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“Training is a set of activities that provide

opportunity to acquire and improve job-
related skills”

• Imparting or increasing specific skills and knowledge.

• Purely job-oriented

• Short-term activity meant for operation.

• Bridging the gap

• New recruits – Anxiety and Discomfort
• Potential promotes
• Employees posted with recent technological advances
• Preventing accidents in workplace
• To reach expected performance standards.
• Old employees may follow outmoded practices
• To meet the challenges posted by competition
• To reduce supervision time, minimize wastage
• To develop healthy attitude to achieve both personal and
common goals.
• Wide range of training methods
• Differs based on level of trainees involvement in learning

ON THE JOB TRAINING – Real work situation

OFF THE JOB TRAINING – Learning environment

away from the work spot
1. Apprenticeship Training:
Learning trade skills
Conceptual knowledge cum Practical experience
2. Job Instruction Training (JIT)
Experienced employees teaches the job to new hire in a
systematic manner.
It involves 4 Steps:
i. Preparation of the learner
ii. Presentation of skill and knowledge
iii. Performance try-out
iv. Follow up
3. Coaching/Under study:
In management cadre
Trainee relieves the head of certain responsibility
Bank and Insurance companies

4. Syndicate method:
Similar to conference method
Divided into 8 to 10 members in group
Trainer presents the background and briefs problems.
5. Brainstorming:
• Idea generation technique
• Nurtures imaginative skills and analytical process

6. Programmed Instruction:
• Subject matter to be learnt is presented in a series of carefully
planned sequential units.
• From simple to complex.
Three parts
1. Presenting new idea
2. Follow by questions
3. Providing feedback
• Trainees cannot proceed to next level till mastering the earlier
7. Job Rotation:
• Movement is Time-Bound
• Enlighten the employee on the independence of various
• Widen the horizon of outlook
• Facilities the cooperation
• Reduces monotony
• Slow learners get confused
8. Special Assignment:
• Trainees are made members of task force
• And they are assigned to diagnose a specific problem,
generate alternatives and recommend best ones.
• It broadens the knowledge horizon of the trainees.
• It gives the training the opportunity to tak epart in decision-
making process and to grow.
9. Internship Training:
• Students perusing a course in a university are provided an
opportunity to have a hands-on experience in real work life.
• They are usually given a problem or project by the enterprise
• The internship enables intern to apply his theortical knowledge
to solve practical problem.
• Internship is the win-win method for both the institutions and
1. Lecture Methods:
Trainees are exposed to concept, theories, basic principles,
pure and applied knowledge.
The main drawback of this method is one-way
This method is useful in giving training to a large number of
trainees and is a less expensive methods.
2. Simulation Training:
• It involves duplication of a organisational situation in a
learning environment.
• In simulation actual characters are given abstract form.
• Instructor or trainee provides a feedback to trainees,
which help them to overcome there weakness.
Various methods under Simulation are:
A. Role Playing:

• This method was introduced by Moreno, psychiatrist

• It is popularly used in training leadership and human

relation skills.

• Participants assumes different role.

• There are no rehearsals, nor any prepared dialogues.

• Participants show how they handle a given situation.

• It hones trainees skills in better understanding of the

situation and better method of troubleshooting.

B. In- Basket Exercise:
• A manager faces a variety of situations everyday.

• Under this method, the trainee is given materials that

include mail and other pressing issues like examining
customer’s feedback, sending urgent report to Head
• And trainee is observed on how he handles different
• Trainee is evaluated in term of quality decision taken by
him and the order of priory given by him to different place
C. Case Study:
• This method presents the trainee with a written
description of organisational problem.
• A case may be structured or Un-Structured form.
• In structured once leading questions will be given.
• In un-structured trainees need to identify the problem
through analysis.
Learning through case involves
i. Identification of problem
ii. Going to its roots
iii. Developing alternative solutions
iv. Evaluating each one of them
v. And arriving at the best one.
D. Management Games:
• It can be played manually or through computers.
• This type of games builds the participants analytical,
diagnostic skills and group interaction skills.
3. Vestibule Training:
• Trainees are given training in a place similar to actual
work environment.
• Experienced worker provides the training
• The premises is within the factory campus.
• The trainee get over the initial nervousness and becomes
well acquainted.
• Normal production are not hampered nor is there any loss
of production due to work spoilage.
• However this is costly method.

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