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aB a 

Presented By:
Pratik Rawat
Nandkumar Khengate
Anish Prabhu
Pratheesh Kumaran
Pranav Joshi

0 ` ercial Banks are those banks which performs

all kinds of banking functions such as:
a) Accepting Deposits,
b) Advancing Loans,
c) Credit Creation &
d) Agency Functions
0 Ôhese banks collect money from those who have it
to spare or who are saving it out of their incomes,
and it lends this money to those who require it for
the purpose of making profit.
`apital and iabilities Pr perty and assets
è) Capital è) Cash in hand and with Central Bank
i) Authorized Capital 2) Balance with other banks
ii) Issued Capital 3) Money at call and short notice
iii) Subscribed Capital 4) Bills Discounted
iv) Called-up Capital 5) Investments
v) Paid-up Capital 6) Advances
2) Reserve Fund and other reserves 7) Bills for collection being bills
receivables as per contra
3) Deposits and other accounts 8) Acceptances, endorsements and other
obligations as per contra
4) Borrowing from other banks 9) Fixed Assets
5) Bills for collection being bills
6) Acceptances, endorsements and other
obligations as per contra

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0 asset iability Manageent is the ongoing
process of formulating, implementing,
monitoring and revising strategies related to
assets and liabilities in an attempt to achieve
financial objectives for a given set of risk
tolerances and constraints.
0 ALM is the èst Step in the long term strategic
planning process. Ôherefore, it can be considered
as a planning function for an intermediate term.
ALM focuses on following 4 challenges:
è) Understanding the risk that a bank is exposed to due to
the composition of its assets and liabilities.
2) Forecast the future composition of the bank͛s balance
sheet and its risk exposure.
3) Determine and attribute interest-related profits to
individual assets and liabilities, business units or
activities through Funds Ôransfer Pricing.
4) Forecast capital requirements and manage the balance
sheet in a way to maximize shareholder value.

 | è) Ôotal liq͛ty Position
2) Current liq͛ty Position
tep 1:
3) Ratio of NPA to ÔA
Ôhe bank/financial statements and
4) Ratio of loans to
internal management reports
should be reviewed to assess the
5) Ratio of short term
asset/liability mix.
demand deposits to
total deposits
tep 2: è) Review of int. mgmt
It is to be determined that whether reports
bank management adequately 2) Assessing the bank͛s
assesses and plans its liquidity needs ability to meet liquidity
and whether the bank has short-term needs
sources of funds.

tep 3:
Ôhe banks future development and
expansion plans, with focus on
funding and liquidity management
aspects has to be looked into.

tep 4:
½xamining the bank͛s internal
audit report in regards to quality
and effectiveness in terms of
liquidity management.

tep 5:
Reviewing the bank͛s plans of
satisfying unanticipated liquidity

tep 6:
Preparing an Asset/Liability
Management Internal Control


1) iquidity Manageent:
0è) An Management
organisation has sufficient liquidity when it
2) can obtain
Asset sufficient funds either by increasing
liabilities or by converting assets promptly & at a
3) reasonable
Liability Management
0 Liquidity is essential in all org. to compensate for
expected & unexpected balance sheet
fluctuations and to provide funds for growth.
0 Sound liquidity risk mgmt. should address both
internal and external factors.


2) asset Manageent:
0 Liquid Assets enable a bank to provide funds
to satisfy increased demand for loans.
0 Ôhe importance of asset management is to
determine how saleable the banks assets are
in terms of both time & cost.
0 Ôo maximize profitability, management must
carefully weigh the full return on liquid assets
against the higher return associated with less
liquid assets.


3) iability Manageent:
0 Liability needs can be met through the
discretionary acquisition of funds on the basis
of interest rate competition.
0 Marginal cost of liquidity & the cost of
incremental funds acquired are of paramount
importance in evaluating liability sources of

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