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Vina Erni Pratiwi
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya
E-mail: vinaernipratiwi@gmail.com
There is still a lack of interest in learning
especially mathematics students, one of the
reasons is the method used by the teacher is still
conventional and students work individually, so
students who are less able to understand the
concept of the problem correctly. how to improve
grade-level learning outcomes with models
proposing questions to class IX-A students of
Muhammadiyah Middle School 10 Surabaya by
using the Classroom Action Research design, in a
qualitative approach research was able to make
student learning outcomes increase.
Motivation And Problem Statement
Based on observations through interviews with mathematics subjects in class IX -
A at Muhammadiyah Middle School 10 Surabaya and the experience of
researchers that mastery of students in mathematics subject matter is still
relatively low, one of them is in material with number numbers. Students are still
difficult to understand the concept of numbered numbers so students cannot work
on the questions correctly and correctly.
In addition, students are also still having a hard
time working on questions that are slightly
different from the example questions given by the
teacher. this is because the learning process is still
conventional and students work individually. The
activities of students after being explained working
on the questions in the textbook, with conventional
learning proved to be less effective. Reflecting on
the learning process that has been done, the writer
tries other alternative solutions in the learning
process, namely the need for an active learning
strategy for students with a meaningful and
enjoyable learning approach.
This study uses the Classroom Action Research
(CAR) design, the approach used in this study is a
qualitative approach, namely research whose data
without using statistical techniques. The research
subjects were students of class IX - A, while the
study sites were at Muhammadiyah 10 Middle
School in Surabaya. This classroom action research
was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of
planning, action, observation and reflection. The
research stage is carried out as follows:
• Planning Phase
• Implementation Phase
• Observation Phase
• Reflection Stage
Riedesel, Schwarzt, and Clements (in Suryadi) in activities that
are problematic, children have the opportunity to develop their
ability to identify the facts given and problems that can arise
from these facts. Submitting questions based on the available
situation and solving the problem involves three basic skills,
namely listening, dialogue and action (Huda: 2013).
This research was conducted in two cycles. The research also
collaborated with teachers who taught the field of mathematics
studies. The results of the study can be interpreted as follows:
students are invited to discuss competencies with indicators
identifying the properties of operations in rounded numbers and
the second meeting converts negative numbers into positive
numbers and vice versa. The teacher explains classically, the
activity of asking questions in groups is done after the teacher
gives an example, so students in heterogeneous groups make
questions and solve them based on the group's understanding of
the material presented by the teacher on the prepared
The first step students make questions and answer individually then
discussed in groups, and then present the results of their group work. As
long as students carry out learning activities, researchers and collaborators
provide assistance to students with the intention if there are groups who
experience difficulties can be helped as needed. After the learning process
at the meeting the two students were given a questionnaire and written
test, and at the end the researcher and collaborators analyzed the data
obtained during the implementation.
From the observations made by teachers and
collaborators during the learning process,
things can be noted as follows: there are still
many students who are confused, do not
understand how to compile the questions,
arranged questions almost entirely like the
examples given by the teacher are only
different numbers. Only a few groups can
work together, and help each other between
group members.
Teachers in mentoring are still not evenly distributed to all groups so
there are still groups that seem to have difficulty understanding the task
in question. Students seem to have difficulty in arranging questions
because they are done individually first, this is because not all students
are accustomed and able to make their own questions. Class as this
research is a heterogeneous class, so that the ability of students is not
the same when students arrange questions where clever students can
arrange questions faster than their friends, and make key answers and
arrange the next question.
The activity in cycle 2, based on the results of
reflection cycle 1, then in cycle 2, the first
step students make questions and answer in
pairs then discussed in groups, and the group
results are exchanged with other groups to
work on and if the other groups cannot work
then the group the question maker must
explain, including guiding and then checking
the correctness of the results. Then present the
results of their group work.
From the observations made by the teacher and collaborator during the
learning process, things can be noted as follows: in cycle 2 students
have appeared to be more active in preparing questions because they
are done in pairs, this can be seen from the seriousness of students in
compiling and answering questions and more varied questions.
In the second cycle, there were more
interactions between students not only in
groups but also with other groups, many
positive changes were obtained, namely
students felt confident in proposing the
problem model that they made both with their
partners and with groups. By exchanging
cross questions between groups, there appears
to be interaction between students, and
competition so that when making questions
there are difficult questions and the other
people cannot answer them.
He feels proud if this happens, as well as when the
teacher asks him to explain the matter to a friend who
will answer. Likewise, vice versa, if those who
answer questions can easily solve questions made by
other groups. So students always try to be more
active, think carefully and systematically. When
students compose questions in pairs or groups
interaction between students occurs, here two
students complement each other to get the right
questions. Likewise when answering questions,
interactions occur in addition to between students in
one group as well as between groups.
Based on the results of the research and
discussion carried out by the researcher, it
can be concluded: the approach of asking
questions in mathematics learning can
improve students 'learning outcomes and
train students' critical thinking methods
which are more systematic especially in
numerical competence. Learning with
models asking questions should be done in
groups, which are carried out in pairs before
working in groups.
Improving student learning outcomes is
evidenced by the increase in the acquisition
of the average daily test scores.
Future Work

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