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What is an Algorithm

 An algorithm is all about the procedure with

the input and output

The Sort Problems

 Input
 A sequence of numbers <a1, a2, …,an>
 Output
 A permutation (reordering) of the input sequence
such that a’1 ≦a’2 ≦… ≦a’n

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Correct Algorithms

 A correct algorithm
 Always produces the correct output for any input
 For example:
 Input <31,41,59,26,41,58>
 >>>>>A correct algorithm<<<<<
 <26,31,41,41,58,59>

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What is an Algorithm?

 A detail step by step instruction

 Describe the instruction in words
 What kind of computer programming languages?
 Doesn’t matter
 What kind of human spoken languages?
 The language you like, even Chinese, Martian

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How to Solve the Sort
 Selection Sort
void selectionSort(int numbers[], int array_size)
int i, j, min;
for (i = 0; i < array_size-1; i++)
min = i;
for (j = i+1; j < array_size; j++)
if (numbers[j] < numbers[min])
min = j;
if(min!=i) swap(numbers[x],numbers[i]);

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How to Solve the Sort
Algorithms? II
 MergeSort
 Separate the list into halves
 Sort the two halves recursively
 Merge the two sorted halves into one sorted list

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Which one is better?

 Better means
 Time
 Space
 Generally focusing on the worst-case number
of comparisons required to solve the

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Time Needed

 Selection Sort
 n-1, n-2, n-3, …., 1
 O(c1n2)
 Merge Sort
 T(n)=T(n/2) + T(n/2) + cn
 …
 T(n)=O(c2nlog2n)

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Time Needed

 Merge Sort Wins

 And Space?

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Think about…

 Two machine
 Machine A: 109 per second instructions
 Machine B: 106 per seconds instructions
 Supposed c1=2, c2=50
 We want to sort 102 integers
 Which one runs faster?
 We want to sort 106 integers
 Which one runs faster?

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Problems in the Computer?

 The Human Genome Project

 Identify 100,000 genes
 Determine 3 billion chemical based pairs
 Genes search between different human

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Problems in the Computer?

 Internet and the Web

 IP route method.
 Search Engine
 Compress the data
 How to store the password (RSA)
 Network Security
 Lots of problems

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Problems in the Computer?

 Manufacturing
 Resources price
 Human power price
 Transportation price
 Market
 The place to set the
 Factories
 Warehouse
 Stores

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Applications in Computer

 Hardware
 Object-Oriented System
 …

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Thinks About

 Program P1 solves a problem in n days.

 Program P2 solves the same problem in 2n

 Q: Which one you will use?

 A: Program P1 runs faster for n > 20.

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 The rate of growth affects more.

 We need notation to capture the concept of
“rate of growth” when we measure the time
and space efficiency of algorithms

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Asymptotic Notation

 Edmund Landau
 1877~1938
 Inventor of the asymptotic notation
 Donald E. Knuth
 1938 ~
 Turing Award, 1974.
 Father of the analysis of algorithms
 Popularizing the asymptotic notation

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Asymptotic Notation

 Ο
 Ω
 Θ

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Using Asymptotic Notation
in Sentences
 Let n be the number of input integers
 Program 1 takes time O(n)
 It takes time O(n) for program 1 to solve the
 The time required by program 2 is O(2n)
 O(n) reads?
 Big-Oh of n
 Order n

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 Sentence
Program p2 takes time O(n) to solve the problem.
 Means
 The time needed by p2 is a function f(n) with

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Meaning 2

 Sentence
 The comparison-based sort methods can not be
solved in O(n) time.
 Means
 The comparison-based sort problems can not be
solved in h(n) time, for any function h(n) with

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 Intuitive meaning
 f(n) does not grow faster then g(n)
 Comments
 f(n)=O( g(n) ) roughly means f(n) ≦ g(n) in terms
of rate of growth
 = is not the meaning of equation. It’s more like
 We do not write O(g(n))=f(n)

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Formal Definition of O

For any two functions f(n) and g(n), we write

If there exists positive constants n0 and c such
that the inequality f(n) ≦c g(n)
holds for each integer n ≧ n0

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In Other Words

 The definition of f(n)=O(g(n)) states that

there exists a positive constant c such that
the value of f(n) is upper-bounded by cg(n)
for all sufficiently large positive integers n.

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 n=O(n)?
 999n=O(n)?
 5n2=O(n3-n2)?
 n2=O(n)?

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 Yes, for n0=1 and c=1

 n ≦ 1n , for n ≧ 1

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 Yes, for n0=1, c=999

 999n ≦ 999n , for n ≧ 1

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 Yes, let n0=2, c=5

 5n2≦5(n3-n2)
 5n2 ≦ 5n3-5n2
 10n2≦ 5n3
 2≦ n

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 Is n can be the upper-bound of n2

 Instinctive feeling: NO
 How to proof?
 Contradiction Method

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 Assume for a contradiction that there exists

constants c and n0 such that
 n2≦cn
 holds for any integer n with n ≧ n0. n is an
arbitrary integer strictly larger than
 For instance, let n = 1+max(n0,c)
 n2>cn (n>c), contradiction.

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Other Notations

 Big-Oh only gives the upper bounds. We need

other asymptotic notations.
 f(n)=O(g(n)) f(n) ≦ g(n) in rate of growth
 f(n)=Ω(g(n)) f(n) ≧ g(n) in rate of growth
 f(n)=Θ(g(n)) f(n) = g(n) in rate of growth
 f(n)=o(g(n)) f(n) < g(n) in rate of growth
 f(n)= ω(g(n)) f(n) > g(n) in rate of growth

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 Definition [Omega]
 f(n) = Ω(g(n)) iff there exist positive constants
c and n0 such that f(n) ≥ cg(n) for all n, n ≥ n0.
 The function g(n) is only a lower bound on f(n).
 f(n) = Ω(g(n)) to be informative, g(n) should be
as large a function of n as one can come up
with for which f(n) = Ω(g(n)) is true.

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 Definition [Theta]:
 f(n) = Θ(g(n)) iff there exist positive constants
c1, c2 and n0 such that c1g(n) ≤ f(n) ≤ c2g(n) for
all n, n ≥ n0.
 Lower bound and upper bound on f(n)
 The theta notation is more precise than
both “big oh” and omega notations.

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Comparing Two Algorithms

 We say that Algorithm A is no worse than

Algorithm B in terms of worst-case time
complexity if there exists a positive function
f(n) such that
 Algorithm A runs in time O(f(n)) and
 Algorithm B runs in time Ω(f(n)) in the worst case

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Comparing Two Algorithms
 Algorithm A is strictly better than algorithm B
in terms of worst-case time complexity if
there exists a positive function f(n) such that
 Algorithm A runs in time O(f(n)) and
 Algorithm B runs in time ω (f(n)) in the worst case
Algorithm A runs in time o(f(n)) and
 Algorithm B runs in time Ω (f(n)) in the worst case

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Tightness in Analysis

 Supposed we figure out that the time

complexity of a algorithm is O(f(n)). We say
that the analysis is tight if the algorithm runs
in Ω(f(n)) in the worst case.
 In others words, if the time complexity of the
algorithm is O(f(n)) and the analysis is tight,
then the time complexity of the algorithm is

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Time Optimal Algorithm

 We say that Algorithm A is a optimal

algorithm for a problem P in terms of worst-
case time complexity if
 Algorithm A runs in time O(f(n)) and
 Any algorithm that solves the problem P requires
time Ω(f(n)) in the worst case.

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