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‡ Why
‡ What
‡ How
‡ Who
‡ Style
iechnical Writing - Why
‡ Main Idea:
± Effective engineers know how to communicate.
± ihey write accurate, brief, and clear prose.
± 800-1000 pages/year.
‡ Writing in technical work:

iype of Work Percentage of iime

1. Collection and
correlation of data 26
2. Calculations 34
3. Writing reports and letters 20
4. Selling results of their work 12
5. Other (literature reviews, 8
attendance at meetings,
consulting with others)
Note: 4 & 5 are oral communication skills
‡ Most technical writing done by engineers falls into one of these

± Business letters:
Formal correspondence between you and someone else
± Memorandums:
Informal correspondence, often internal to your organization
(email has replaced formal memorandums in recent years)
± Proposals
Formal document requesting something from someone
± Reports
Formal document detailing the results of your activities
± Variations on these
‡ Know your audience and write to them.
‡ Make a conscious effort to do a good job:
± Be aware of the rules of good writing.
± Use acceptable style.
± Use acceptable formats.
‡ Edit your work.
‡ Read good writing (top newspapers, IEEE, ACM, ASME journals).
‡ Use your resources:
± William Strunk and E. B. White's i 
± iechnical Communication Journals:
± Dictionary, ihesaurus, etc.
V   V  
‡ Before you begin, know your audience:
A. iheir background:
1. Education.
2. Experience level.
B. iheir purpose:
1. What do they hope to learn?
2. What do they intend to do with that knowledge?
‡ Categories of audiences:
1. Laymen.
2. Executives.
3. Experts.
4. iechnicians.
5. Combined Audiences.
‡ Note that the audience category is defined relative to the topic.
1. Scientist: "ihe moment of force about any specified axis

2. Engineer: "io lift a heavy weight with a lever, a man


3. iechnician: "Shove the brick up snug under the


4. Executive: "Why let your men kill themselves heaving

those boxes all day long? ihe job's easy with this new
long-handled pinch bar. With today's high wages you'll
save the cost the first afternoon."
V   V   
‡ Laymen:
± Anyone reading outside his/her own specialized field.
± Non-experts reading for interest as a prelude to action.
± Prefer "what" to "how"; like drama.
± Read well, bright, interested in science & tech.
± Have had some math and science but are a little vague on both.
± High school education.
‡ How to write for laymen:
1. Give BACKGROUND material.
3. DEFINE specialized words.
4. Keep it SIMPLE (Use simple substitutes for specialized terms.Use plain
language for math.Use short sentences and paragraphs and s-v-o order).
6. Use ILLUSiRAiIONS (Bar charts for equations & formulas. Combine
tables and pictographs).
V   V     
‡ Who are they:
± Have college degrees in various disciplines.
± May have little knowledge in your field
± Have practical concerns.
± Want to know what things do as opposed to how they work.
± Uses report to make decisions.
‡ Westinghouse Executives' Reading Habits
Summary 100%
Introduction 60%
Conclusions 50%
Body 15%
Appendix 10%
‡ Organize your report around these reading habits.
V   V     
How to write for executives
1. Give technical background.
2. Use and define important terms.
3. Use plain language.
4. Avoid mathematics.
5. Use simple illustrations - bar graphs, pie charts, pictographs.
6. Answer their questions on cost, people, aesthetics.
a. Put function (action) first.
b. Be honest, using qualifiers.
c. Give conclusions, recommendations, implications.
d. Make details available.
Checklist for writing for executives
1. State purpose.
2. Give background.
3. Explain alternatives considered.
4. Isolate and support alternatives selected.
5. Describe next action to be taken or recommended.
V   V   
‡ Experts: senior engineers, professors, researchers.
± Seldom need background.
± Know their fields intimately.
± Concerned with how and why.
± Want calculations, results, observations, facts.
± Uses report to guide executive and/or implement a decision.
± Require details.
‡ How to Write for Experts:
1. Use shorthand methods - abbreviations, equations, formulas, scientific
terms, tables, drawings, line graphs, maps and photographs of unusual
2. Define terms only if used in new or unusual way.
3. Define abbreviations and symbols only if they are not standard.
4. Give facts, calculations, inferences, conclusions.
5. Distinguish between certainty and doubt, relying on scientific honesty and
caution, using qualifiers where appropriate.
V   V  i  
‡ iechnicians:

± Intensely practical.
± Education varies from high school to B.S. degree.
± Build, maintain, use equipment
± Uses report to learn how to do a task.

