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T. Trimpe 2006 http://sciencespot.net/



    = rom Greek word or V  or colour) is the collective
term or a amily o laboratory techniques or the separation o mixtures. It
involves passing a mixture which contains the analyte through a stationary phase,
which separates it rom other molecules in the mixture and allows it to be isolated.

hromatography is the     o a mixture into its 

We can use chromatography to separate the

components o  and  , such as those ound in
pens, markers, clothing, and even candy shells.
hromatography can also be used to separate the
colored     or used to determine the
    o many substances. —  —

   —    — 
ºsed to identi y unknown plant
pigments & other compounds.

ºses thin plastic or glass trays to identi y
the composition o pigments, chemicals,
and other unknown substances.

ºsed to determine the chemical composition o     
unknown substances, such as the di erent an be used to separate the
compounds in gasoline shown by each separate components o inks, dyes, plant
peak in the graph below. compounds =chlorophyll), make-up,
and many other substances
M ë Two or more substances that are mixed together, but not chemically
Air ë mixture o gases
Bowl o cereal ë mixture o cereal and milk
Soda pop ë mixture o soda syrup, water, and   gas
Fog ëwater suspended in air
Kool-Aid ë mixture o water, sugar, and lavor crystals

  ë Two or more elements that are chemically combined.

Salt ëSodium and chlorine combined chemically
Water ëydrogen and oxygen combined chemically
arbon Dioxide ë arbon and oxygen combined chemically

 are mixtures in which one substance is dissolved in another.
 have two parts: solute and solvent
The solute is the substance that is dissolved.
The solvent is the substance that does the dissolving

Soda pop

cean water

  A measure o how much o a given substance will dissolve in a liquid.

A substance that does not dissolve in water is called  .
A substance that does dissolve in water is called  .
¦ btain the supplies you¶ll need. Tape ë Label with marker
ë  large beaker =or plastic cup) encil
ë  small beaker =or plastic cup) illed with water
ë  pieces o ilter paper aper
ë  black markers or testing
ë  small pieces o masking tape
ë encil =to attach to the top o the ilter paper) Ink
ë ermanent marker Mark
ë Timer
¦ Write the pen number on a piece o masking tape with a permanent marker
and place it at the top o the strip.
¦ hoose one o the testing markers and draw a thick line near the bottom o the
ilter paper - about ¼ inch rom the bottom.
¦ our a small amount o water into the large cup and then hang the paper strip
in the cup. Make sure the ink line does not touch the water ë only the bottom
o the ilter paper.
¦ Allow the water to move up the paper or 5 minutes and then remove the strip
rom the water. ang it on the side o the table to dry.
¦ Follow these directions to test the other pens.
omplete the chart on
your worksheet and then
answer the questions.


What colors did your group observe in each o the black ink samples?

Do the colors occur in the same order on all the samples? Explain.

Did some ink samples not work? Why?

O                 M  M  

st ë Test each o the Mystery Mark strips using the procedure rom yesterday.

2nd ë ompare your strips to the strips hanging in the classroom.

3rd ë Write the number o the pen that you think matches each o the mystery marks in the
space on your worksheet.

th ë ave your answers checked by the teacher. Keep trying until you are able to identi y all
6 pens!

en A matches # _____ en D matches # _____

en B matches # _____ en E matches # _____

en  matches # _____ en F matches # _____

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