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Writing Problem and Hypothesis

Statements for Medical Research(10)



Setting of work proposal :
? ?
Work problem :
Quantitative specification of problem :

Importance of problem :
Project need : ,

Work objective : ?
Methodology to achieve objective
: ?
Anticipated results :
Contribution to field :
Although advances in medical technology and therapeutic treatment have
greatly increased the survival rate of patients diagnosed with nasal and pharyngeal
cancer, patients receiving irradiation treatment experience adverse side effects, including
skin reaction, bone necrosis and hearing loss. Such irreversible reactions lower their
quality of living, accounting for the search for alternative methods to decrease patient
discomfort accompanied with radiation therapy. Given the increasing number
of patients receiving radiation therapy, which is less discomforting than chemotherapy or
surgery, adverse side effects of treating patients diagnosed with nasal and pharyngeal
cancer must be resolved. As is generally assumed, skin reaction caused by treatment is
irreversible because the radial destroys the dermal cell and the hearing cell, explaining
for the search of an effective means of averting side effects irradiation treatments or
patients of nasal and pharyngeal cancer. For instance, the side effect of
the skin reaction is generally assumed to be irreversible because the radial destroys the
dermal cell and the hearing cell, necessitating the development of a method that can
avoid the side effects incurred by irradiation for the patient of N.P.C.
The inability to eliminate the adverse side effects of irradiation treatment makes it
impossible to improve the therapeutic outcome. Patient discomfort may cause them to
stop therapy or not adhere to the therapeutic schedule, explaining the urgency to remedy
this problem. Moreover, the ability to provide better care for the patient would not only
decrease the adverse side effects brought on by irradiation treatment, but also increase
the curative rate. Therefore, the causes of irreversible skin reactions and
how they vary during radiation therapy must be analyzed by performing an iodine-starch
staining test and accumulating statistics from a questionnaire survey.
The causes of irreversible skin reactions and how they vary during
radiation therapy can be analyzed by performing an iodine-starch staining test
and accumulating statistics from a questionnaire survey. To
do so, two patient groups can be formed, i.e. a group of 100 patients having
undergone therapeutic treatment previously and a control group of 100 patients.
The reaction caused by sweat and damaged skin can then be analyzed by
using the iodine-starch staining test. Next, statistical results obtained from the
two groups can reveal why such a reaction occurs and varying degrees of the
skin reaction. As anticipated, analysis results can identify why
skin reactions occur, including skin erythema, dry desquamation, moist
desquamation and skin necrosis. Those results can provide a valuable
reference for efforts to reduce skin reaction caused by irradiation by 70%.
Results of this study can shed light on why skin reactions occur during
irradiation to decrease the potential harm to patients during radiation therapy by
designing an appropriate treatment schedule to yield a better therapeutic
outcome. In addition to decreasing the likelihood of skin reaction, e.g.,
carbuncular, desquamating and ulcerations, caused by irradiation treatment,
this study contributes to efforts to avert hearing loss that leads to both
physiological and psychological effects.
Curcumin can inhibit the activation of cancer
cells in humans. However, merely consuming
plenty of natural foods such as vegetables and fruits does
not ensure a concrete expression to circumvent the
activation of cancer cells. (NOTE : Add 2-4 sentences that
describe characteristics of the problem or statistics that
reflect its severity) For instance, the
inability to consistently consume 10M of curcumin will not
prevent activation of cancer cells. The
inability to consume adequate amounts of curcumin to
inhibit cancer cell growth makes it impossible to ensure
sustained growth. Therefore, a
determination method must be developed to identify
various concentrations of curcumin that would inhibit
cancer cell growth, enabling us to determine the most
efficacious concentration.
A determination method can be developed to identify various
concentrations of curcumin that would inhibit cancer cell growth,
enabling us to determine the most efficacious concentration.
To do so, carcinoma macrophage culture can be made for
high glucose and low glucose. The survival rate of the MTT conversion
cell can then be analyzed by adding various concentrations of curcumin.
Next, subequent MTT data can provide evidence of O.D 550nm of
ELISA. As anticipated, analysis results can indicate that
various concentrations of curcumin can inhibit cancer cell growth.
Results of this study can shed light on the potential role of
curcumin in decreasing the incidence of cancer. (NOTE : Add 2-4
sentences that describe more thoroughly how the proposed method
contributes to a particular field or sector)
Further details can be found at

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