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 The students will be able to conduct a
communication and give instructions to
the client in relation with the body
temperature measurement
Types of
 Electronic/digital:
 It is widely used, handheld, battery-operated or plug-in units that
have easy-to-read electronic display screen to indicate results.
 Tympanic (aural):
 It is inserted into the ear.
 Temporal artery:
 It measures the temperature of the skin surface over the temporal
artery (a major blood vessel in the head). The thermometer has a
probe that contains a sensor. When the TA thermometer is slid
straight across the forehead (midline forehead), the infrared heat
from the artery is picked up by the sensor.
 Mercury thermometer
 It contains mercury which will expand responding to the heat.
Locations for measurement

 Armpit (axillary)
 Mouth (oral)
 Anus (rectal)
 Ear (tympanic)
 Temporal artery (in the head)
• To convert °F to °C
– Subtract 32 from F temperature, then multiply
by 5/9.
– Example: 97 ºC – 32 = 65 x 5/9 = 36.1 ºC

• To convert °C to °F
– Multiply C temperature by 9/5, then add 32.
– Example: 36.1 ºC x 9/5 = 65 + 32 = 97 ºF
• The normal body
temperature of a
person varies
depending on:
1. Recent activity
2. Food and fluid
3. Time of day
4. Menstrual cycle.
Rectal Temperature

• Rectally
temperatures taken
rectally (using a
mercury or digital
thermometer) tend to
be 0.5 to 0.7°
(Fahrenheit) higher
than when taken by
Oral temperature

• Oral temperature
can be taken by
mouth using
classic glass
mercury-filled or
Axillary temperature

 can be taken
under the arm.
 Temperatures
taken by this
route tend to be
0.3 to 0.4°
(Fahrenheit) lower
than those
taken by mouth.
• By ear, a special
thermometer can
quickly measure the
temperature of the
ear drum, which
reflects the body's
core temperature.

• Hypothermia is
defined as a drop in
body temperature
below 95° F.
Instrument and Supplies
• Thermometer
• 3 bottles:
– Containing soapy water
– Containing disinfectant
– Containing clean water
• Kidney dish (basin)
• Tissue paper
• Jelly
• Hand gloves
• Temperature measurement note
 Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien
 Cuci tangan
 Gunakan sarung tangan
 Tempatkan pasien pada posisi yg nyaman
 Turunkan suhu termometer dibawah anatara 340C –
 Letakkan termometer dibawah lidah sejajar dengan gusi
 Tahan termometer selama 3 – 5 menit
 Ambil termometer dan baca hasilnya
 Catat hasil
 Bersihkan termometer dengan tissue
 Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, sterilkan, bilas
dengan air bersih dan keringkan.
 Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan
Oral temperature measurement
1. Explain the procedure to the client
2. Wash hands
3. Wear hand gloves
4. Place the client in comfortable position
5. Locate the location under the tongue
6. Decrease the thermometer between 34 – 35 degree C
7. Put the T under the tongue parallel with the gum / AT
8. Wait until 5-10 min
9. Take the T and read the result
10. Record / document the result
11. Clean and wash the T with soapy water and
disinfectant. Rinse with water and dry it.
12. Wash hands after the procedure is done.
 Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien
 Cuci tangan
 Gunakan sarung tangan
 Tempatkan pasien pada posisi yg nyaman
 Temukan letak aksila (Ketiak) dan bersihkan daerah aksila dengan
menggunakan tissue
 Turunkan suhu termometer dibawah antara 340C – 350C.
 Letakkan termometer pada daerah aksila dan lengan pasien fleksi
diatas dada (mendekap dada)
 Setelah 3 – 5 menit, ambil termometer dan baca hasilnya
 Catat hasil
 Bersihkan termometer dengan tissue
 Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, disinfektan, bilas dengan air
bersih dan keringkan.
 Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan
Axillary temperature measurement
1. Explain the procedure to the client
2. Wash hands
3. Wear hand gloves
4. Place the client in comfortable position
5. Locate the axilla and wash it with tissue
6. Lower / decrease the temperature of the thermometer
between 34 - 35 degree C
7. Wipe the axilla dry
8. Put the T in the axilla. Flex the patient’s arm on the
9. Remove the T and read the result after waiting for 3 –
5 minutes
10. Record the result
11. Clean the T with tissue
12. Clean and wash the T with soapy water and
disinfectant. Rinse with water and dry it.
13. Wash hands after the procedure is done.
1. Jelaskan prosedur kepada klien REKTAL
2. Cuci tangan
3. Gunakan sarung tangan
4. Tempatkan pasien pada posisi miring
5. Pakaian diturunkan sampai dibawah glutea (di bawah pantat)
6. Temukan letak anus, lalu oleskan vaseline
7. Turunkan suhu termometer antara 340C – 350C.
8. Letakkan telapak tangan pada sisi glutea pasien, masukkan
termometer ke dalam anus dengan perlahan-lahan, jangan sampai
berubah posisi
9. Ukur suhu
10.Setelah 3 – 5 menit, ambil termometer dan baca hasilnya
11. Catat hasil
11 Bersihkan termometer dengan tissue
12. Cuci termometer dengan air sabun, disinfektan, bilas dengan air
bersih dan keringkan.
13. Cuci tangan setelah prosedur dilakukan
Rectal temperature measurement
1. Explain the procedure to the client
2. Wash hands
3. Wear hand gloves
4. Place the client in side-lying / lateral position
5. Lower down the underwear to expose the anus / rectum
6. Locate the rectum and apply vaseline
7. Lower / decrease the temperature of the thermometer between 34 -
35 degree C
8. Put the palm of hand around the anus, and insert the T into the
rectum slowly. hold the position and measure the temperature
9. Remove the T and read the result after waiting until 3-4 minutes
10. Record the result
11. Clean the T with tissue
12. Clean and wash the T with soapy water and disinfectant. Rinse with
water and dry it.
13. Wash hands after the procedure is done.
Preparing the mercury glass thermometer

