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Dr Ramaiah Choudhary
MPT Ortho
Electrotherapy generally includes various forms of
therapeutic applications using electricity as the
primary source of energy.
Electrotherapy is a non-surgical treatment approach
characterized by the treatment of various diseases
and disorders with the help of electricity or electrical
 Frequency is the number of occurrence of any
event per unit time.
 In electrotherapy, we use the currents whose
impulses commence and cease at regular interval.
 The number of times these impulses comes
in a particular unit time (second) is
regarded as frequency.
 Usually it is expressed in cycles per second or
hertz, kilohertz, megahertz, etc.
• Low frequency current :Low frequency currents
are therapeutically used currents whose frequency is
in the range of 0 to 100 cycles/second.
• The primary use of low frequency current is the
stimulation of nerve and muscle.
• Various current in this category which are used for
the physiotherapeutic treatments are:
direct current,
interrupted direct current,
sinusoidal current,
diadynamic current,
high voltage pulsed galvanic current,
micro amperage electrical nerve stimulation,
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, etc.
Medium frequency current:
• Medium frequency currents are therapeutically
used currents whose frequency is in the range of
1000 to 10,000 cycles /seconds.
• They are basically used to stimulate deeply
situated muscles and nerves since it’s difficult
to stimulate these muscles and nerves by low
frequency currents
• Clinically they are used for :
muscle re-education,
to retard the rate of muscle atrophy,
drainage of edema and
for pain relief.
Various currents in this category, which are used for
physiotherapeutic purpose, are
 Russian current,
 Interferential current, etc.
High frequency current:
• High frequency currents are therapeutically
used currents whose frequency is > 10,000
• High frequency currents are used for their
ability to produce the deep heat inside the
• Various electrotherapeutic modalities, which
work on this type of currents, are:
short wave diathermy,
long wave diathermy,
therapeutic ultrasound, and
microwave diathermy.
Phototherapy :
• Phototherapy refers to the treatment of various
diseases and disorders with the help of light.
• The primary effect of these phototherapeutic
modalities is pain relief by heat and
acceleration of healing through elevation of
temperature, counterirritation and
photochemical effects.
Various modalities such as:
Infrared rays,
ultraviolet rays and
laser comes under this category.
Electrodiagnosis :
• Electrical currents can also be used for the diagnostic
• Electrodiagnosis means the detection of the diseases
and disorders by the use of electrotherapeutic currents
or electromyography.
• We can use currents like interrupted direct current and
perform various electrodiagnostic tests such as
Strength duration curve,
galvanic tetanic ratio,
nerve conduction test,
nerve distribution test,
faradic galvanic test, etc.
Electromyography: It is the study of electrical
activity of the muscle by means of surface
electrodes placed over the skin or needle electrodes
inserted in the muscle itself.
• By electromyography we can study motor unit
potential, motor nerve conduction velocity, sensory
nerve conduction velocity, etc.
Biofeedback :
• Biofeedback is the process of furnishing the
information to an individual about the body
function so as to get some voluntary control over it.
• Some biofeedback devices are related to
electrotherapy and hence, they can be included
under electrotherapy for example EMG
Therapeutic currents can be classified on the basis of
direction, frequency, voltage, amperage and
biophysical effects in different ways.
On the basis of direction:
On the basis of the direction of the flow, therapeutic
currents can be classified as:
Unidirectional currents and
Alternating currents.
Unidirectional currents are those that flow in one
direction only for example- direct current and
interrupted direct current.
Alternating currents flow in both the directions. Examples
of this type of currents are -sinusoidal current and
interferential currents.
On the basis of frequency:
On the basis of the frequency therapeutic currents can
be classified as:
 Low frequency,
Medium frequency and
 High frequency currents.
Examples and more about these currents are
mentioned earlier.
On the basis of voltage :
On this basis, therapeutic currents are classified as:
low voltage and
high voltage currents.
Low voltage currents: are with a voltage of < 100
volts for example low frequency currents.
High voltage currents: are of several hundred volts
for example high frequency currents.
On the basis of amperage :
On the basis of amperage the currents are divided into
types such as :
low amperage and
high amperage currents.
Low amperage currents : These area those currents
whose amperage ranges from 1 to 30 milliampears and
are same as that of low voltage currents.
High amperage currents: have amperage from 500 to
2000 milliampears and are usually of high tension.
On the basis of biophysical effects :
On this basis currents can be divided into two types such
as :
currents causing ionic changes and
currents causing thermal changes.
•----The end----

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