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Precious B. Maala
Dionisia T. Guansing
Maxima C. Reyes
Lumil National High School
Teacher performance evaluation continues to
be one of the most contentious processes
within the formal education system. Through
its dual purposes of development (formative
evaluation) and accountability (summative
evaluation), many teachers still express fear
and anxiety of the process, while others are
welcoming of a standard process of
evaluation and the ability to receive
feedback on their work.
 This study investigates teachers’ perceptions
of and experience, teacher performance
evaluation process to determine the
effectiveness of the system. The data was
gathered through face-to-face interviews.
Analysis of the data revealed that teachers
see the value in teacher performance
evaluation. They understand that teacher
performance evaluation can provide both
opportunities for individual teacher growth
and development, and at the same time
holding teachers accountable.
The present teacher performance
evaluation system is being perform with
high levels of variation in schools. The
cycle/steps are being adjusted, modified,
simplified, ignored, and changed by
individual school administrators based
on their understanding of the process,
dedication to the process, ability to
conduct teacher performance, training
received and time constraints.
Research Question
This study aims to find out the assessment
teaching performance of secondary school
 Specifically, it will seek to answer the
following questions:
 What is the assessment of school heads to
the teachers using classroom observation in
terms of:
• classroom management
• teaching strategies
• teaching and learning process
• Assessment
Research Question

 Based on the result of the study, what LAC

Plan can be proposed to improve the
teaching performance of the teacher?
Scope and limitation

 The study will is all about the assessment of

teaching performance of secondary teacher;
it will be conducted in Lumil National High
School for the School Year 2019-2020. The
study will serve as basis for a Learning
Action Cell Intervention Program
 The study will utilize the descriptive research
 Descriptive research is “aimed at casting
light on current issues or problems through a
process of data collection that enables them
to describe the situation more completely
 The study will employ all teachers of Lumil
National High School as the respondents of
the study.

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