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Health Analyst
Hema=darah, logos=ilmu
 Ilmu Tentang Darah
 Yang dipelajari : Komponen, Struktur, Fungsi, Kelainan

Blood is a Liquid Connective Tissue that constitutes

the transport medium of the circulatory system.

The Two main functions of blood are :

1. to transport nutrients and oxygen to the cells
2. and carry carbon dioxide and waste materials
away from the cells.
 Blood is the fluid that circulates through the heart, arteries,
capillaries, and veins, carrying nutrient and oxygen to the body

 It consists of the plasma, a pale yellow liquid containing the

microscopically visible formed elements of the blood: the
erythrocytes ; the leukocytes, and the platelets, or

 Its amount in a normal adult is ~ 5 L (~ 7% of body volume or

8.5-9.0% of body mass)
Rata-rata jumlah darah orang dewasa sekitar 5 liter
(7%-8% dari BB)
Blood consists of : Formed elements
and Plasma.
Formed elements
• Make up 45% of the total volume of whole
• Contains red blood cells, white blood cells,
and platelets.
• Makes up 55% of the total volume of whole
• Contains a variety of inorganic and organic
molecules suspended in water.
Blood components
Komponen darah
Plasma darah :
92% air, protein, garam anorganik
(NaCl), dan senyawa organik lain.
Plasma berfungsi untuk mengatur
tekanan osmosis darah, membawa
zat makanan, hasil sekresi, sisa
metabolisme, dan beberapa gas.

Sel-sel darah :
1. Sel darah merah (eritrosit),
2. Sel darah putih (leukosit),
3. Keping darah (trombosit).
Blood Functions
1. Blood is the primary transport medium.
a. Delivers O2 from the lungs and
b. Delivers nutrients from the digestive tract to the tissues.
c. Transports CO2 and wastes away from the tissues.
d. Transports hormones.
2. Blood defends the body against invasion by pathogens.
3. Blood has regulatory functions.
a. Regulates body temperature by picking up heat and transporting it about the
b. Plays a role in maintaining water-salt balance.
c. Regulates body Ph-buffers.
1. Transports :
a. Dissolved gases (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide)
b. Waste products of metabolism (e.g. water,
urea); Hormones; Enzymes; Nutrients (such as
glucose, amino acids, micro-nutrients (vitamins
& minerals), fatty acids, glycerol); Plasma
proteins (associated with defence, such as
blood-clotting and anti-bodies); Blood cells
(incl. white blood cells 'leucocytes', and red
blood cells 'erythrocytes').
Alat Transportasi
Sirkulasi O2 dan CO2
Sirkulasi O2 dan CO2
2. Maintains Body Temperature

3. Controls pH (The pH of blood must remain in the range

6.8 to 7.4, otherwise it begins to damage cells

4. Removes toxins from the body (The kidneys filter all of the
blood in the body (approx. 8 pints), 36 times every 24 hours.
Toxins removed from the blood by the kidneys leave the body in
the urine. (Toxins also leave the body in the form of sweat.)

5. Regulation of Body Fluid Electrolytes (Excess salt is

removed from the body in urine, which may contain around
10g salt per day (such as in the cases of people on western
diets containing more salt than the body requires).

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