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Conventional Modern
Biotechnology Biotechnology

a process of biotechnology which A biotechnology process that maximize

marked by the direct use of the using of cell’s biology and
microorganism and its simple process moleculer’s biology to make products
that give benefits for human.
The products of conventional
1. Tempe
Tempe is Indonesian original food that
has been known widely by Indonesian
people, mainly in Java Island. Tempe is
made from soybean with the help of
Rhizopus sp. mushroom.
2. Tapai
Tapai is fermentation product with the help
of tapai yeast that produces enzyme. The
enzyme produced by yeast can change
flour to sugar and alcohol. Tapai can be
made of cassava and sticky rice.
3. Yoghurt
Yoghurt is a drink that is made of milk
fermented by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and
Streptococcus thermophillus
4. Cheese
5. Bread
6. Fermented Vegetable
7. Alcohol Drink
8. Antibiotic
9. Alcohol for fuel
The difference between modern biotechnology and
conventional biotechnology is in the process. Conventional
biotechnology uses simple and easy process, while in
modern biotechnology the process is rather difficult.

The applications of modern biotechnology are in

reproductive technology, the cultivation of plant using
hydroponic and aeroponic system, and the technique
of gene recombination.
1. Reproductive Technology
Reproductive technology is a multification
method of plants and animals by using
certain procedure and devices to get
heredity fast, having better quality and
characteristics than their parents.

The kinds of reproductive technology are:

In cross marriage, we just do the marrying of two
individuals from the same kind but having different
varieties. The purpose of this cross marriage is to get
the superior heredity. Superior heredity is a variety
that has good characteristics as our will. Example:
the mango plant A has big fruit but sour taste and
mango plant B has small fruit and sweet taste. If the
two plants is marrying, we hope it will produce the
heredity that has big fruit and sweet taste.
b. tissue culture
An activity to cultivate a tissue of plant or animal by
vegetative to be a plant or animal that has similar
characteristics with its parent is called tissue culture.
This method uses totipotency characteristic.
Totipency characteristic is the ability of a cell
develops to be a new individual. Plant has more
totipency characteristics than animal. So, commonly
tissue culture is done in plants.
This method is found by F.C Steward in year 1958.
Tissue culture passes 4 phase, they are : (1) cultivation in
culture, (2) organogenesis, (3) enlargement or development
products, and (4) cultivation in soil. Tissue culture can be used
in longiterm storage of germ plasma, so it gives stable genetic
material, decreases storage chamber, and decreases storage
The benefits using tissue culture are as follows:
Getting a lot of germs in a short time with similar
characteristics eith its parent.
Making plants that has characteristics as our will.
Tissue culture is economical from aspects of time, space,
and energy.
Artificial insemination is done in cattle (cows, buffaloes,
and goats. And also this method is done in rare
animals to prevent extinction. Artificial insemination
is a reproductive technology through generative
reproduction. The beginner step of injective
marriage is choosing the superior and healthy male
animal. It is done because it will produce the
superior heredity, too. Besides it, we must know the
mating period of the animal that will be inseminated.
The first step of artificial insemination is by collecting sperms of
male animal, then the sperm is put into artificial insemination
device and then is injected into the female sex organ that has
ripe ovum inside the ovary. Before the insemination device is
put in, the anus and large intestine of the animal must be
cleaned and the person doing the insemination must ash
her/his hand and wear gloves. Then one hand is put into the
anus of the female animal to find the position of uterus so the
insemination device can be put in correct place. The
insemination device is put into the vagina of female animal by
the right position, so that device will not fall when releases
and sperm is injected slowly.
The several advantages of artificial insemination
are :
a. Sperm from male animal that’s required can
be freeze. The sperm can be linguified if it
will be used.
b. Can help cattle breeder to get superior
animal without summoning its father, just by
obtaining the sperm f superior male animal.
Basically, in vitro fertilization is the same as
fertilization process outside the body (external
fertilization). In vitro fertilization happens in
tube, so this method is widely known as tube
baby (= bayi tabung). This method had been done in
mammal animal for a long time ago, but in human it
had been done since 1974. In 1978, the first tube baby
named Louis Brown was born. Dr. Steptue is the first
scientist that succeded in making this in vitro
The processes of in vitro fertilization are as follows. The
ovum and the sperm are taken from parents, then
the ovum and sperm are put into a reaction tube.
The reaction tube contains medium that is required
for the happening of fertilization inside the body.
Then the sperm will fertilize the egg cell and form
zygote. The zygote develops to an embryo. After the
embryo reaches 2-5 days old, the embryo is planted
in the uterus wall of mother. In the uterus, the
embryo will grow and develop until it is ready to be
born to a baby.
Cloning is producing the new individual
through vegetative (asexual), so it will
produce the heredity that has same
characteristics with its mother. The simple
example of cloning is transplanting and
tissue culture.
2. The cultivation of plants using
hydroponic and aeroponic system
3. Radiation
4. Gene Recombination

Gene recombination is the union of genes (DNA) that

comes from different organism to form recombinant
gene (DNA). Example of the using this method are
making insulin for the treatment Diabetes disease
and the making of transgenic organism.
A.Making Insulin
Make insulin is done based on gene recombination
technique because the insulin to cure Diabetes must be
taken from human’s insulin too. The method is the
gene of insulin from human pancreas cell is put into
bacteria gene so that bacteria produces human insulin.
The bacterium used is Escherichia coli.
The advantages from making insulin using gene
recombination method:
Insulin of gene recombination product has purer
characteristics because it contains human’s protein.
Insulin that contains human protein is more accepted by
human body and commonly is not rejected by human
defense system.
Insulin produced from gene recombination is large in
amount, so it is economical and easily obtained.
The making of insulin can be stopped anytime, because
bacteria for recombinant can be stored.
B. Making Transgenic Organism
An organism is called transgenic organism if that
organism gets transfer of gene from another organism.
The transferred gene can be from another kind, such as
virus, bacteria, plant, or another animal. The
transferred gene from one organism to another
organism is meant to obtain new organism with better
characteristics than its parent. One superiority of
transgenic organism, such as transgenic plant. It is
more resistant to attack of disease so its production
Engineering in plants can be done in anytime and
Engineering method can make the food is more
delicious than before and of course make our body
The seedling used in genetic engineering is little
amount but it can produce great amount products.

The bacteria used in engineering can escape from the

laboratory because of carelessness of researches. If it
happens, it can effect that’s not good.
Maybe according to the development of genetic engineering,
it is possible that genetic engineering can be done in human
and happen a gen’s transferring in human. It will trigger
arguments in the society.
The presence of patent system in the new organism
Producing weed that is resistant to pesticide if a pesticide
resistant plant of engineering product is crossed with its wild

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