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The two main steps in MODEL GRIEVANCE

1)Grievance Machinery
2)Grievance Procedure
r) rie a ce ac i er

h rie a ce ac i er is req ire t be set

i eac ertaki g t a i ister t e
grie a ce r ce re.
h W rker fr eac e art e t a i eac
s ift as t elect fr t e sel es f r t e
eri t less t a r ear at a ti e.
h If rks c ittee are rki g
satisfact ril t e t e ill act as e art e tal
re rese tati es.
2) Grievance Procedure
h An a rieved employee shall first present his rievance ver ally in
person to the officer desi nated y the mana ement for this purpose. An
answer shall e iven within 48 hours of the presentation of the complaint.
h If the wor er is not satisfied or does not receive any answer he can
consult the head of the department.
h If the decision of the department head is unsatisfactory, the a rieved
wor er may re uest that his rievance e forwarded to the rievance
committee, which shall ma e its recommendations to the mana er within 7
days of the wor ers re uest.
h In case the decision of the mana ement e not forthcomin within the
stipulated period, the wor er shall have a ri ht to appeal to the mana ement
for revision.
h If no a reement is still possi le, the union and the mana ement may
refer the rievance to voluntary ar itration within a wee of the receipt y the
wor er.
h ãor ers representative on the rievance committee shall have
the ri ht of access to any document connected with the in uiry
maintained in the department.
h There shall e a time limit within which an appeal shall e
ta en from one step to another. For this p purpose the a rieved
wor er shall, within 72 hours of the receipt of the decision
h In calculatin the various time intervals under the a ove
clause, holidays shall not e calculated.
h If its necessary for any wor er to leave the department durin
the wor in hours on call from the La or/ Personnel
h Officer he was ranted permission and the wor er would not
suffer any loss in wa es
h If, however, there e any complaint a ainst any individual
mem er of the staff, who is nominated y the mana ement to
handle the rievance at the lower level, the wor er may ta e his
rievance to the next hi her sta e ie     
h At present, there are three le islations dealin with rievances of employees
wor in in industries. The Industrial Employment (Standin Orders) Act,
1946, re uires that every esta lishment employin 100 or more wor ers
should frame standin orders.

h These should contain, amon other thin s, a provision for redressal of

rievances of wor ers a ainst unfair treatment and wron ful actions y the

h India, a Model Grievance Procedure was adopted y the Indian La or

Conference . In its 16th session held in 1958. At present, Indian industries are
adoptin either the Model Grievance Procedure or procedures formulated y
themselves with modifications in the Model Grievance Procedure. In other
words, the rievance Procedures are mostly voluntary in nature.

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