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祷告会 Prayer Meeting

Pray for the countries with
persecution of Christian faith

Restoration & Renewal of Life
Lessons from The Persecuted

1. 我们祈求叙利亚得救;我们祈求神吸引万人归向祂;
能刚强壮胆;我们祈求当逼迫来临时 (它一定会来),
性命。” We are praying for Syria to be saved. We’re
praying God will draw millions to his side. We are praying
His light would be brightest. We pray that we might be
bold and courageous. We pray when the persecution
comes – and it will come – that we would not run away
or hide but that we would be faithful, even if it costs our
Iran: Secretly Celebrating Christmas for The First Time

 请为纳瓦和她的家人感恩,祈求他们继续放胆与主同
行,并祈求主保守他们免遭伤害。 Give thanks for
Nava and her family, and pray that they would continue
to walk in God’s presence with boldness and courage,
and that He would shield them from harm
 祈求伊朗基督徒能在安全与平静中与其他人分享福音
之光。 That Christians in Iran would be able to share
the light of the gospel with others in safety and peace
 请为那些在监狱中渡过这个圣诞节的伊朗基督徒祷告,
祈求他们经历神的光照、爱和安慰。 For Iranian
Christians who will be spending Christmas in prison, that
they would experience God’s light, love and comfort.
Algeria Christian Women in Persecution

1. 亲爱的天父,我们为了贾米拉等基督徒姐妹感谢你,
们。 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for sisters in
Christ like Djamila who have suffered for the faith in
silence and paid the price for following Jesus. May you
grant them grace and strength, help them to grow in
Your Word, to live out their faith, and to be good wives
and mothers to their families. We pray that there will
be more women who will answer Your call to spread
the Good News in Algeria. Amen.
Restoration & Renewal of Life

1. 为2018年感恩,求主使我们在新的一年能追求江水
努力面前。Give thanks for the year 2018, may God help
us to pursuit for a better life, discard all the rubbish, and
sordid in our lives, and work hard with the help of God.
2. 为着新的一年,我们能藉行动带给教会复兴与更新,
大家都站在一起,齐心努力。 Pray for the new year,
that we may lead the church to renewal and revival with
actions, everyone to be united, and work together.
Pray for our nation

1. 奉耶稣的名呼唤我们的国家回归神的命定,我们祝福每
他的恶行,注目在按祂荣耀旨意中恢复一切的那位。 In
the name of Jesus, calling for our country to return to God's
destiny, we wish every citizen of Malaysia to live in peace and
hope. We bless the people who love each other. They are willing
to turn away from their idolatry and other evil deeds, and pay
attention to the one who restores everything according to His
2. 我们祝福这国家百姓活在安全和受保护的环境中,并且
跨入他们个人在神里面的命定。We wish the people of this
country to live in a safe and protected environment and to enter
their personal destiny in God.
Church Revival

1. 为12/1(六)9am于教会有执事圣工计划会议,隔天主日
2019-2020年执事 Council
 主席:贺文聪弟兄 Chairman: Bro. Michael
 文书:陈凤玲姐妹 Secretary: Sis. Fong Leng
 财政 /总务:黄荣华弟兄 Treasurer/General Affairs: Bro. Alvin
 分区小组/乐龄:冯宝璘姐妹 Cell Group/Seniors: Sis. Poh Leng
 成青教育 / 儿童主日学:王豫昕姐妹 Education/Sunday School: Sis. Fiona
 敬拜:曾伟贤弟兄Praise & Worship: Bro. Daniel
 差传:许彬彬姐妹Mission: Sis. Ping Ping
 布道:周丽琳姐妹Evangelism: Sis. Lilin
 少年团契/ 青年团契:林子升弟兄 Junior/Youth: Bro. Jason
Church Revival

1. 为教会成人分区小组的重整祷告 :求主赐智慧,引
组员积极参与。 Pray for the regrouping of Adult cell
group : May God grant wisdom, guide and choose the
perfect group, renew the atmosphere, rise up new cell
group leader, active participation of members.
2. 为20/1/19的启发小组训练会代祷 :黄牧师(主讲),
美好领受……。 Pray for Alpha cell group training on
20/1/19: Pastor Wong (Speaker), members participation,
especially youths, attend the training filled with spirit,
guidance oh Holy Spirit, great learning.
group prayer

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