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Chapter – 3


Chapter Outline
1. Introduction to Transaction Processing
2. Transaction and System Concepts
3. Desirable Properties of Transactions
4. Characterizing Schedules based on Recoverability
5. Characterizing Schedules based on Serializability
6. Transaction Support in SQL

Slide 17- 2
1. Introduction to Transaction Processing

• Single-User System:
• At most one user at a time can use the system.
• Multiuser System:
• Many users can access the system concurrently.
• Concurrency
means allowing more than one transaction to run simultaneously on the same
• Interleaved processing:
• Concurrent execution of processes is interleaved in a single CPU
• Parallel processing:
• Processes are concurrently executed in multiple CPUs.

Slide 17- 3
Definition of transactions
A transaction (set of operations) may be specified in SQL, or may
be embedded within a program.

A transaction is a unit of a program execution that accesses and

possibly modifies various data objects (tuples, relations).

A transaction can be defined as a group of tasks.

Transactions are units or sequences of work accomplished in a

logical order, whether in a manual fashion by a user or
automatically by some sort of a database program
Slide 17- 4
• A Transaction:
• Logical unit of database processing that includes one or more access
operations (read -retrieval, write - insert or update, delete).
• A transaction (set of operations) may be stand-alone specified in a
high level language like SQL submitted interactively, or may be
embedded within a program.
• Transaction boundaries:
• Begin and End transaction.
• An application program may contain several transactions separated
by the Begin and End transaction boundaries.
• Basic operations are read and write.

read(A, x): assign value of database object A to variable x;

 write(x , A): write value of variable x to database object A

• read_item(X): Reads a database item named X into a program variable. To
simplify our notation, we assume that the program variable is also named X.
• write_item(X): Writes the value of program variable X into the database item
named X. 5
• Basic unit of data transfer from the disk to the computer main
memory is one block. In general, a data item (what is read or
written) will be the field of some record in the database, although
it may be a larger unit such as a record or even a whole block.
• read_item(X) command includes the following steps:
• Find the address of the disk block that contains item X.
• Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory (if that disk block is not
already in some main memory buffer).
• Copy item X from the buffer to the program variable named X.
• write_item(X) command includes the following steps:
• Find the address of the disk block that contains item X.
• Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory (if that disk block is not
already in some main memory buffer).
• Copy item X from the program variable named X into its correct location
in the buffer.
• Store the updated block from the buffer back to disk (either immediately
or at some later point in time).
Two sample transactions
• FIGURE 17.2 Two sample transactions:
• (a) Transaction T1
• (b) Transaction T2

Transaction and System Concepts
• A transaction is an atomic unit of work that is either completed in its entirety or
not done at all.
• For recovery purposes, the system needs to keep track of when the transaction
starts, terminates, and commits or aborts.
• Transaction states:
1.Active state:
The transaction is being executed. This is the initial state of every transaction.
2. Partially committed state:
A transaction goes into partially committed state after the end of a transaction and
at this point, some recovery protocol is needed.
3.Committed state:
a transaction executes all its operations successfully.
4.Failed state:
A transaction is said to be in a failed state if any of the checks made by the
database recovery system fails.
5.Terminated State :
It corresponds to the transaction leaving the system. The transaction information
that is maintained in system tables while the transaction has been running is
removed when the transaction terminates.

Aborted − If any of the checks fails and the transaction has reached
a failed state, then the recovery manager rolls back all its write
operations on the database to its original state of the transaction.
 The database recovery module can select one of the two
operations after a transaction aborts −
Re-start the transaction
Kill the transaction

State transition diagram illustrating the states
for transaction execution

Slide 17- 10
• Recovery manager keeps track of the following operations:
• begin_transaction: This marks the beginning of transaction execution.
• read or write: These specify read or write operations on the database items that
are executed as part of a transaction.
• end_transaction: This specifies that read and write transaction operations have
ended and marks the end limit of transaction execution.
• At this point it may be necessary to check whether the changes introduced by
the transaction can be permanently applied to the database or whether the
transaction has to be aborted because it violates concurrency control or for
some other reason.
• commit_transaction: This signals a successful end of the transaction so that any
changes (updates) executed by the transaction can be safely committed to the
database and will not be undone.
• rollback (or abort): This signals that the transaction has ended unsuccessfully,
so that any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the
database must be undone.

