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Volvo Construction Equipment

Compression Test D7D/D6D

•Remove the injector fuel lines
•Remove Injector and install the adapter
Tool 9988539 •Tighten it with the nozzle holder
•Connect Nipple 9998665 & Tool 9988539
•Remove E-ECU Fuse
•Crank the engine for approx. 10 seconds
(max 15sec. at a time at intervals of 60sec.)

Nipple 9998665

Adapter 9998694
Service Manual Section 3:2
Component List 3: Fuses
No method available yet Voltage Feed E-ECU: FU18?
25/02/2020 1
Volvo Construction Equipment
•Remove Rocker arm & VEB control valve
Compression Test D12C,D9A •Remove all injectors and install 6 adapters
•Tighten with the injector retaining yoke
•Install Rocker arm & VEB control valve
Tool 9988539
•Connect Nipple 9998665 & Tool 9988539
•Crank the engine for approx. 10 seconds
(max 15sec. at a time at intervals of 60sec.)

Nipple 9998665

Adapter 9998248

No method available yet

25/02/2020 2

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