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A Tool for Successful Volunteer Program Management

Presented by Esther Rosenow

Originally presented by Kathy L. Head, BS, CAVS,

for Cleveland State University’s Division of Continuing Education
FriendRAISERS Process
R ecruitment
A ssessment
I nterview
S creening
E ducation
R etention
S upervision
◦ Referral agencies: VolunteerMatch, UGive.org, RSVP,
Business Volunteers Unlimited, HandsOn
◦ Organization’s website
◦ Social media: Facebook, Twitter
In Person
◦ Presentation, agency fair
◦ Employee word-of-mouth
In the Community
◦ Flyers, magazines, newspapers, church bulletins
Recruitment Challenges
◦ Easy to click, harder to follow up
Staying power
◦ Retired volunteers
◦ Volunteers affiliated with other organizations
Creatingeffective postings (see handout)
Awareness vs. recruitment
Word-of-mouth wins
Telephone Screening
◦ Ask 4-5 questions to get to know volunteer
◦ Discuss time commitment and training & screening
◦ Use Telephone Screening Record
Volunteer Application
◦ Volunteers want to act NOW, so bring them in ASAP
and get application at interview
◦ Resume, professional documents
Interview site
◦ Accessible, private
◦ Onsite vs. offsite
Materials to use & share
◦ Brochure about organization
◦ Opportunity’s service description
◦ Volunteer Interview Record
Opening the Interview
◦ Welcome, establish rapport
◦ Talk about organization’s background
Conducting the Interview
◦ Review application
◦ Discuss interests, opportunities, requirements
Closing the Interview
◦ Offer position or decline if not suitable
◦ Explain next steps
Interview Questions
General questions
◦ Previous volunteer/work experience
◦ Reasons for volunteering
◦ Strengths, weaknesses
◦ Personal hero, describe self, etc.
Behavior questions
◦ How do you handle disagreement?
◦ How would you handle an unruly student?
Interview Questions
Illegal Questions!
◦ Marital status
◦ Children/family
◦ Living situation/home ownership
◦ Age
◦ Religion
◦ Nationality
◦ Disability/health
Interview Follow-up
Assess Volunteer Suitability
Right fit for current roles?
◦ Skills
◦ Time commitment
◦ Personality and interests
New skills for new role?
Background Screening
◦ Reference check
◦ Background check
Health Screening
◦ TB test
◦ Immunization
◦ Drug screening
Organizational Orientation
Position-Specific Training
Ongoing Education
◦ Keep volunteers current
◦ Provide reinforcement, answer questions

All provide additional opportunities for

volunteer assessment.
◦ Daily!
◦ Event, org. newsletter/bulletin board, awards
◦ Regular telephone/email contact, newsletter
◦ Volunteer to volunteer
New Role or “Promotion”
Codes of Conduct
◦ Signed during orientation, reviewed at evaluation
◦ 60-day, 90-day, yearly
Supervisory Visits
◦ First visit, yearly
Program Assessment
◦ Ask volunteers to assess program
Disciplinary Process
◦ Follow organization’s process
Leadership Styles
Charismatic – charms (Bill Clinton)
Participative – facilitates (Trump)
Situational – adapts (Eisenhower)
Transactional – rewards/punishes (McCarthy)
Transformational – motivates (MLK Jr.)
Quiet – leads by example (Lincoln)
Servant – serves followers (Gandhi)
Servant Leadership
A Servant Leader…
1. Listens
2. Empathizes
3. Heals relationships
4. Is sensitive to followers’ individuality
5. Uses persuasion instead of authority
6. Thinks beyond day-to-day realities
7. Thinks ahead
8. Acts as a steward
9. Commits to followers’ intrinsic value
10. Commits to building a community
Leadership Assessment
Ambassador – diplomat
Advocate – champion
People Mover – motivator
Truth Seeker – equalizer
Creative Builder – entrepreneur
Experienced Guide – wise one

Esther Rosenow
Health Literacy Volunteer Coordinator
Care Alliance Health Center
(216) 781-6228, ext. 262
Many Thanks to:
The West Side Catholic Center for hosting today!
NEO Literacy Corps’s generous funders:
Ohio Community Service Council
Corporation for National & Community Service
George Gund Foundation
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
Bruening Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation
Key Bank Foundation
Underwritten by Charter One Foundation
Third Federal Bank Foundation 

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