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Õ  m
A process request the resources, the resources are not available at
that time, so the process enter into the waiting state. The requesting
resources are held by another waiting process, both are in waiting state,
this situation is said to be ³Deadlock´.


P1 P2

Resource Allocation Graph
Vor example P1 and P2 are two processes, R1 and R2 are two
resources. P1 request the resource R1, R1 held by process P2, P2 request
the resource R2, R2 is held by P1, then both are entered into the waiting
state. There is no work progress for process P1 and P2, it is also a
Deadlock. Deadlock can be represented by Resource Allocation Graph.

"  m  m m 

A Deadlocked system must satisfied the following 4 conditions.
These are :

  Mutual exclusion means resource are in
non-sharable mode only, it means only one process at a time can use a
resource. If some other process requests that resource, the requesting
process must be wait until the resource has been released. Vor
example, line printers, the line printers are always in non-sharable
mode only, only one process can use the resource at a time.
 m m   ach and every process in the dead lock state,
must holding at least one resource and is waiting for additional
resources, that are currently being held by other processes. Vor
example, consider the below figure :

R1 R2

P2 P3

R3 R4

P1, P2, P3 are 3 processes, R1, R2, R3 and R4 are 4 resources,

each process holding a resource and waiting for another resource. P1
holding the resource R3 and is waiting for resource R1. P2 holding
resource R1 and R4, waiting for R2 and R3. P3 holding the resource
R2 and is waiting for resource R4.
Œ     Êo preemption means resources are not
released in the middle of the work, they released only after the process
has completed its task.
   In the previous figure, P1 is waiting for a
resource R1 it is held by P2, P2 is waiting for R2, R2 held by P3, P3
waiting for R4, R4 held by P2, P2 waiting for resource R3 it is held
by P1.

P1 R1 P2 R2 P3 R4 P2 R3

It is said to be Circular Wait.

Deadlocks can be described precisely using a directed graph
called a system à Ã  
à This graph consists of a set
of vertices V and a set of edges . The set of vertices V is partitioned
into two different types of nodes P = {P1, P2, P3«««««.Pn}, the
set of all active processes in the system, and R = {R1,
R2,««««Rm}, the set of all resource types in the system.

A directed edge from process Pi to resource type Rj is denoted by

Pi Rj, it means that process Pi requested an instance of resource type
Rj and is waiting for that resource. A directed edge from resource type
Rj to process Pi is denoted by Rj Pi, it means that an instance of
resource type Rj has been allocated to process Pi. A directed edge
Pi Rj is called a à    and a directed edge Rj Pi is called

ach process Pi is represented as a circle and each resource type
Rj as a square. Instances of a resource type Rj are represented by dots
within the square.

R1 R3

P1 P2


R3 R4

Resource Allocation Graph

Vig. shows the resource allocation graph for the following
situation :
I. The sets P = { P1, P2, P3 }, R = {R1, R2, R3, R4 },  = { P1 R1,
P2 R3, R1 P2, R2 P2, R2 R1, R3 P3}
II. Resource instances ± 1 instance of resource type R1, 2 instances of
resource type R2, 1 instance of resource type R3 and 3 instances of
resource type R4.
III. Process states ±
a) Process P1 is holding an instance of resource type R2, and is waiting
for an instance of resource type R1.
b) Process P2 is holding an instance of resource type R1 and R2, and is
waiting for an instance of resource type R3.
c) Process P3 is holding an instance of resource type R3.
If a resource allocation graph contains no cycles, then no process
in the system is deadlocked. If the graph contains a cycle, then deadlock
may exist.
Õm m    
The general meaning for prevention is take the medicine before
the attack of diseases. Deadlock prevention is same as take the
preventive methods before attacking the deadlock. Vor deadlock to
occur, each of the four necessary conditions must hold, by ensuring that
at least one of these conditions can¶t hold, we can prevent the
occurrence of the deadlock. So apply this technique on four necessary
conditions separately.

