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Prepared By:
Shaier Khan
Sr. Nursing Instructor
Definitions & Introduction
 Assertiveness is the skill of standing up for yourself and
getting exactly what you want.
 It is the art of confident, clear, honest and direct
communication, while at all times retaining respect for
other people (Dainow & Bailey, 1988; Dickson, 1982).
 Assertiveness is non-aggressive, non-defensive and non-
manipulative & it does not interfere with other people’s
freedom to take an assertive stance.
 To be assertive is not always to get your own way, at
times though being assertive, we may compromise on
some issue without compromising our own self worth
(Lindenfield, 1986).

 The involved parties should feel acknowledged & not

feel being ‘put down’ or humiliated.
 If they feel humiliated, it is likely that the encounter will
have been handled aggressively rather than assertively.
Assertiveness Myths

 It is uncaring to be assertive
 If someone says ‘no’ to my request, they
don’t like or love me
 I shouldn’t have to say what I need – people
close to me should know
Advantages & Disadvantages
 Advantages
Assertiveness is viewed as:
 A valued behavior within nursing, resulting in positive
outcomes such as the enhancement of leadership skills
(Milstead, 1996)
 An increase in job satisfaction (Creech & Boyle, 1985)
 An avoidance of compromising patient care
(Poroch and McIntosh, 1995)
 Alleviation of job stress & anxiety (Bower, 1999)
 The heightening of nurses’ effectiveness in bringing
about change (Benton, 1999)
 A greater insight into the factors that influence the
responding style is necessary
Advantages & Disadvantages
In addition,
 It increases self esteem, can lead to mutual respect,
keeps us from being taken advantage of by other

 Disadvantages
 Can have negative consequences (others don’t like
what you’re saying), causes conflict that has to be
dealt with.
 Also, just because you’re assertive doesn’t mean
you always get what you want.
Why is Assertiveness Important?

If you don’t know how to be assertive,

you might experience the following:
 Depression
This comes from anger turned
It can give you a sense of being
helpless and hopeless, with no
control over your life.
 Resentment
Anger at others for manipulating or taking advantage of
 Frustration
Why did I let someone victimize me?
 Temper/Violence
If you can’t express anger appropriately, it builds up
until it blows.
 Anxiety
Which leads to avoidance. If you begin to avoid situations or
people that you know will make you uncomfortable, you may
miss out on fun activities, job opportunities etc.
 Poor relationships of all kinds
Non-assertive people are often unable to express emotions,
positive or negative. This results in poor relationships with
people around them.
 Physical complaints
Headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure. We all know what
stress does to our bodies.
 Assertiveness, when it becomes a habit, is a great stress
Assertiveness Rights
 You have the right to state your own needs & set your
own priorities as a person.
 You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for
justifying your behavior.
 You have the right to decline responsibility for other
people’s problems.
 You have the right to change your mind.
 You have the right to make mistakes.
 You have the right to say’ I don’t know’.
Assertiveness Rights Cont…
 You have the right to deal with others without being
depending on them for approval.
 You have the right to be illogical in making decisions.
 You have the right to say ‘I don’t understand’.
 You have the right to ask for what you want.
 You have the right to express your feelings, opinions
and values.
 You have the right to be treated with respect as an
intelligent, capable and equal human being.
(From Kagan, Evans & Kay, 1986, adapted from Smith, 1975)
Assertiveness Rights Cont…
This is to remember that;
 One person’s rights are never at the expense of
 What a person does should always be based on
his/her assessment & s/he should not be judged
by others.
‘Rights and responsibilities go side by side, so
always clarify the responsibilities that go along
with assertive rights.
Components of Assertiveness Skill
Three components;
1) To be able to decide what it is you want or feel, and
say so specifically & directly.
2) To stick to your statement, repeating it, if
necessary, over and over again.
3) To deflect assertively any responses from the other
person which might determine your assertive
Different Behavior Types & Their
Helpful Hints in Applying
The Assertion Model
 Focus on the common goal: quality care, the welfare of
the patient, safety–it’s hard to disagree with safe, high
quality care.
 Avoid the issue of who’s right & who’s wrong. “Patient
Centered Care–concentrate on doing the right thing”.
 De-personalize the conversation
 Actively avoid being perceived as judgmental
 Be hard on the problem, not the people
Verbal Tactics for achieving
1) Use ‘I’ Statements:
It helps to assume responsibility for our own behavior
& lessen the likelihood that we blame others for what
we do.
2) Change Verbs:
Change ‘cant’ to ‘won’t’ & ‘have to’ to ‘choose to’ it
reminds us that we have choices & can change our
own circumstances if we want to.
3) Self Disclosure:
Say what you feel in order to help you relax & begin
to take charge of yourself. (Vaughan & Pillmoor, 1989)
Non-verbal Tactics for achieving
1) Voice & speech pattern:
A steady, medium volume, accompanied by deep
breaths in a difficult situation helps to be relaxed
and able to be heard clearly.
2) Calm facial expression:
Relaxed eye contact and relaxed body language
helps to convey sincerity and be taken seriously.
(Vaughan & Pillmoor, 1989)
Techniques for Difficult Situations
• Broken record
– Keep repeating what you said in a low, pleasant voice.
• Fogging
– Way to deflect negative criticism & avoid a fight, agree
with part of the statement but retain your right to
chose your behavior and continue to support your
• Defusing
– If someone is very angry, you let them cool down
before you talk about the issue
Techniques for Difficult Situations
• Content to Process Shift
– Stop talking about the problem, and bring up what the
person is acting like right now
• Assertive inquiry/stop action
– Similar to above, say wait a minute (stop the action)
and then ask, Mr. X what is the real problem here?
• Summarization
– Summarizing what has been said. This helps to make
sure you’re understanding the other person.
Negotiation & Compromise

 Assertiveness often requires some negotiation in order

to reach a compromise that is acceptable to both parties.

 Assertiveness requires exploration of the alternatives

with the responsibility to ensure the most progressive
compromise possible is achieved (Drucker, 1980).

Non-assertiveness may either involve;

 Manipulation or aggression in order to get own
way. OR
 Passivity in giving in and letting others to get
their own way.
Assertiveness: Expected in

 Helps nurse advocate for the patient

 Promotes honest, open communication and
 Considers others’ feelings and needs
 Benefits nurse, patient, and staff

1. Kagan C & Evans J. Professional interpersonal skills
for nurses; 2001. Nelson Thornes Ltd: Cheltnham; UK.

2. Marquis BL & Huston CJ. (2009). Leadership roles and

management functions in nursing: Theory and
application (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams,
and Wilkins.

3. McCartan PJ, Hargie OD. Assertiveness and caring: are

they compatible? J Clin Nurs. 2004;13(6):707-13.

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