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Boby Suryawan, S.Ked
Fadilla Octovini, S.Ked
 The cardiovascular system consists of 3
components :
 The heart – a muscular pump that drives the flow
of blood through the vessels.
 Blood vessels – closed conduit system through
which the blood flows
 Blood – carry materials to and from the cells
Cardiac anotomy
 The heart is located in
the chest cavity exactly
in the left medial
 Weight ± 250 to 360 gr
 The size of a clenched
 Covered by a layer of
pericardium that bind
the heart to the thoracic
Cardiac border
 Limit the heart of the
surrounding organs:
Left boundary
Left lung
Right Limit
Right lung
Lower limit
Heart Border
 Front Boundary
 Sternum
 Thymus
 Rear Boundary
 Vertebrae
 Oesophagus
 Aortic descenden
 Upper Limit
 Aortic arch
 Vena cava superior
 Trachea
 Consisting of 2 layers:
visceralis pericardium
parietal pericardium
 Network is relatively
 Serous fluid containing
30-50ml of between
pericardium and
 as a protector
 prevent friction during
Cardiac chamber
The cardiac has 4 chamber:
 right atrium

 right ventrikel

 left atrium

 left ventrikel
Cardiac valve
 Serves to maintain blood flow to run the same direction
through the heart chambers.
 There are 2 types:
Valve atrioventrikularis
Valve semilunaris (separating the pulmonary and aortic a. of
the respective ventricles).
Atrioventicular valve
 Leaf valve smooth and durable
 Tricuspid valve:
valve has 3 leaves
separating the right atrium and ventricle
 Valve mitralis:
Valve has 2 leaves
Separates the left atrium and ventricle
Semilunaris valve
 Consists of 3 valves that resembles a symmetrical funnel and
attached aanulus fribosus
 Serves to prevent blood flowing back into the ventricles.
 Aortic valve (between the left ventricle and aorta), above the
valve leaves there Valsalva sinus which is the estuary of the
coronary arteries
 Pulmonary valve (between the left ventricle and pulmonary
Vascularitation cardiac
 Heart get nutrients and oxygen through the blood vessels of
the heart coronary arteries that branch directly from the aorta
ascenden which empties into the sinus Valsalva.
 There are 2 pieces A. coronary:
A. Right coronary
A. Left coronary arteries:
A. left anterior descending
A. left circumflex
Coronaria circulation
Heart Vascularitation
 A. Right coronary arteries supplying blood to the
 Right atrium
 Right ventrikel
 Inferior wall of left ventricle
 A. Left circumfleks blood supply to:
 Left atrium
 Posterior wall of left ventricle
 A. Descenden left anterior blood supply to the:
 Anterior wall of left ventricle
Heart Vein
 Thebesia vein
 Cardiaka anterior vein
 Coronarius sinus
Fisiologi Jantung
 Aktivitas kelistrikan jantung
 Peristiwa mekanik jantung
 Pengontrolan kerja jantung
 Pengontrolan curah jantung
 Sirkulasi koronaria
Aktivitas Kelistrikan Jantung
 Jantung memiliki kemampuan membentuk depolarisasi
spontan & potensial aksi sendiri  Sistem Penghantar
Khusus (sel autoritmis)
 Sifat sistem penghantar khusus:
(1) Otomasi kemampuan menghasilkan impuls scr
(2) Ritmis  keteraturan membangkitkan impuls
(3) Daya penerus  kemampuan menghantarkan
(4) Peka rangsang  kemampuan berespons thd
Sistem Penghantar Khusus:
* SA node (pace maker), di dinding atrium ka dkt muara vena cava superior; 70-80x/mnt
* AV node, di dasar atrium ka dkt sekat atrium-ventrikel; 40-60x/mnt
* Berkas his, berkas dr AV node msk ke septum interventrikel
* Serat purkinje, serat yg menyebar ke miokard ventrikel
Mekanisme kontraksi
Otot Jantung
 Pembentukan potensial aksi pd otot
jantung kontraktil hampir sama
dengan pd otot rangka.
 Pada otot jantung, masa refrakter
memanjang untuk mencegah
terjadinya kontraksi tetanik.
Mekanisme Kontraksi & Relaksasi Otot Jantung

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