Slide 17- 11
• Recovery techniques use the following operators:
• undo: Similar to rollback except that it applies to a single
operation rather than to a whole transaction.
• redo: This specifies that certain transaction operations must be
redone to ensure that all the operations of a committed
transaction have been applied successfully to the database.

Slide 17- 12
Desirable Properties of Transactions (1)

All transactions must have the ACID properties:

• Atomicity: A transaction is an atomic unit of processing;
it is either performed in its entirety or not performed at all.
• Consistency preservation: A correct execution of the transaction
must take the database from one consistent state to another.
• Isolation: A transaction should not make its updates visible to
other transactions until it is committed; this property, when
enforced strictly, solves the temporary update problem and makes
cascading rollbacks of transactions unnecessary (see Chapter 21).
• Durability or permanency: Once a transaction changes the
database and the changes are committed, these changes must
never be lost because of subsequent failure.

Slide 17- 13
• Transaction: an indivisible unit of data processing
• All transactions must have the ACID properties:
• Atomicity: all or nothing
• Consistency: no constraint violations
• Isolation: no interference from other concurrent
• Durability: committed changes must not be lost due to
any kind of failure

Atomic transactions

• Fred wants to move $200 from his savings account to his checking

1)Money must be subtracted from savings account.

2)Money must be added to checking count.
• If both happen, Fred and the bank are both happy.
If neither happens, Fred and the bank are both happy.
If only one happens, either Fred or the bank will be unhappy.
Fred’s transfer must be all or nothing.

Slide 17- 15
• Transactions must be atomic (indivisible) the DBMS must ensure
• everything happens, or nothing happens
• boundaries of transaction (in time) are generally set by the
application … the DBMS has no means of determining the
intention of a transaction.

Correct transaction
• Wilma tries to withdraw $1000 from account 387.

Slide 17- 17
• A transaction must leave the database in an valid or consistent
• valid state == no constraint violations
• A constraint is a declared rule defining specifying database states
• Constraints may be violated temporarily …
but must be corrected before the transaction completes.

Concurrent transactions
• Fred is withdrawing $500 from account 543.
• Wilma’s employer is depositing $1983.23 to account 543.
• These transactions are happening at the same time.

Slide 17- 19
Transactions are isolated

• If two transactions occur at the same time, the cumulative effect must be
the same as if they had been done in isolation.
• Ensuring isolation is the task of concurrency control.

Slide 17- 20
Durable transactions
• Wilma deposits $50,000 to account 387.
• Later, the bank’s computer crashes due to a lightning storm.

Slide 17- 21
• Once a transaction's effect on the database state has been
committed, it must be permanent.
• The DBMS must ensure persistence, even in the event of system
• Sources of failure:
• computer or operating system crash
• disk failure
• fire, theft, power outage, earthquake, operator errors, …

Transaction Analysis

• A transaction is composed of a time-ordered sequence of

operations on specific data items
• The operations are specific database accesses
• insertion, deletion, modification or retrieval
• we actually only need to consider two kinds of operations:
writes and reads.
• The data item are portions of the database state:
• the database state is viewed as a collection of named data
• the size of the data items (granularity) that are used could be:
an attribute, a record, a relation, a page/block

Transaction Analysis
• To ensure transaction properties, it is sufficient to define transactions
as sequences of operations of two types:
• read_item(X): access the current value of item X.
• write_item(X): modify the value of item X.

