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The Individualization Principle and

Sports Training


M.Sc (Physical Edu)

Department of Physical Education

The Islamia University Bahawalpur

Individualization Principle

The Individualization Principle dictates that sports training

should be adjusted according to each athlete's characteristics
and needs, such as
 Gender
Rate of progress
Previous experience.
The goal of individualization is to capitalize on each
Athlete's Strengths, exploit their Genetic Potential,
and Strengthen their Weaknesses.
Training Program Revisions
 Training program revisions for individual athletes can
come in many forms. Adjustments can be made to for
 Skill level
 Size
 Medical conditions
 Injuries
 Motivational level, or other natural assets.
While personal attention is time consuming, it can speed
up an athlete's training progress
Individualization Principle
1.Set Clear Goals.
Goals set for team results can be personalized according to position
and athletes' abilities.
2. Test

 Getting your baseline measures and evaluating results is

the most precise way to apply this principle. In addition
to fitness and skill testing, health-related tests performed
by trainers and other professionals offer implications for
how training can be adjusted.
3. Optimize Shortcomings.

 Devise ways to overcome weaknesses as much as

possible. For example, for athletes with low motivation,
set specific goals and reward progress. For those who are
naturally move slowly for whatever reasons, overload
speed-related activities.
4. Gender Differences.
Be sensitive to physical as well as cultural differences.
Women have wider hips, a lower center of gravity, and
carry more fat in these areas than do men. Training
tasks may need to be adjusted for these physical
differences. Encourage and support girls and women
equally with boys and men, particularly when a sport is
more accepted for one gender.
5. Positive-negative-positive.
When offering coaching feedback, reinforce the good
points, and also point out areas for improvement. This is
especially helpful when an athlete has difficulty, whether on
a given day or consistently due to personal weaknesses,
positive reinforcement encourages him/her to persist.
6. Senior Athletes.
 Older adults may need specific attention compared to
younger athletes. Coaches should be sensitive to decreased
flexibility, postural deviations, body composition, and other
orthopedically-related factors. Adults prefer to be active
participants in developing training programs.
7. Youth Athletes.
 Competitive youth sports subject children to many
opportunities, as well as many physical and psychological
vulnerabilities. Positive early experiences marked with
success can lead the way to healthy lifetime habits.
Coaches and parents should be accommodate such factors
as stage of learning, level of perceptual-motor
development, and fitness level and capabilities. Children
need acceptance and encouragement whether they win or
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t
work hard.” – Tim Notke

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