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Integral Calculus

23rd July, 2014

The Concept
d[f(x) ]/dx = F(x)

 d[f(x) ]/dx dx =  F(x)dx

Some general Formulas

 /(n + 1) + c; n  -1
n (n +1)
x dx = x

 1 dx = x + c
 1/x dx = log | x | +c
 e dx = e + c
x x

 a dx = a /(log a) + c
x x

 cf(x) dx = c f(x)dx + c 1
Questions Solutions

x4 x3 x2
  7 5
3 2
(x + 7x - 5x)dx
4 3 2
 (4e - 9e - 3)/(4e ) dx e 2 x 9 x 3 3 x
5x 4x 3x
  e  e
2 4 4

 (a - b ) /(a b ) dx
x x
x x 2 x x a 1 b 1
     2x
 b  log( a / b)  a  log( b / a)
Some formulas for Integration

Method of Substitution • Integration by

 f(x)dx =  f[g(t) ] g' (t)dt
(ax + b) (n +1)
 (ax + b) dx = a(n + 1) + c

1 -
 f(ax + b)dx  a F (ax  b)  c
(n +1)

f(x) f' (x) dx = +c
(n + 1)

 (f' (x))/(f(x) ) dx = log | f(x) | +c

Some Problems
• Questions • Answers

 1
  1  x  log x  dx 
2 x  log x 

 x 3

 e x  2x  2
x 2

 e log x 

Method of Partial Fraction

– Method of Calculation

– Method of Calculation

• Method of Calculation

1 1
 log( y  2)  log( y  1)
3 3
where y  logx
Integral form Integration

is even function
0, otherwise
Questions Solutions

  
 2n 2  1 2n1  1
  
 n  2 n  1 

Area under a curve
• Find the area under the curve
between x=0 and x=6
Ans 36
Total Revenue function and demand
function from Marginal Revenue
• The marginal revenue MR is the derivative of
the revenue function R. Therefore to find R we
integrate the marginal revenue function
k is the constant of
integration to be determined by using the fact
R=0 when x=0
• Once R is obtained, the corresponding
demand function can be obtained by using
the equation
• The marginal revenue function of a firm is
given by 240-4x. Find the total revenue
function and demand function. At what level
of output is total revenue maximum? Find the
maximum total revenue.

• X=60, Rmax=7200
Question Solution
• A company suffers a loss of • -110
Rs 110 if its product is not
sold at all. Marginal revenue
and the Marginal cost
functions for the product is
given by MR=50-4x and
MC=-10+x. Determine the
profit function and the
equilibrium level of output.
Also find the maximum
profit and breakeven point.
Demand and Supply function from
Elasticity of demand
• If x is the number of units demanded at price
p per unit of a certain product then

• Demand function can be obtained by

techniques of integration if elasticity of
demand is known.
Problems on Elasticity of demand
• The elasticity of demand of
a commodity is p/x2 , x2

where x is quantity p  37
demanded. Find the 2
demand function if x=8, p=5
• The elasticity of demand of
a commodity is e=2(x+4)/x
where x denotes quantity
demanded. Find the
demand equation if x=12
and p=6
Consumer’s Surplus
• The intersection of demand and
supply function is the equilibrium
point. Let us assume market is at
equilibrium and price per unit of
product is p0 There are
consumers who would willing to
pay more than p0. The consumers
will be willing to pay more than
p0. The total of their benefits is
called the consumer’s surplus and D(x)
is represented by area between
the line p=p0 and the demand
curve D(x) from x=0 to x=x0 and x0
is market demand. Thus,
Producer’s Surplus
• If x be the commodity. If a free
market economy, sometimes a
producer would be willing to
the commodity x at a price
below market place p0 that the
consumer pays. But suddenly
he sells the product at
prevailing market price p0 and S(x)
thus the producer is
benefitted. The gain is called
producer’s surplus. In other
words difference between
revenue actually produced by
producer and the revenue he
willing to receive is called
producer’s surplus
• Find the consumer’s surplus and producer’s
surplus under pure competition for demand
function p=8/(x+1) -2 and the supply function
p= (x+3)/2 is where p is price and x is
• Producer’s surplus=1/4, Consumer’s
Capital formation Equation
• The rate of capital formation , k is a
function of t. Capital formation
• If the investment function is I=4t1/2, in crores
of rupees per year and the initial stock of
capital is Rs 5000 crores, (i)find the capital
growth equation (ii) the capital formation in 3
years and (iii) the capital formation of the fifth
• (i)
• (ii)
• (iii)

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