• Example Transaction:
acct_387_balance := acct_387_balance - 300


Concurrency Problem

Fred's Transaction: Wilma's Transaction:

read_item(acct387) read_item(acct387)
acct387 := acct387 - 200 acct387 := acct387 + 700
write_item(acct387) write_item(acct387)

(portion of) current acct387 3000.00

database state

Find the concurrency problem of the execution is it possible

that the execution of these two transactions, on the given
database state, can cause an incorrect result?
Possible Execution #1
acct387 2000.00

Fred's Transaction f1: read_item(acct387)

f2: acct387 := acct387 - 300
f3: write_item(acct387)

acct387 1700.00
Wilma's Transaction w1: read_item(acct387)
w2: acct387 := acct387 + 900
w3: write_item(acct387)
acct387 2600.00 correct result
Possible Execution #2
acct387 2000.00

Wilma's Transaction w1: read_item(acct387)

w2: acct387 := acct387 + 900
w3: write_item(acct387)
acct387 2900.00

Fred's Transaction f1: read_item(acct387)

f2: acct387 := acct387 - 300
f3: write_item(acct387)
acct387 2600.00 correct result
Possible Execution #3
acct387 2000.00

w1: read_item(acct387)
f1: read_item(acct387)
The two f2: acct387 := acct387 - 300
transactions w2: acct387 := acct387 + 900
overlap w3: write_item(acct387)
acct387 2900.00

f3: write_item(acct387)
incorrect result!
acct387 1700.00

Transaction Theory
Serializability and Equivalence of Transactions

Transaction Termination

• Transactions are atomic: there are only two possible

ways they can terminate:
• commit: all operations are permanently applied to the database
• abort: no operations are applied to the database state.

SQL calls an abort a rollback

Transaction Theory
• A transaction is modeled as a time-ordered sequence
of operations on specific data items.
• Operations:
• begin: transaction start point
• read(X): data item X was read from the database
• write(X): data item X was written to the database
• end: (logical) transaction end point, reads and writes have
• commit: point at which all operations become permanent
• abort: point at which all operations are removed

Transaction Data Items
• Read and write operations also record the data item that was
• for simplicity, the same name is used for a data item in the
database, and for a copy of the data item in some application's
• granularity = the size of the data items
• could be: an attribute, a record, a relation, a page/block
• granularity doesn't affect correctness of theory
• in practice, larger granularity leads to less concurrency, since
more conflict is (incorrectly) detected more often

Schedules and Recoverability
• Schedule: A particular ordering of the operations from a set of
concurrent transactions.
• Only complete schedules are considered, others are not valid
• Complete schedule:
1. Includes all operations from every transaction
2. commit or abort is the last operation in each transaction
3. operations from the same transaction appear in the same
order in the schedule

Slide 17- 34
Characterizing Schedules based on Recoverability (1)

• Transaction schedule or history:

• When transactions are executing concurrently in an interleaved fashion, the
order of execution of operations from the various transactions forms what
is known as a transaction schedule (or history).
• A schedule (or history) S of n transactions T1, T2, …, Tn:
• It is an ordering of the operations of the transactions subject to the
constraint that, for each transaction Ti that participates in S, the operations
of T1 in S must appear in the same order in which they occur in T1.
• Note, however, that operations from other transactions Tj can be
interleaved with the operations of Ti in S.

