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Cassava Leaves

Name : Husna Dayanti

Nim : 181440118
1. Source of energy

The content of various proteins or essential amino acids found in

cassava leaves is a source of energy or energy that is useful for
humans. These essential amino acids help convert carbohydrates
into energy that the body will use in activities.
2. Body metabolism

Cassava leaves contain lots of protein and are rich in vegetable

protein sources. Vegetable protein which contains lots of B
vitamins is needed by the body to form body cells. The body's cells
will form enzymes that help the metabolic processes in the human
3. Sources of antioxidants

Cassava leaves become one of the excellent sources of antioxidants in

preventing and removing free radicals in the body. Free radicals
become one of the causes of various dangerous diseases such as
4. Diet

The benefits of cassava leaves on this one, must be approved by

many women. Cassava leaves are very good for someone who is on
a diet. Apart from low calories, high fiber and protein content are
ideal for a healthy daily diet.
5. Regeneration of body cells

Essential amino acids found in cassava leaves are one of the

important sources in maintaining and regenerating cells in the
human body. Amino acids are proteins that can help in growing
damaged cells and provide repair to cells in the body to continue
functioning normally.
6. Digestion

Cassava leaves contain lots of fiber needed by humans. If you

consume cassava leaves, digestion in the body gets better.
Cassava leaves as an anti-cancer

A study conducted by Cornelis Adimunca and Olwin Nainggolan published in

the May-June 2010 edition of the Mirror World Medical Journal, found that
cassava leaves were useful for preventing malignancies caused by nitrosamine-
causing cancer tested in research mice.

Nitrosamine is a carcinogenic compound (found in cancer) that is found in foods

that are preserved using NITRIT, to preserve meat and fish for example in
sausages, and cheese so that spoilage bacteria do not multiply. Nitrosamine can
also be found in smoked meats such as satay.

Meanwhile, cassava leaves contain beta carotene, which has the potential to
cause tumor / cancer. Beta carotene in the intestine is converted into vitamin A,
which acts as a cellular defense that can destroy viruses and tumor cells.
Health Benefits of Eating Cassava Leaves (Yuca Leaves). https://w
-of-eating-cassava-leaves-yuca-leaves. Accessed 16/02/2017.

The Health Benefits of Cassava Leaves. https://www.thealthbenefit

sof.com/the-health-benefits-of-cassava-leaves/. Accessed 16/02/20

Cassava nutrition facts. http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/cassava.

html. Accessed 16/02/2017.

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