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Dr Raudhah Ahmadi
KNS1633 Engineering Mechanics
Civil Engineering, UNIMAS
1.Principle of Linear Impulse and
2.Principle of Linear Impulse and
Momentum for a System of Particles
3.Conservation of Linear Impulse for a
System of Particles

The equation of motion for a particle of mass m can be

written as

∑F = ma = m dv/dt

where a and v are both measured from an inertial frame

of reference.
Rearranging the terms and integrating between the limits
v = v1 at t = t1 and v = v2 at t = t2

 t1 F dt  mv1 dv  t1 F dt  mv2  mv1

t2 v2 t2

 The equation from previous slide referred to as the

principle of linear impulse and momentum.
 It provides a direct means of obtaining the particle’s
final velocity after a specified time period when the
initial velocity is known and the forces acting on the
particle are either constant or can be expressed as a
function of time.
Linear Momentum
 Each of the two vectors of the form L = mv is
referred to as the particle’s linear momentum.
 The linear-momentum vector has the same
direction as v, and its magnitude mv has unit of
mass-velocity, kg.m/s
Linear Impulse

 The integral I  F dt is referred to as the linear
impulse, which is a vector quantity and measure the
effect of a force during the time the force acts.
 The impulse acts in the same direction as the force, and
its magnitude has unit of force-time, N.s
 If force is expressed as a func of time, impulse is
determined by direct evaluation of the integral.
 The magnitude of impulse 𝐼 = ‫ 𝑡׬‬2 𝐹𝑑𝑡 can be
represented by the shaded area under the curve of
force versus time (Fig 15-1)

Principle of Linear Impulse and Momentum

The equation is rewritten in the form

mv1    F dt  mv 2

which state that the initial momentum of the

particle at t1 plus the sum of all the impulses
applied to the particle from t1 to t2 is
equivalent to the final momentum of the
particle at t2

If the magnitude or direction of a force varies with time,

the impulse is

t1 F dt
If the force is constant, the impulse applied to the particle
is Fc(t1 – t2), and it acts in the same direction as Fc
Scalar Equations
Resolving each of the vectors in the equation of principle
of linear impulse and momentum into its x, y, z

m(vx )1  Fx dt  m(vx ) 2

m(v y )1    Fy dt  m(v y ) 2

m(vz )1    Fz dt  m(vz ) 2
The 100-kg stone is originally at rest on the smooth
horizontally surface. If a towing force of 200 N, acting at
an angle of 45°, is applied to the stone for 10 s, determine
the final velocity and the normal force which the surface
exerts on the stone during the time interval.
Free-Body Diagram.
Since all forces acting are constant, the impulses are
simply the product of the force magnitude and 10 s [I =
Fc(t2 – t1)].
Principle of Impulse and Momentum.
Resolving the vectors along the x, y, z axes,

   m(vx )1    Fx dt  m(vx ) 2

  t1

0  200(10) cos 45  (100)v2

v2  14.1m / s
  m(v y )1    Fy dt  m(v y ) 2

0  NC (10)  981(10)  200(10) sin 45  0

NC  840 N

Since no motion occurs in y direction, direct application of

the equilibrium equation ∑Fy = 0 gives the same result for NC
The 250-N crate is acted upon by a force having a variable
magnitude P = (100t) N. Determine the crate’s velocity 2 s
after P has been applied. The initial velocity is v1 = 1 m/s
down the plane, and the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the crate and the plane is μk = 0.3.
Free-Body Diagram.
The impulse created can be determined by integrating P =
100t over the 2-s time interval. The weight, normal force
and frictional force are all constant, so the impulse
created by each of these forces is simply the magnitude of
the force times 2 s.
Principle of Impulse and Momentum.

m(vx )1    Fx dt  m(vx ) 2

250 2 250
(1)   (100t ) dt  0.3N C (2)  250(2) sin 30 

9.81 0 9.81
25.5  200  0.6 N C  250  25.5v2
The equation of equilibrium can be applied in the y