Slide 17- 35
Characterizing Schedules based on Recoverability (2)
Schedules classified on recoverability into four :
1.Recoverable schedule:
• One where no transaction needs to be rolled back.
• A schedule S is recoverable if no transaction T in S commits
until all transactions T’ that have written an item that T
reads have committed.
2. Cascadeless schedule:
• One where every transaction reads only the items that are
written by committed transactions.
3.Schedules requiring cascaded rollback:
• A schedule in which uncommitted transactions that
read an item from a failed transaction must be rolled
4.Strict Schedules:
• A schedule in which a transaction can neither read or write an item X until the last
transaction that wrote X has committed or aborted.
Slide 17- 36
Characterizing Schedules based on Serializability (1)
Schedules based on Serializability classified into five
1.Serial schedule:
• A schedule S is serial if, for every transaction T participating in the schedule, all the
operations of T are executed consecutively in the schedule.
• Otherwise, the schedule is called non-serial schedule.
2.Serializable schedule:
• A schedule S is serializable ,if it is equivalent to some serial schedule of the same n
3.Result equivalent:
• Two schedules are called result equivalent ,if they produce the same final state of the
4.Conflict equivalent:
• Two schedules are said to be conflict equivalent ,if the order of any two conflicting
operations is the same in both schedules.
5.Conflict serializable:
• A schedule S is said to be conflict serializable ,if it is conflict equivalent to some serial
schedule S’.
Slide 17- 37

Example Transactions
• Three concurrent transactions:

T1 T2 T3
begin begin begin
begin/end enclose
read(X) read(X) read(Y)
all reads and writes.
X = X-2 X = X+3 Y = Y+1
write(X) write(X) write(Y)
all end with a commit
read(Y) end end
or an abort.
Y = Y+2 commit commit

Schedule Notation
• a more compact notation for schedules:

b3, r3(Y), w3(Y), e3, c3

r3(Y) read(Y)
Y = Y+1
operation write(Y)
data item
transaction commit

note: we ignore the computations on the local copies of the data

when considering schedules (they're not interesting)

Serial Schedules
• A serial schedule is one in which the transactions do not overlap (in time).

b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2, These are all serial schedules
b3,r3(Y),w3(Y),e3,c3 for the three example transactions

b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2, There are six possible

b1,r1(X),w1(X),r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1, serial schedules for
b3,r3(Y),w3(Y),e3,c3 three transactions

b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2, n! possible serial schedules

b3,r3(Y),w3(Y),e3,c3, for n transactions

Serial Schedules are Correct
• Serial schedules are correct schedules
• correct = transactions produce correct database states
• Since each transaction is consistency preserving, they each
must produce correct DB states when executed in isolation.
• In a serial schedule, transactions do not overlap, therefore
isolation must hold thus, a serial schedule is a correct

• If a schedule can be proven to be equivalent to some serial
schedule, then that schedule must be correct.
• serializable = equivalent to some serial schedule
• There are different concepts of equivalence, each leading to
different concepts of Serializability.
• We'll only consider the most conservative definition of
equivalence: conflict equivalence.

conservative = detects more potential conflicts, or identifies more schedules as

Rejecting correct schedules is not desirable, but accepting incorrect schedules
in intolerable (for a DBMS).

Conflict Equivalence

• Two schedules are conflict equivalent if the order of any two conflicting
operations is the same in both schedules.
• Two operations conflict
• they access the same data item (read or write)
• if they belong to different transactions
• at least one is a write

T1: b1,r1(X),w1(X),r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1,
conflicting operations:
T2: b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2 r1(X),w2(X)
w1(X), r2(X)
w1(X), w2(X)
• Find the conflicting operation?

Conflict Equivalence(cont...)
• The term "conflicting operations” can be misleading.
• The operations do not conflict in any particular schedule, rather
they will cause two schedules to be non-equivalent if their order
is different in the two schedules
• A better term might be "conflict causing operations"
• Two operations from the same transaction cannot conflict,
since their relative order must be the same in all complete

Example: Conflict Equivalence
schedule 1:
schedule 2: r1(X) < w2(X), w1(X) < r2(X), w1(X) < w2(X)

b1,r1(X),w1(X),r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1, e2,c2
w2(X) < r1(X), r2(X) < w1(X), w2(X) < w1(X)
schedule 3:
b1,r1(X),w1(X), b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2, r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1,
r1(X) < w2(X), w1(X) < r2(X), w1(X) < w2(X)

schedule 1 and schedule 3 are conflict equivalent

schedule 2 is not conflict equivalent to either schedule 1 or 3
Conflict Serializability
• A schedule is conflict serializable if it is conflict equivalent to some serial
• a conflict serializable schedule is a correct schedule.
• Previous example:
• schedule 1 is a serial schedule
• schedule 1 is correct
• schedule 3 is conflict equivalent to schedule 1,
therefore it is serializable
schedule 3 is correct
• schedule 2 is not conflict equivalent to schedule 1,
therefore it is not serializable
schedule 2 may be incorrect