  Mutual exclusion means resource are in
non-sharable mode only, it means only one process at a time can use a
resource. If some other process requests that resource, the requesting
process must be wait until the resource has been released. We can deny
this condition by simple protocol i.e., ³convert the all non-sharable
resources to sharable resources´. So this condition is not satisfied by
the deadlock, then we can prevent the deadlock. Here is a simple
correction, a printer is not shared by the number of process at a time,
so we can¶t convert the printer from non-sharable to sharable mode. So
we can¶t apply this preventive method if the system consisting of
 m m   ach and every process in the dead lock state,
must holding at least one resource and is waiting for additional
resources, that are currently being held by other processes. We can
deny this condition with following two protocols :
I. ³A process request the resources only when the process has none´.
This protocol is very expensive, and time consuming. Vor example, a
process wants to copy the data from a tape drive to a disk file, and then
take a print out. Initially the process consisting of tape drive, disk file.
Êow the process to be request the printer. Applying the above said
protocol the tape drive and disk file before the request of printer. So it
is time consuming.
II. ³ach process to request and be allocated all its resources before it
begins execution´. It is very difficult to implement, because more
number of resources are available to begin the execution. Vor example,
P1, P2, P3,««««««P100 are 100 processes . ach requires a
printer to complete their jobs. Applying this protocol the system must
consisting of 100 printers. So it is very difficult to implement.
Œ     Êo preemption means resources are not
released in the middle of the work, they released only after the process
has completed its task. To ensure that condition does not hold, we use
the following protocol :
A process request some resources, we first check whether they
are available. If they are available we allocate them. If they are not
available, we check whether they are allocated to some other process
that is waiting for additional resources. If so, we preempt the desired
resources from the waiting process and allocate them to the requesting
process. If resources are not either available (or) held by a waiting
process, then, the requesting process must wait. While it is waiting
some of its resources may be used by other process.
   We ensure that circular wait must not happened
if we apply a simple solution, i.e., numbering all the resources types
and each process request resources in an increasing order of
enumeration. Alternatively whenever ³A process requests an instance
of resource type Rj, it has released any resource Ri, such that V(Ri) >
V(Rj)´ and the second protocol is
³A process can initially request any number of instances of
resource type, say Ri. After that the process can request the instances of
resource type Rj, if and only if V(Rj) > V(Ri)´.
If these 2 protocols are used, then the circular wait condition
cannot hold.
Õ m m m 
It is one of the methods of dynamically escaping from the
deadlocks, the word dynamically means µonline¶. In this scheme if a
process request for resources the avoidance algorithm checks before the
allocation of resources about the state of system. If the state is safe, the
system allocate the resources to the requesting process otherwise
(unsafe) do not allocate the resources. So taking care before the
allocation said to be    
 . Safe state means ³ no
deadlock will happen, even we allocate the resources to requesting
processes´. Unsafe means the deadlocks may happen if grant the
resources . Consider the below figure for better understanding.


Safe unsafe and deadlock state spaces

A safe state is not a deadlock state. Conversely, a deadlock state
is an unsafe state. Êot all unsafe states are deadlocks, however, an
unsafe state may lead to a dead lock. As long as the state is safe, the O.S.
can avoid unsafe states.
Ú Î      If multiple instances of resource are
available in the system, then this algorithm is used.
Assumption for Banker¶s algorithm are as follows:
a.very process tells in advance, the number of resources of each type it
may require.
b.Êo process asks for more resources then what the system has.
c. At the termination time every process will release resources.
Ú m 

 The following data structures are used,
where n be the number of processes and m be the number of
   : A vector of length µm¶ indicates that number of
available resources of each type. If available [ j] = k, there are k
instances of resource type Rj available.
  : A nXm matrix indicates maximum demand of each
process. If max [i, j] = k, then process Pi may request at most k
instances of resource type Rj.
: A nXm matrix indicates number of resources of each
type currently allocated to each process. If allocation [i, j] = k,
then process Pi is currently allocated k instances of resource type
   : A nXm matrix indicates remaining resource need of each
process. If need [i, j] = k, then process Pi may need k more
instances of resource type Rj to complete its task.
Ú     m

