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Created by :

Febri Andikasari Aliansyah

Mochammad Ariy Setiawan Aziz
Health worker
• Skilled & appropriate when giving medication. Not just
giving pills to drink or injecting drugs through blood
vessels, but also observing the client's response to the
drug administration.
• Having knowledge about the benefits and side effects of
drugs is very important for nurses.
• Nurses have a major role in improving and sustaining by
encouraging clients to be proactive if they need treatment.
• The nurse helps the client to build a clear and correct
understanding of the treatment, consult each drug
ordered, and take responsibility for decision making on
treatment with other health workers.
The True Doses
• Doses given to specific clients,
• In most cases, the dose is given within the
recommended limits for the drug in question.
• The nurse must calculate each dose of the drug
• taking into account the following variables:
• the availability of drugs and prescribed medication doses
• under certain circumstances,
• the client's weight should also be considered, for example 3 mg
/ KgBB / day
Drug Doses Delivery
• Drug doses are an important factor, as either a
deficiency or an excess dose will produce undesirable,
even harmful effects.
• What is meant dose of a drug is the dose of once,
orally for adults, if that is not the dose mentioned
above should be with a clear description.
• For example :
• day use,
• dose for children,
• doses per injection,
• and so on.
The True Dosages
• The dose determination should be considered
by using standard tools such as liquid medicines
should be equipped with :
• drops,
• measuring cups,
• syringes or special spoons,
• tools for splitting tablets
• and others so that the calculation of the drug is
correct to be given to the patient
Kinds Dosages
• Doses Maximum (DM) is the maximum / maximum dose
/ dose that can be given (effect therapy) without
causing harm.
• Doses Lazim (DL) is the dose listed in the literature is
a dose that can usually cure.
• Toxic dosage is drug doses in ordinary circumstances
that can cause poisoning in patients.
• Letalis dosage is a drug dose that in ordinary
circumstances can cause death in patients, lethal doses
consist of:
• a. LD 50 : the dose causing death in 50% of experimental
• b. LD 100 : the dose causing death in 100% of experimental
Formulas For Maximum Dose Counting
Here are the dosage formulas that can be used to calculate
the dose of child and baby
• Formulas by age:
1. Formula Young, for children under 8 years of age:
= age +12 x adult dose = child dose
2. Dilling formula, for children older than or equal to 8
= age (n) 20 x adult dose
3. Fried formula, for infants less than 1 year:
= age in 150 x adult dose = dose of infant
Doses Counting
• Weight-based formula:
4. Formula based on weight:
• Clarke counting :
• weight (in kg) 70 (average adult in kg) x adult dose -
child dose and there are still some versions of the
formula for calculating the maximum dose of the
• Maximum doses should not be exceeded in the
instructions intended for treatment, unless there is
an exclamation point (!) Behind the number of the
exceeding dosage.
Factors that can affect the dose of the right medicine for
a patient include :
• Age
• Weight loss
• Gender
• Pathological Status
• Tolerance to drugs
• Time of drug use
• Properties of the dosage form
• Walaikum Salam Wr Wb

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