 Hold the color-coded  Read the mercury

end of thermometer level while holding it
with fingertips. at eye level.
 If the thermometer is  If the mercury is
stored in disinfectant above the desired
solution, rinse it in level, shake it down
cold water before until the reading is at
being used. proper level (below
 Take soft tissue and 35.5° C (96 ° F)).
wipe the thermometer  It is now ready to be
bulb end. used.
Procedure of taking the body temperature using a mercury glass

 Wash hands.  Hold it in the place for 5 –

 Draw curtain around the 10 minutes.
client’s bed and/or close the  Remove it and wipe off any
room door. secretions with tissue.
 Position the client lying  Read it at eye level.
supine or sitting.  Inform the temperature
 Move clothing or gown reading to the client.
away from he client’s  Wash the thermometer.
shoulder and arm. Rinse it in cool water, dry
 Prepare the thermometer. and put it in the storage
 Insert it into the center of container.
axilla, lower the client’s arm  Assist the client in replacing
over the thermometer, and his/her clothing or gown.
place the arm across he  Wash hands.
client’s chest.

 to take your (body) temperature

 to count your pulse and
I NEED respiration
 to measure your body weight
 to measure your height

Please, weigh yourself on that scale.
 I need (want) to take (measure) your body
 Open your mouth, please.
 We should wait for a couple (of) minutes.
 Hold it.
 Don’t bite it.
 Don’t break it.
 Excuse me, I want to take the thermometer.
 Your body temperature is 37o C. It is normal.
 Your body temperature is 39o C. It is abnormal.

(Body) temperature ?
Blood pressure ?
What is my Pulse ?
Height ?
Weight ?
- How much do I weigh?
- How tall am I?
- Is it normal?
It is 37° C.
You are running a temperature (higher
than normal).
You have a temperature (the temperature
is higher than normal because of an
You weigh 56 kilos.
You are 176 cm height.
It is over the normal limit
It is within the normal limit.
1. Silahkan berdiri di atas timbangan itu.
2. Saya perlu tahu berapa berat badan anda.
3. Saya sedang menghitung denyut nadi anda.
4. Berapa berat badan saya?
5. Badan anda panas.
6. Tekanan darah anda 110/80.
7. Tekanan darah anda sedikit di atas batas normal.
8. Suhu tubuh anda di atas normal.
9. Apakah berat badan saya normal?
10. Berat badan anda 60 kilo.
11. Berapa tinggi badan saya?
12. Saya harus mengukur tinggi badan anda.
13. Berapa suhu tubuh Tuan Clark dalam Fahrenheit?
for your attention

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