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1. Rizky Nadya Ayu S (06)
2. Syifani Wulan Sari (17)
3. Riski Dia F. (28)
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5. Reno Fandany S.V (50)
Caesarean section (Fault)

It Should Know Today, how to give birth by caesarean section

has been chosen by the mothers for the delivery process.
Indeed, there is a series of clinical indication why caesarean
section is required, but not least wanted without medical
indication at all.

Caesarean section is a lot of advantages, for example, the

process is fast, painless, does not damage the birth canal, and
others so much to choose than a normal delivery. It is probable
that the doctor will also carry out the desires of caesarean
section as long as there are no contraindications.
Gave birth by cesarean meaningful way
discharge babies who are of age (full term) through a
surgical procedure to make an incision in the lower
abdomen, performed on the operating table under the
influence of anesthesia (anesthesia) whether general
or local (spinal). In general anesthesia mother
unconscious, while in the spinal anesthetic numbing
effect only on the abdomen downwards so that the
mother remains conscious during a caesarean section.
How Do Process Caesarean section?

Before surgery, the mother's abdomen will be

cleaned and the mother is ready IV infusion line
or attached to blood vessels in the arm. This
infusion will allow physicians to manage fluid
and difficult to inject.
Then, in order not to hurt, then do anesthesia or anesthesia,
there are several options:

1. Spinal block: anesthetic is injected directly into the sac that

surrounds the spinal cord so numb the lower body including
the stomach, the mother remains conscious.
2. Epidurals: anesthetic is injected into the lower back outside
the spinal sac, this type of anesthesia can be used caesarean
section and vaginal childbirth, the mother remains conscious.
3. General anesthesia: anesthesia which makes the mother
asleep without pain, and is usually reserved for emergency
When it has been ascertained that the drugs had
worked and had gone numb, the doctor will make an
incision just above the pubic hair line. horizontal
incision (transverse) can also be vertical or upright.

After a caesarean procedure an incision in the

skin of the abdomen and the abdominal wall is done,
then the next doctor will make an incision on the
uterus. When the incision is enough, the baby will be
removed from the womb. and congratulations! the
baby was born. Mother could hear her crying (except
for general anesthesia).
First the doctor will help the baby to clean the
nose and mouth of the fluid and clamping and cutting
the cord. Then the baby will be taken by another
officer or maybe a pediatrician to be treated until he
was ready to put on your arm.

Meanwhile, the doctor who performed the

surgery will repair the uterus had been slashed with a
stitch and close the incision in the abdominal wall and
the skin with stitches, too. Caesarean section incision
entire process generally takes about one hour.
When will Caesarean section Necessary?

Now let us see what are the indications of cesarean

section so that the action was necessary or even should
do, none other is not, the goal is to save the mother and
the baby.
1. Labor is not progressing. If the delivery process has not
been completed already stopped otherwise no progress,
then this is the most common indication does caesarean.
Many are led to this, such as the baby's head is too large or
the cervix is ​not open perfectly.
2. Babies Lack of Oxygen (fetal distress). If after
examination it turns out there is a problem with the baby's
heartbeat, which signify that fetal distress, then cesarean
section may be the best option.
3. Not Normal Fetal Position. Caesarean may be
a safe option for having a baby in breech or
transverse position.
4. Fetal twin three, and so on. When
Mother carrying more than one fetus, usually
one or more fetuses are in a position that is
not normal. Therefore, caesarea section is
often safer.
5. Placenta Problems. If the placenta separated from
the uterus before labor begins (placental abruption)
or the placenta covers the opening of the cervix
(placenta previa), then Caesarian be the safest way
to give birth.
6. Problems in the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord
is tucked through the cervix so depressed or the
occurrence of umbilical cord loops.
7. The health problems in the mother. Your doctor may
recommend a cesarean section if the mother has a
medical condition that could make normal deliveries
be dangerous, such as unstable heart disease or high
blood pressure.
8. Health problems in the fetus. Caesarean section is
sometimes safer for babies who have certain
developmental conditions, such as excess fluid in
the brain (hydrocephalus).
9. Previous Fault History. Depending on the type of
uterine incision and other factors, perhaps the
mother could give birth to normal after previous
cesarean delivery. However, in some cases, doctors
recommend a caesarean.
1. The docter who performent caesarean will repair the ...
2. How many selection anestesia call and explain !
3. What first the doctor will help the baby ?
4. What is the impact of a caesarean ?
5. Mentioned three problem when cesarean performed ?
6. What is purpose of an operating fault ?
7. Why cesarean much enthosed the mother’s ?
8. Why in infants who have lack of oxygen shoulth be immeditely
done surgery ?
9. Cesarean section is sometimes safer for babiens who have certain
develop mental conditions ...
10. what does the doctor do after incision in the skin of the abdomen
an the abdominal wall is done ?
11. The spinal anasthetic numbing effect ...
12. If after examination it turns out there is a
problem with ...
13. Ceasarean may be a safe option for ...
14. Gave birth by cesarean meaningful way...
15. What is general anesthesia ?
16. Ceasarean section incision entire process
generally takes about ...
17. When will ceasarean section necessary ?
18. What is Epidurals ?
19. What ceasarean section is a lot of advantages ?
20. What is hydrocephalus ?
True-False statements
1. It Should Know Today, how to give birth by caesarean section has been
chosen by the father for the delivery process.
2. When the incision is enough, the baby will be removed from the womb.
3. Horizontal incision (transverse) can’t also be vertical or upright.
4. It is probable that the doctor will also carry out the desires of caesarean
section as long as there are no contraindications.
5. Caesarean section incision entire process generally takes about five hour.
6. the doctor will make an incision just above the pubic hair line
7. If the placenta separated from the uterus after labor begins or the
placenta covers the opening of the cervix , then Caesarian be the safest
way to give birth.
8. while in the spinal anesthetic numbing effect only on the abdomen
downwards so that the mother remains conscious during a caesarean
9. General anesthesia, anesthesia which makes the mother asleep without
pain, and is usually reserved for emergency situations.
10. This infusion will allow physicians to manage fluid and difficult to inject.
11. others so much to choose than a normal delivery.
12. how to give birth by caesarean section has been chosen by the grandpa for the
delivery process.
13. cesarean meaningful way charge kinds who are of age (full term) through a
surgical procedure.
14. performed on the operating on table the influence of anesthesia (anesthesia)
whether general or local (spinal).
15. This infusion will deny physicians to manage fluid and difficult to inject.
16. Problems in the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is tucked through the cervix
so depressed or the occurrence of umbilical cord loops.
17. Normal Fetal Position. Caesarean may be a safe option for having a baby in
breech or transverse position.
18. Therefore, caesarea section is often safer.
19. Previous Fault History. Depending on the type of uterine incision and other
factors, perhaps the mother could give birth to normal after previous cesarean
delivery. However, in some cases, doctors recommend a caesarean.
20. Meanwhile, the doctor who performed the surgery will repair the uterus had
been slashed with a stitch and close the incision in the abdominal wall and the
skin with stitches, too.
Vocabulary (synonym)
1. Proude

2. Shipment

3. Awere

4. Confinement

5. Rear

6. Subliminal

7. string

8. Reduce

9. Honest

10. round
Vocabulary (antonym)
1. End

2. Low

3. Closing

4. Take

5. Littering

6. Disabled

7. Easy

8. Receive

9. abnormal

10. after

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