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Macbeth, while maybe not as corrupt and extreme as some modern day dictators,
does have some resemblances to Joseph Stalin, who was the dictator of the Soviet
Union from the 1920's to the 1950's. Some similarities can be drawn between
these two leaders, especially concerning their ways of gaining power. In Macbeth's
case, he killed King Duncan in order to become the king of Scotland. Similarly, it is
speculated that Lenin, the dictator of the Soviet Union prior to Stalin, died of
poison which caused seizures, the accepted cause of his death. Although this is
only suspected and cannot be confirmed, it would make sense, considering that
the only thing/person remaining in the way of Stalin becoming the ruler of the
Soviet Union was Lenin. Even if this speculation is inaccurate, Stalin is similar to
Macbeth because of his order for another death. Following the death of Lenin,
Stalin had only one political opponent to become ruler of the Soviet Union. To
ensure that he would become the leader, Stalin hired men to kill Trotsky, his
opponent, just as Macbeth hired murderers to kill Banquo, who was Macbeth's
opponent, as it was prophesied that Banquo's children would be kings.
Shakespeare’s Play, the tragedy of Macbeth is one of the darkest and most intriguing
inventions of the literary Bard. It’s tragic in characterization and gloomy in plot development.
The themes in the play and the current Kenyan situation have an eerie resemblance
especially the convergence of character between Macbeth and Uhuru Kenyatta. Uhuru and
Macbeth are military Generals. Whereas Macbeth was a loyal General of King Duncan, Uhuru
was subservient general of president Kibaki. Professor Peter Kagwanja, in his paper, Power to
Uhuru, informs us Uhuru was (is) the General of Mungiki and Uhuru has since shown his
military propensities. He dons combat fatigues at filmiest opportunity. He has betrayed his
immense favor for the military and unmeasured contempt and disgust for our police service.
General Macbeth. General Uhuru. Macbeth and Uhuru are valiant soldiers who led successful
raids to crush their adversaries. Macbeth, the Thane of Glamis, rise came after heavily
defeating the allied forces of Norway and Ireland. He was praised for his bravery and fighting
prowess, and was rewarded with the honor of Thane of Cawdor. It’s said Uhuru marshaled his
Kikuyu tribe into their defence in their day of slaughter during the post-election bloodletting.
In just a day, the infamy of the revenge attack was so severe, that even his master, Kibaki,
was startled and decided to deploy the military. Uhuru was betokened the honor of the
Deputy Prime minister for his efforts. Both gentlemen were soldiers, with blood dripping on
their hands.
Mussolini and Macbeth are similar in some ways and can be
compared to each other. One similarity is that they both were
fighters in an army for their country. Mussolini was a soldier in the
Italian army and Macbeth was a fierce warrior in King Duncan's
army. Also, they were both killed by their own people. Mussolini was
eventually killed by his own people, on April 28, 1945, in Mezzegra,
Italy. Macbeth was also killed by one of his own, Macduff. Both
groups of people, the Italians and the Scotts didn't feel any remorse
about killing Mussolini and Macbeth because both parties didn't
agree with the actions of their leaders.
Fidel Castro was the running a President of Cuba from 1976 to 2008 and
was responsible for the Cuban missile of 1962 and has continued to
disappoint his country since. He also played a key role in the Cuban
revolution resulting in him overthrowing the government in Cuba to gain
both military and political power. After multiple assassination attempts
by the opposing USA, they held economic sanctions against Cuba. In
response Castro formed an alliance with Soviet nation, acquiring nuclear
weapons facing the USA. This essentially burned all bridges between
them, and Cuba has been in a poor and somewhat isolated state.
Macbeth just as Castro changed when he was given too much power for
his own good. Castro changed to a money hungry, savage delving into a
downward spiral the nation of Cuba must recover from. Both Castro and
Macbeth hungry for power in nature. They would act in ways only to help
themselves without regard for the nation they led.

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