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 Creativity – the ability to develop new ideas

and to discover new ways of looking at

problems and opportunities.
 Innovation – the ability to apply creative
solutions to problems or opportunities to
enhance or to enrich people’s lives.

By overcoming paradigms and by suspending

conventional thinking long enough to consider new
and different alternatives!
 Enables entrepreneurs to differentiate their
businesses from competitors
 Is the basis for invention
 Is a critical skill for recognizing or creating
opportunity in a dynamic environment

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 Ideafile or notebook
 Network
 Read voraciously
 Think in opposites
 Look for new uses for old things
 Searching for the one “right”
 Focusing on “being logical”
 Blindly following the rules
 Constantly being practical
 Viewing play as a waste of time
 Becoming overly specialized
 Avoiding ambiguity
 Fearing looking foolish
 Fearing mistakes and failure
 Believing that “I’m not creative”
 Allow yourself to be creative
 Give your mind fresh input every day
 Keep a journal handy to record your thoughts
and ideas
 Read books on stimulating creativity
 Take some time off
 Play games
1. Prepare for innovation
 Minimize distractions
 Devote time daily to quiet contemplation
 Spend time in the places that best promote
your creative thinking
 Develop a creative company culture

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2. Start with the familiar
3. Identify a problem and solve it
4. Use your personal network
5. Make time for creativity and innovation
6. Return to your childhood
7. Think in opposites
Menurut Statistik di Canada (th 2000)
 Inovasi adalah faktor paling penting untuk
kesuksesan perusahaan
 Perusahaan yang inovatif lebih berkembang
pesat dibandingkan yang tidak inovatif
 Perusahaan yang meraih pangsa pasar dan
keuntungannya meningkat adalah yang inovatif

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… dibentuk oleh kemampuan melihat koneksi
(keterhubungan), peluang, dan mengambil
keuntungannya, bisa berupa:
 produk baru hasil terobosan yang radikal
 proses baru eg. Pilkinton float glass process
 penciptaan pasar baru : T Ford, eBay
 cara pelayanan baru : low cost airlines
 jasa baru : online banking, online retail

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