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- when sperm cell unites with an egg cell or
ovum in fallopian tube.

-Duration of pregnancy.
-It has 260 days.

-This is equivalent to 9 months and divided into
three periods.
Each EJACULATION is 3.5 ml. containing
400 to 500 million sperm cells. Below 20
million can fertilized egg cell. A sperm
cell can live 24 to 48 hours. An ovum can
be fertilized about 24 hours after its
release from the ovary.
* Blastocyst differentiates into three layer cells.
* The outer layer, called the ECTODERM, develops
into the outer skin or epidermis and skin glands,
the pituitary gland, cartilages, linings of the mouth
to the pharynx, parts of the lining of the rectum,
the adrenal medulla, hair, teeth, the sensory
organs, and the nervous system.
* The middle layer called MESODERM develops into
the inner layer of the skin, the muscles, the
skeleton, the circulatory system, and the excretory
system and the gonads.
* Finally, the inner layer called ENDODERM,
develops into the digestive system, the respiratory
system the endocrine glands, and the bladder
*The second stage of Prenatal
*2nd to 8th weeks or 2months
*Umbilical cord are attaches the
placenta functionally to the mother.
*The foundations for the eyes, ears,
nose, mouth, extremities and digestive
system have been laid.
* 8th weeks to birth
* The first formulation of bone cells.
* By the end of 3rd month, the fetus can kick and
can take a few “breaths”
* By the end of 5th month, the fetus is one foot long
and weighs a pound.
* By the end of six month, the fetus’ eyelid open or
can be opened.
* By the end of 7th month, the fetus weighs two
pounds and all its organ system have become
* During eight and ninth months, the fetus becomes
round and heavy and is able to lift its head.
First Lunar Month
length 0.75-I cm (0.3-0.4 inch)
Foundation formed for nervous system, genito-urinary system,
skin, bones and lungs.
Buds of arms and legs begin to form.
Rudiments of eyes, ears, and nose appear.
Second Lunar Month
length 2.5 cm(1inch)
Weight 4gm.
Fetus markedly bent.
Head disproportionately large, owning to brain development.
Sex differentiation begins.
Centers of bone begin to ossify .
Third Lunar Month
Length 2.5 cm (1 inch)
Weight 5-12 gm.
Fingers and toes are distinct
Placenta is complete
Fetal circulation is complete
Fourth Lunar Month
Length 10-17 cm. (4-6.7 inches)
Weight 55-120 gm
Sex is differentiated
Rudimentary kidneys secrete urine
Heart beat is present
Fifth Lunar Month
Length 30cm
Weight 280-300gm
Lanugo covers entire body
Fetal movements are felt by mother
Heart sound are perceptable with fetoscope.
Sixth Lunar Month
Legth 25-34 cm (11.2-13.4 inches)
Weight 650 gm (1.4 lbs)
Skin appears wrinkled
Vernix caseosa appears
Eyebrows and fingernils develop
Seventh Lunar Month
Length 35-38 cm. (13.8-15 inches)
Weight 1200 gm. (2.6 lbs.)
Skin is red
Papillary membrane disappears from eyes
If born, infant cries, breathes, but usually expires
Eighth Lunar Month
Length 38-43 cm (15-17 inches)
Weight 2000 gm. (3.5- 4.2 lbs.)
Fetus ids viable
Eyelids open Fingerprints are set
Vigorous fetal movements occur
Ninth Lunar Month
Length 42-49 cm (16.5-19.3 inches)
Weight 1700-2600gm. (3.7-5.7 lbs.)
Face and body have loose wrinkled appearance due to
subcutaneous fat deposit.
Lanugo disappears
Aminiotic fluid decreases somewhat
* First time mothers are develop anxiety and stress.
* Women who bear children at young age (18-20 years
old), and their offspring are regarded as at risk.
* Older mothers aged 30-35 especially the “first timer”,
are also at risk.
* Malnourished mothers consequently do not transmit
the nutrients needed by the fetus in order to grow and

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