequence of deformation in an area.
• To find out relationship between joints and faults and or folds.
• Help to find out the brittle deformation in an area of construction
(dams, bridges, and power plants.
• In mineral exploration to find out the trend and type of fractures
and joints that host mineralization which will help in exploration.
Importance of studying joints and shear

• Joints and fractures serve as the plumping system for ground water flow in
many area and they are the only routes by which ground water can move
through igneous and metamorphic rocks.
• Joints and fractures porosity and permeability is very important for water
supplies and hydrocarbon reservoirs.
• Joints orientations in road cuts greatly affect both construction and
maintenance. Those oriented parallel to or dip into a highway cut become
hazardous during construction and later because they provide potential
movement surfaces.
• Systematic joints: have a
subparallel orientation and
regular spacing.
• Joint set: joints that share a
similar orientation in same
• Joint system: two or more
joints sets in the same area
• Nonsystematic joints: joints
that do not share a common
orientation and those highly
curved and irregular fracture
surfaces. They occur in most
area but are not easily
related to a recognizable
Some times both systematic and nonsystematic
joints formed in the same area at the same
time but nonsystematic joints usually
terminate at systematic joints which
indicates that nonsystematic joints formed
Properties of Rock
• Strength of rock mass depends on the extent of
discontinuities (fractures) within it
• Rock Quality Designation (RQD): It is used to
quantify degree of fracturing or discontinuities in the
original rock mass.
• RQD is obtained by measuring intact fragments
length of core pieces obtained from drilling
σ 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ𝑠 ≥10𝑐𝑚
𝑅𝑄𝐷 = × 100
𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒 (𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛) 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ

• RQD gives an idea of the rock mass quality

• Values of RQD > 70% generally indicate sound rock
Properties of Rock
Rock Mass Classification based on RQD

RQD (%) Description of Rock Quality

90 – 100 Excellent
75 – 90 Good
50 – 75 Fair
25 – 50 Poor
0 - 25 Very poor
Rock Testing
• Rocks are tested to determine their physical and
mechanical properties
• Tests may be used to provide information for
classification purposes or for engineering design
• Test for classification is used to group rocks of similar
behavior and provide information on their
geomechanical characteristics
• Test for engineering design purposes is used to
provide detailed information on insitu stresses,
rockmass strength and deformation properties
Rock Testing
• Laboratory Test: Conducted on small rock samples
taken from the field site (“Rock Properties”)
• Field test : Conducted at the field site to determine
the bulk strength properties of rock mass (“Rock
mass properties”). These properties are influenced
by the ‘discontinuities’ or planes of weakness
present in the rock mass
• Mechanical properties of an intact rock sample
may be much different from that of the rock mass
from which sample was obtained.
Rock Testing
Laboratory Testing

For Classification Purposes For Engineering Design Purposes

Density Direct Shear test
Moisture content Uniaxial Compressive Test
Porosity Triaxial Compressive Test
Water absorption Deformation characteristics
Rock Testing
Field Testing
For Classification Purposes For Engineering Design Purposes
Discontinuity orientation Point load test
Spacing Direct Shear test
Core recovery Field Permability
Rock Quality Designation In Situ Rock Stress determination
Rock Materials
• Reasons for laboratory Testing of Rocks
Materials (Aggregates)
o To assess the usefulness and quality of a new
source of aggregate (quarry site)
o Compare quality of rock materials from different
o Predict performance in service
o Predict durability
Rock Materials
• Various Laboratory Testing of aggregates: To
evaluate how aggregates will perform when in
o Aggregate crushing value Test
o The Ten Percent Fines Value Test
• Determine resistance of aggregates to crushing when
subjected to loading
o Aggregate impact value Test
o Los Angeles abrasion test
• Used to indicate the toughness and abrasion
characteristics of aggregates
Effect of water on
Strength of Rocks
• Presence of water can significantly reduce rock
strength in two ways
o Water interrupts the bonding between minerals and allows the
break up of clay cement leading to a reduction in rock strength
and increased deformability
o Water in joints may induce pore water pressure which acts in
opposition to compressive stress, thus reducing effective normal
stress between the rock surface.

• Water greatly reduces strength of porous

sedimentary rock but have minimal effect on intact
rock with low porosity

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