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• refers to the ability of the nation to improve the live of its citizens.

• is the ability of the country or countries to improve the social welfare of the people for
example educating the poor and providing facilities, portable water, transportation etc.
A. Public Assistance
-Refers to government supported material assistance or cash grants to the needy.
- This aim to strengthen family functioning and to promote the economic security of the family.

Basic Social Services (SPDEFS)

a. Self-Employment assistance- it consists of capital loans extended to individuals or groups to

enable to engage in income-producing activities .
b. Practical Skills development- it is extended to the working age group who are unskilled
and unemployed.
c. Day care services- supplemental feeding for the pre-school children of needy parents to
improve the nutritional status and enhance their social development.
d. Emergency assistance- to individuals and families in crisis situations.
e. Family-planning motivation- population awareness and sex educations to promote
responsible parenthood.
f. Special Services- to abandoned, neglected, and orphaned children, youth and adults to make
them self-reliant.

B. Family Welfare
- Defined as composite of interventive techniques, activities, or measures focused on the prevention of problems of role
functioning and relationships that threatens the stability of the whole family as a social unit.

- Family welfare services play an important role in the development and or maintenance of the family.

- Family counseling
- Family life education
C. Child Welfare

- Child welfare is a continuum of services designed to ensure that children are safe and that families have the necessary support
to care for their children successfully.

- Support or coordinate services to prevent child abuse and neglect ƒ

- Provide services to families that need help protecting and caring for their children

- Secure and protect their well-being of all children in their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development
Youth services
- Provide the youth with opportunities to organize themselves into clubs, interest or hobby groups, friendship groups,
study groups, youth councils, and to involve themselves in conferences, camping, sports, arts, seminars, and
workshops, dramatics and even pre-vocational training.

Programs for the Youth to contribute much to national development:

- They engage the energies and enthusiasm of young people in self-help projects and neighborhood improvements.
- These activities instill in them a sense of individual dignity and social values
- they serve as training venues for youth leaders and;
- they prepare the youth for responsible adulthood and participation in national life.
Fields Of Social Development;
-Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential.
The success of society is linked to the well-being of each and every citizen.
-Social development means investing in people. It requires the removal of barriers so that all citizens can journey toward
their dreams with confidence and dignity.

Health and Nutrition

-in the field of health and nutrition social welfare interventions as supplemental feeding for pre-schoolers and food supplements for
adults contribute to the improved nutrition of pre-school children and expectant and nursing mothers. This is done in day care

- Social welfare in the field of education could supplement or substitute formal education programs by providing non-form and adult
education for those out of school, educational aid or grants to children of school age, and opportunities for out of school youth to re-
enter the educational mainstream.
Manpower development
-Social welfare also contributes to manpower development by providing opportunities for vocational training and extending
capital loans or assistance for self-employment projects.

Family Planning
- The role of social welfare in the field of family planning is to integrate into its regular services the introduction and
interpretation of population and family planning concepts and work for its acceptance.

Housing Slum clearance and relocation

- Three major social welfare intervention may be used here;
a. Preparation of families for relocation
b. Advocacy in behalf of the families when needed or mediation- intercession to start with.
c. The provision of material assistance and family counselling and other services to help families adjust and grow roots in the
new community.
Community development

- There are numerous opportunities for social workers in community development programs and projects that are designed to
provide community, professional and volunteer services. This is an area of employment that is expanding as greater responsibility
for human services programs that are assumed by cities, towns, communities, neighborhoods, and local organizations. Social
workers participate in establishing and operating such services as homeless shelters, youth activities, free lunch programs, and
services for homebound elderly and persons with disabilities.

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