Ú       This algorithm checks whether a state
is in safe state or not. This algorithm requires O(mXn2) operations.
The steps of algorithm are as follows:
a. Initialize Work : = Available and
Vinish [i ] = false for i= 1,2,3,««««««.n
b. Vind an i such that both
Vinish [i ] := false
Êeed [i ] <= work
If no such I exists, go to step d.
c. Work := Work + Allocation [i ]
Vinish [i ] := true
Go to step b.
d. If Vinish [i ] := true for all I, then the system is in a safe state.
    : To satisfy the
request made by process Pi for resource following actions are
a. If request [i ] <= Êeed [i ], go to step b else display error message.
b. If request [i ] <= Available, go to step c else Pi must wait until the
resources available.
c. Available : = Available ± Request [i ]
Allocation [i ] : = Allocation [i ] + Request [i ]
Êeed [i ] : = Êeed [i ] ± Request [i ]
If the resulting resource allocation state is in safe state, then
resources are allocated to Pi.
Õm m m   
Detection mechanism of deadlocks for single instance of resource
type is different. We can detect the dead locks using wait for graph for
single instance resource type and detect using detection algorithm for
multiple instances of resource type.
   Single instance of
resource type means, the system consisting of only one resource for
one type. We can detect this type of deadlocks with the help of wait for
graph. A wait for graph is a graph, it derived from µresource allocation
graph¶. It consisting of only processes as vertices instead of resources
and processes in resource allocation graph.
Consider the given figure. We represent a resource allocation
graph and the corresponding wait for graph. An edge from Pi to Pj in a
wait for graph implies that process Pi is waiting for process Pj to
release a resource that Pi needs. An edge Pi to Pj exists in a wait for
graph if and only if the corresponding resource allocation graph
contains two edges Pi to Rq and Rq to Pj for some resource Rq.
R1 R2

P2 P3

R3 R4

Resource Allocation Graph

P1 R1 P2 P2 R2 P3

P2 P3

P2 R3 P1 P3 R4 P2

Wait for graph

A system is in deadlock state , if and only if the wait for graph

contains cycles. So we can detect the deadlocks with cycles. In the
figure there is 2 cycles one is P1 to P2 to P1, second one P2 to P3 to P2
so the system consisting of deadlocks.
   The wait for
graph is not applicable to several instance of resource type. So we need
another method for this type, that is ³deadlock detection algorithm´.
This algorithm looks like µBanker¶s algorithm´ and it employees
several data structures that are similar to those used in the Banker¶s
" m 

I. Available : A vector of length µm¶ indicates the number of available
resources of each type.
II. Allocation : An nXm matrix defines the number of resources of each
type currently allocated to each process.
III. Request : An nXm matrix indicates the current request of each
process. If request [I, j] = k, then process Pi is requesting K more
instances of resource type Rj.
" m m m     
I. Initialize Work: = Available
If allocation [ i ] != 0 for i = 1,2,3,««««««««.n. then
Vinish [ i ] = false, otherwise
Vinish [ i ] ± true
II. Vind an index i such that both
a. Vinish [ i ] = false
b. Request [ i ] < work
if no such I exists, go to step 4
III. Work : = Work + Allocation [ i ]
Vinish [ i ] = true
go to step 2
IV. If Vinish [ i ] = false, for some I than the system is in a deadlock
state. Moreover, if Vinish [ i ] = false then process Pi is deadlocked.
Õ    m m 
Once deadlock has been detected, some strategy is needed for
recovery. The various approaches of recovering from deadlock are:
       ³Process termination´ it is one
method to recover from deadlock. We use 2 methods for process
termination, these are:
 Î   m m m     It means release all
the processes in the deadlocked state, and start the allocation from the
starting point. It is a great expensive method.
 Î   Î    
  m m
   m : In this method first abort the one of the
processes in the deadlocked state, and allocated the resources to some
other process in the deadlock state then check whether the deadlock
breaked or not. If no, abort the another process from the deadlock
state. Continue this process until we recover from deadlock. This
method is also expensive but compare with first one it is better.
   : To eliminate deadlocks using
resource preemption, preempt some resources from processes and
give these resources to other processes until the deadlock cycle is
There are 3 methods to eliminate the deadlocks using resource
preemption. These are :
      : Select a victim resource from the
deadlock state, and preempt that one.
 Î : If a resource from a process is preempted, what
should be done with that process. The process must be roll backed to
some safe state and restart it from that state.
   : It must be guaranteed that resource will not always
be preempted from the same process to avoid starvation problem.

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