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By Safa & Maira

 Our Solar System is made up of 8 planets,

their moons and our sun.
 The planets and their moons revolve
around, or orbit the sun.
 The orbits are not round. They are
Elliptical means egg-shaped.
 The sun is the most prominent feature in
our solar system.
It is the largest
object and contains
approx. 98% of the
total solar system
The sun is the star
at the center of the solar system.
 The sun’s color is white, although from
the surface of the earth it may appear
Yellow because of atmospheric scattering
of blue light.
 Designated yellow star, because its visible
radiation is most intense in Yellow-green
portion of the spectrum.
 The first four planets are called the Inner
planets. They are closet to sun.
 Their names are Mercury, Venus, Earth and
Mars. These planets are made mostly of
 These planets are close to the Sun and separated
from the much larger outer planets by an asteroid
 Sometimes called terrestrial planets and are
composed of rocks.
 Few or no moons.
 Developed from small grains of dust that collided
and form together.
 The next four planets are called the outer
 Their names are Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus
and Neptune.
 These planets are also known as gas
giants because they are made mostly of
 These are located outside of the asteroid
 They are composed primarily of hydrogen
and helium.
 No solid surface. The hydrogen and helium
are in gas form in the atmosphere and below
that in a liquid state.
 Each has many moons and rings.
 Pluto was once a part of our solar system.
 In 2006 Scientist
found two other
planets in our solar
system that were
thought to be the
moons of Neptune. Since they were bigger
than pluto, scientist decided to take pluto
out of the solar system.
It is now called a Dwarf planet.
 Did you know?
 Moon is a combination of the amount
of gravitational pull and size of
planet as to why some planets have
more moons than others.
 Remember that moon is a satellite,
it orbits around its’ host planet.
Planets No. of moons
Mercury 0

Venus 0

Earth 1

Mars 2

Jupiter 69

Saturn 62

Uranus 27

Neptune 14

Pluto 5
 Listall of the planets in order.
 Why was pluto taken out of solar system?
 How any planets are there in inner solar
 How many moons pluto have?

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