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dr. Mira, SpKFR
Ilmu Kedokteran Fisik dan

Blok 9 Dewasa dan Masa Tua

Aktivitas Fisik
Aktivitas Fisik (Physical Activity)
 Any bodily movement produced by the

contraction of skeletal muscles that results in

a substantial increase in caloric requirements
over resting energy expenditure.

Resting Energy Expenditure (REE)

 Amount of calories required for a 24-hour

period by the body during a non-active

 Exercise: a type of physical activity
consisting of planned, structured and
repetitive bodily movement done to
improve and/or maintain one or more
components of physical fitness.

 Physical fitness: components that relates

to ability to perform physical activity.
METs (Metabolic Equivalents)

 An useful, convenient, and standarized

way to describe the absolute intensity of a
variety of physical activities.

 <3 METs : light physical activity

 3- <6 METs: moderate
 ≥6 METs : vigorous
 Nilai METs (derajat aktivitas yang dapat
dilakukan), dapat diperoleh melalui nilai
Volume Oksigen maksimal (VO2 maks).

 Nilai VO2 maks : American Thoracic

Society (ATS)  Uji jalan enam menit
(6MWT)  uji latih submaksimal.
 Berjalan  salah satu aktivitas yang
menggambarkan keadaan kesehatan
seseorang menurut World Health
Organization (WHO) pada International
Classification of Functioning (ICF).

 Jarak tempuh selama 6MWT  dimasukkan

ke Rumus Nury (Rumus VO2 maks) 
hasilnya dibagi dengan konstanta 3,5 
hasil sebagai METs.
2011  lengkap

 Seksualitas pada dewasa dan geriatri

dipengaruhi oleh METs  mild –
moderate physical activity (3-4 METs for
short duration)
 Bila METs tidak tercapai  sexual
counseling  sexual therapy
 Faktor-faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi
fungsi seksual:
1. Disabilitas kardiopulmonal, misal: acute
myocard infarction, percutaneous
coronary intervention, coronary artery
bypass graft, COPD
2. Age, medication, and cardiovascular
risk factors: diabetes, hypertension,
dyslipidemia, smoking
 Geriatry is a branch of medicine that
focuses on premature aging and the
management of illnesses related to

 The process of senility will decrease the

function of organ systems such as sensoric
system, central nervous system, digestive,
cardiovascular and respiratory system.
 Elderly  healthy

 Geriatry  unhealthy

1. Immobility = tanpa aktifitas

2. Instability = instabilitas dan jatuh
3. Incontinence = inkontinensia
4. Intellectual Impairment = gangguan
5. Infection = infeksi
6. Impairment of vision and hearing = gangguan
penglihatan dan pendengaran
7. Irritable colon = usus besar teriritasi
8. Isolation = depresi
9. Inanition = malnutrisi
10. Impecunity = kemiskinan
11. Iatrogenesis = akibat perlakuan
12. Insomnia = gangguan tidur
13. Immune Deficiency = menurunnya
14. Impotence = impotensi
Benefits of regular physical activity and/or exercise

 Improvement in cardiovascular and respiratory function

 Reduction in cardiovascular disease risk factors
 Decreased morbidity and mortality
 Decreased anxiety and depression
 Improved cognitive function
 Enhanced physical function and independent living in older
 Enhanced feelings of well-being
 Enhanced performance of work, recreational and sport activities
 Reduced risk of falls and injuries from falls in older individuals
 Prevention or mitigation of functional limitation in older adults
 Effective therapy for many chronic diseases in older adults.
Risk associated with physical activity

 Musculoskeletal injury
 Pencegahan:

1. Adanya supervisi/caregiver
2. Lakukan asesmen geriatri secara
komprehensif  utk mengetahui
kebutuhan pasien dengan tepat.
Asemen geriatri:
 Pemeriksaan fisik (status kesehatan, fungsi

pendengaran dan penglihatan, fungsi

ekstremitas atas dan bawah, inkontinensia,
status nutrisi)
 Status mental (demensia, depresi, delirium)

 Status fungsional (ADL: Barthel Index)

 Status sosial (evaluasi lingkungan rumah

dan dukungan sosial)

 Evaluasi Psikomotor
 MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination)
Pedoman Aktivitas pada
 Pilih aktivitas yang sederhana dan sudah
dikenal, mis hobi atau pekerjaan sebelumnya.
 Sesuaikan dengan kemampuan dan
pengetahuan serta sejalan dengan tingkat
pemahaman dan kewaspadaan geriatric.
 Lakukan aktivitas yang berulang, memicu
stimulasi kognisi dan sensori.
 Pastikan aktivitas bebas dari bahaya
 Beri kesempatan pada keluarga atau
caregiver ikut dalam kegiatan.

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