Testing for Conflict Serializability
• We could test a schedule against every possible serial schedule
for the same transactions.
• this is intractable for large numbers of transactions
• Precedence graphs are a more efficient test
• graph indicates a partial order on the transactions required
by the order of the conflicting operations.
• the partial order must hold in any conflict equivalent serial
• if there is a loop in the graph, the partial order is not
possible in any serial schedule
• if the graph has no loops, the schedule is conflict serializable


Precedence Graph Examples: find the graph the conflict
operation between the transactions?
schedule 3:
b2,r2(X),w2(X),e2,c2, r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1,
Find the conflict operations ?
r1(X) < w2(X), w1(X) < r2(X), w1(X) < w2(X)

r1(X) < w2(X) arrows

T1 T2
w1(X) < r2(X) that T1
precedes T2
w1(X) < w2(X)

schedule 3 is conflict serializable

it is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule
in which T1 precedes T2
Precedence Graph Examples
schedule 2:
b2,r2(X),w2(X), b1,r1(X),w1(X),r1(Y),w1(Y),e1,c1,e2,c2

w2(X) < r1(X), r2(X) < w1(X), w2(X) < w1(X)

w2(X) < r1(X)

T1 T2
r2(X) < w1(X)

w2(X) < w1(X)

schedule 2 is conflict serializable

it is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule
in which T2 precedes T1.
Precedence Graph Examples
schedule 4:
b2,r2(X), b1,r1(X),w1(X),r1(Y),w1(Y),w2(X),e1,c1,e2,c2
r1(X) < w2(X), r2(X) < w1(X), w1(X) < w2(X)

r1(X) < w2(X)

T1 T2
r2(X) < w1(X)

w1(X) < w2(X)

schedule 4 is not conflict serializable

there is no serial schedule
in which T2 precedes T1 and T1 precedes T2
Transaction Support in SQL2 (1)
• A single SQL statement is always considered to be atomic means
• It either the statement completes execution without error or it fails and leaves the database
• With SQL, there is no explicit Begin Transaction statement.
• Transaction initiation is done implicitly when particular SQL statements are
• Howe ever, every transaction must have an explicit end statement, which is either a COMMIT
Characteristics specified by a SET TRANSACTION statement in SQL2:
1.Access mode:
• The default is READ WRITE unless the isolation level of READ UNCOMITTED is
specified, in which case READ ONLY is assumed.
2.Diagnostic size n, specifies an integer value n, indicating the number of conditions that can
be held simultaneously in the diagnostic area.
3.Isolation level <isolation>, where <isolation> can be READ UNCOMMITTED, READ
The default is SERIALIZABLE.
• With SERIALIZABLE: the interleaved execution of transactions will adhere to our notion
of Serializability.
• However, if any transaction executes at a lower level, then Serializability may be violated.
Slide 17- 54
Transaction Support in SQL2 (2)
• Sample SQL transaction might look like the following:
EXEC SQL whenever sql error go to UNDO;


VALUES ('Robert','Smith','991004321',2,35000);
THE_END: ...
Ch-3 Assignment
1. Using the precedence graph as a method of checking Serializability
based on this find the following questions
S: r1(x) r2(z) r3(x) r1(z) r2(y) r3(y) w1(x) w2(z) w3(y) w2(y) e1,c1,e2,c2,e3,c3
A. Find the Ordering of conflicting operations?
B. Is this schedule serializable?
C. Is the schedule correct?


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