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Assessment of the

Sara H. Mitchell, Ph.D., RN,
The impact of diseases of the
musculoskeletal system
Composition of the
Musculoskeletal System
 The skeleton proper (bones & joints)

 Skeletal muscles

 Tendons

 Ligaments
Nutrition & Musculoskeletal
 Fluoride  Aluminum

 Magnesium  Copper

 Zinc  Iron

 Manganese
 Iodine
Assessment of the musculoskeletal
 History-taking
 Inspect & Palpate joints
 Assess range of motion
 Assess muscle strength
 2
 3
 4
 5
Joint motion - a review of terms
 Flexion  Inversion
 Extension  Eversion
 Dorsiflexion  Internal rotation
 Plantar flexion  External rotation
 Adduction  Pronation
 Abduction  Suppination
Measuring Range of Motion
 If any limitation or
increase in ROM is
noted, use a
___________ to
measure the angles
Cervical Spine Assessment
 Abnormal findings
Upper Extremity Assessment
 Abnormal findings:
ROM of wrist & hand
 Flexion –

 Extension –

 Hyperextension –

 Ulnar deviation –

 Radial deviation –
Spinal Assessment
 Abnormal findings:
Torso Range of Motion
 Abnormalities:
Lower Extremity ROM
 Hip flexion with knee
straight –
 Hip flexion with knee
 Internal & External
rotation :
 Abduction :
 Adduction :
Range of Motion of the Knee
 Flexion-extension – 1350

 Hyperextension - 100
 Used to test for joint effusion
 If there is an effusion present a palpated tap
will be present and the transmitted impulse
will be felt by the fingers on either side of the
Ankle Range of Motion
 Dorsiflexion – 20o
 Plantar Flexion – 500
 Inversion of hind foot – 50
 Eversion of hind foot - 50
Alterations of Musculoskeletal
 Musculoskeletal  Disorders of joints
Injuries n
s i
s  Disorders of skeletal
 Disorders of bone muscle
 s
 m
 m
b  I
Primary symptoms of
musculoskeletal disease
Phalen’s test
 Ask the person to
hold both hands back
to back while flexing
the wrists 90 degrees.
Acute flexion of the
wrist for 60 seconds
produces numbness
and burning in a
person with carpal
tunel syndrome
Tinel’s Sign
 In carpal tunnel
syndrome, percussion
of the median nerve
produces burning and
tingling along its
distribution, which is a
positive Tinel’s sign
The musculoskeletal system of
the young
 C

 E

 B

 S
Musculoskeletal assessment in
the pediatric patient
 O  Limp

 L

 G I

 G S

 S
_____________ Maneuver for
Congenital Dislocated Hip
 With a dislocated hip, the
head of the femur is not
cupped in the acetabulum
but rests posterior to it.

 Hip instability feels like a

clunk as the head of the
femur pos into place. This
is a positive
Lower Extremity Findings in
 ______________:
“bowlegged” stance is
normal through the first
two years of life.
Resolves with growth and
 ____________: knock-
kneed stance occurs
normally between 2 and
3½ years of age

 Dislocation of the
hip functionally
shortens and
weakens hip and
pelvis muscles.

 When a child stands

on the dislocated
hip, the opposite
side of the pelvis
 _________ scoliosis
is flexible. It is
apparent with
standing and
disappears with
forward standing.
 ____________
scoliosis is fixed. The
curvature shows both
on standing and on
bending forward
The Musculoskeletal system of
the elderly
 Muscle atrophy  Osteoarthritis
 Osteoporosis  Reduced range of
 Kyphosis motion
 Decreased  Degenerative
intervertebral disc changes
 Joint stiffness
Degenerative Joint Disease of
 Osteoarthritis is
characterized by hard,
nontender nodules, 203
mm or more. These
osteophytes (bony over-
growths) of the distal
interphalangeal joints are
called ____________
nodes and those of the
proximal interphalangeal
joints are called
_______________ nodes
 Risk Factors
 Classification
 Diagnosis
 Prevention
 Treatment

Areas of yellow indicate

bone loss from osteoporosis
The Musculoskeletal system of
the elderly (continued)
 “Musculoskeletal problems have the most
significant impact on the aged population.
More than 1 billion dollars is spent
annually by Medicare for hospitalization of
elderly patients with these conditions.
This represents 20% of all Medicare
Reaching a conclusion
 Based on history & physical examination
does there appear to be a musculoskeletal
disease or impairment?
 Do the history and finding suggest a
primary musculoskeletal concern or signs
& symptoms of a systemic disease?
 What is the differential diagnosis?
 What additional tests (labs, diagnostic
studies) are indicated?
Differential diagnoses - what is
the primary problem
 Fracture
 Sprain
 Dislocation or subluxation
 Joint or muscle inflammation
 Age specific abnormality
 Systemic illness (examples)
 neuropathy
 myopathy
 connective tissue disease
Test for musculoskeletal
 Bone function  Joint function
 a
 a
 M
r  a
a  Muscular function
b  S________,
b  U
 f
 m
 “Diseases of the musculoskeletal
system rank first among disease
conditions that alter the quality of
life…the cost of which exceeds 60
billion dollars annually…”

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