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An LAVC Writing Center Workshop Presentation

It is one sentence.

It states the main idea or argument of your

It is typically placed at the end of the

introduction paragraph.
It lets your reader know what to expect.

It is the basis for your entire essay.

It is the most important part of your essay.

It is awesome (kinda).

1. The topic/subject.
2. Your opinion of the topic.

Quick Activity: Pick a subject that you feel you

can support or disprove and try to think of
three things you feel support your idea.

For example: LAVC is a great college because of

their experienced teachers, skilled tutoring
offices, and welcoming academic
 The Thesis is the central idea of attention
within an essay

 It tells the reader what position you are

supporting about the subject in the essay.

 The thesis must always be a complete

sentence that is: specific, succinct, and
suggestive of the organization to be followed
in the essay.
 The THESIS STATEMENT doesn’t always
come first in the writing process, but it is good
to develop it early so you can use it as a guide
for your paper.

 I am writing about ____________ , and I am

going to argue, show, or prove that _________,
by stating that ___________ , _____________ ,
and _____________.
 Just as E = mc²…

 Subject + Opinion = Thesis

 The first sentence of your introductory
paragraph should contain an attention getter,
which is a sentence that attracts your reader’s
attention makes them want to read further.

 The introduction paragraph of an essay provides

the reader with a general survey of information
of the subject being discussed.
 Once all necessary and relevant
background knowledge is stated, it is
typically then that a thesis statement
can be declared in the last sentence of
the introduction paragraph.
 After the Thesis Statement, an essay has body
paragraphs. Each body paragraph should be at
least 3-4 sentences long and will include a topic
sentence and concluding sentence to let the reader
know what that paragraph will discuss.

 These body paragraphs should discuss what

you have stated in your Thesis Statement using
evidence to back up your claims.
 After your body paragraphs, you will have a
conclusion paragraph that is located at the
very end of your essay.

 Your conclusion paragraph should restate the

ideas in your Thesis, but in a different way.
Conclude your thoughts and let the reader
know why you have successfully proved your
A is B.


A is B because of x, y, and z

 A more complex THESIS STATEMENT:

Although C is D, A is B because of x, y, and z.
 BASIC THESIS (just alright!): Community
colleges are an important part of California’s
educational system.

 MORE COMPLEX THESIS (much better!):

Community colleges are an important part of
California’s educational system because they are a
more cost-effective way to attain a degree, classes
are smaller, and they prepare students for the
demands of University life.
 VERY COMPLEX THESIS (perfect!!): Although
many students want to go straight from high
school to a four-year university, community
colleges are an important part of California’s
educational system because they are a more cost-
effective way to attain a degree, classes are smaller
than at most four-year universities, and they
prepare students for the demands of University life.
 Although is a conjunction that means, “in spite
of the fact; even though,” and is helpful in
connecting and comparing/contrasting
different, but related, ideas.
 Because is also a conjunction that means, “for
the reason that; since,” and is useful for
offering insight and introducing supporting
details for a claim.
 Thesis statements that are too broad and general
will lead to an essay that lacks focus.

 Certain words may be used to narrow the focus

of an argument, as well as expand a thesis
statement to make it as specific as possible.
 EXAMPLE: “While, “Although,” “Because”:
 “While/Although the rise of industrialization led to
the expansion of global trade relations, the conditions
of working class people deteriorated because
__________, _________, and _____________.
 Create your own THESIS STATEMENTS!

 Anyone can do it!

 http://www.lavc.edu/WCweb/
 http://thewritingcenter.edulounge.net/
 http://studenthacks.org/2007/11/06/thesis-
 http://www.csu.edu.au/division/studserv/le

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