+ NC  250 cos 30  0

NC = 216.5 N v2 = 13.6m/s

The principle of linear impulse and momentum for a

system of particles moving relative to an inertial reference
is obtained from the equation applied to all the particles
in the system

 Fi   mi dt

 The left term represents only the sum of the external

forces acting on the system of particles.
 The internal forces fi acting between particles do not
appear with this summation, since by Newton’s third
law they occur in equal but opposite collinear pairs and
therefore cancel out.
 Multiplying both sides with dt and integrate

 mi vi 1   t1 Fi dt  mi vi 2


 When the sum of the external impulses acting on a

system of particles is zero, the equation is

 mi vi 1   mi vi 2
 This equation is referred to as the conservation of linear
 It states that the total momentum for a system of
particles remains constant during the time period t1 to
t2 .

 The conservation of linear momentum is often applied

when particles collide or interact.
 Study on the FBD for the entire system of particles
should be made in order to identify the forces which
create either external or internal impulses and thereby
determine in what direction(s) linear momentum is
 The internal impulses for the system will always cancel
out, since they occur in equal but opposite collinear

 If the time period over the motion is very short, some

of the external impulses may also be neglected or
considered approximately equal to zero.
 The forces causing these negligible impulses are called
non-impulsive forces.
 Forces that are very large and act for a very short
period of time produce a significant change in
momentum and are called impulsive forces.
The 15-Mg boxcar A is coasting at 1.5 m/s on the
horizontal track when it encounters a 12-Mg tank B
coasting at 0.75 m/s toward it. If the cars meet and
couple together, determine (a) the speed of both cars just
after the coupling, and (b) the average force between
them if the coupling takes place in 0.8 s.
Part (a)
Free-Body Diagram.
We will consider both cars as a single system. By
inspection, momentum is conserved in the x direction
since the coupling force F is internal to the system and
will therefore cancel out. It is assumed both cars, when
coupled, move at v2 in the positive x direction.
Conservation of Linear Momentum.

 )
( m A (v A )1  mB (vB )1  (m A  mB )v2

(15000)(1.5)  (12000)(0.75)  (27000)v2

v2  0.5m / s 
Part (b)
The average (impulsive) coupling force Favg, can be
determined by applying the principle of linear momentum
to either one of the cars.
Free-Body Diagram.
As shown in figure, by isolating the boxcar the coupling
force is external to the car.
Principle of Impulse and Momentum.

 )
( m A (v A )1    F dt  m Av2

(15000)(1.5)  Favg (0.8)  (15000)(0.5)

Favg  18.8kN
An 800-kg rigid pile P is driven into
the ground using a 300-kg hammer
H. The hammer falls from rest at a
height y0 = 0.5 m and strikes the
top of the pile. Determine the
impulse which the hammer imparts
on the pile if the pile is surrounded
entirely by loose sand so that after
striking, the hammer does not
rebound off the pile.
Conservation of Energy.
The velocity at which the hammer strikes the pile can be
determined using the conservation of energy equation
applied to the hammer.

T0  V0  T1  V1
1 1
mH (vH )0  WH y0  mH (vH )12  WH y1
2 2
0  300(9.81)(0.5)  (300)(vH )12  0
(vH )1  3.13m / s
Free-Body Diagram.
 During the short time occurring
just before to just after the
collision, the weight of the
hammer and pile and the
resistance force Fs of the sand are
all non-impulsive.
 The impulsive force R is internal
to the system and therefore
 Consequently, momentum is
conserved in the vertical direction
during this short time.
Conservation of Momentum.
Since the hammer does not rebound off the pile just after
the collision, then (vH)2 = (vP)2 = v2

(  ) mH (vH )1  m p (v p )1  mH v2  m p v2
(300)(3.13)  0  300v2  800v2
v2  0.854m / s
Principle of Impulse and Momentum.
The impulse which the pile imparts to the hammer can
now be determined since v2 is known.

mH (vH )1    Fy dt  mH v2
(  )

(300)(3.13)   R dt  (300)(0.854)

 R dt  683N  s

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