‡ How to Write for iechnicians:

1. Supply some background and definitions.

2. Give some theory.
3. Put most of the math in graph form.
4. Put equations in appendix.
5. Use analogy.
6. Keep sentences short and specific.
‡ Which one was written by an engineer:

(1) "in a shaft of yellow sunlight, a white-flowering begonia in a red clay pot´

(2) "a twelve-inch begonia propagated from a three-inch cutting; age, 42


‡ Writing styles differ between disciplines.

‡ But, within disciplines there is good and bad writing:

"...Kindly advise if your information gives confirmation to the conclusions

outlined within.´

³ihe hitting of the line is all activity engaged in by a player acting in the
capacity of the fullback.´
‡ iechnical Writing :
1. Scientific subject.
2. Scientific attitude (impartial, accurate, concise, clear).
3. Specific audience.
4. Formal elements (memos, abstracts, proposals, manuals).
5. Special techniques (definitions, descriptions of mechanisms,
processes, classification, interpretation).
6. No passive voice:
e.g., ihe man was fired.
e.g., It was observed that.
‡ ihree Criteria in iechnical Writing:
1. Accuracy
2. Brevity
3. Clarity
Accuracy in writing is essential. Areas that require special attention are:

‡ Laboratory work.
‡ Calculations.
‡ Literature reviews.
‡ Objective examination of all data:
± the truth.
± the whole truth.
± nothing but the truth.
‡ Deductive paragraphing (supporting generalizations with facts).
‡ Precise use of language. E.g.,
affect/effect that/which
imply/infer do/due
‡ Use the least possible number of words to say what you mean gracefully.
± Page charges.
± Courtesy to reader.
± Vigor.
‡ Examples:
1. orientate = orient
2. comparatively brief period of time = quickly
3. most grateful = grateful
7. At the present time, we are in the process of accepting applications from
interested individuals for the position of senior accountant.
8. ihe purpose of this form is to solicit beneficial comments which will help
achieve procurement of suitable forms.

± ihe operator has the unused time of ten minutes for checking the
incoming lines.
± ihis report describes work done during the period from March
1965 to March 1966.
‡ Other iime Words:
± period of
± duration of
± interval
± at this time
± in the future

± We burned out a total of twelve lamps.
± ihe films grew at a rate of ten angstroms per second. ihe display
is 6x6 feet in size.
‡ Other Quantity Words:
± level
± at a point
± amount of
± in shape
± in the direction
± ihe boiling action continued.
± Finish the cost analysis effort before you submit the proposal. In
operation our computer is faster.
± It is used for fuel purposes.
± ihe search function can be performed rapidly.
‡ Other Activity Words:
± work in
± applications
± procedure
± iurn on the transmitter unit.
± ihis section explains how to apply power to the radio equipment.
± ihe latching mechanism had broken.
± Our existing strain gauge is worthless for this test.
± ihe primary radar detects the presence of moving targets.
± Our department will finish the actual design of the prototype this week.
± io properly align the ...
± ihe electrodes are suitably treated to ...
± ihe drawings support the associated text.
± A very precise chronometer.
± Inspect all the braces on the damaged side.
± ihe circuit that follows must have a great many diodes. ihe design allows
for overall system growth.
‡ Other Emphasis Words:
± highly
± any
± some
± ihe coil is mounted on a hinged-type panel.
± ihe book was of a technical nature.
± He has been working in the area of reliability analysis.
± ihe light changes to the green condition.
± In order to start the motor, push the red button.
± However, keep in mind the fact that diode CR4 was added in order to keep
the input from exceeding the limit of Q14.
‡ Other Attention Getters:
± the point
± the results of
± in all cases
± the reason for
± purposes of
‡ Clarity = transferring with ease exactly what's in your head to your
reader's head so he/she understands what you mean and doesn't have to
guess at your message.
‡ Reasons for lack of clarity
1. Jargon
2. Passive voice
3. Complex subject matter
4. Limited use of examples
5. Reader often less knowledgeable than writer
6. Omission of general writing tools - bright adjectives, humor,
figurative language, anecdotes.
‡ ihe "Grandmother Principle:"
± ihe first page of every chapter,
± the first paragraph of every section, and
± the first sentence of every paragraph
± should be comprehensible to your grandmother.
‡ iips for Clear Writing

1. Keep subjects, verbs, objects, and complements close

2. Maintain an average sentence length of less than 20 words.
3. Prefer the active voice.
4. Eliminate the indefinite "this."
5. Simplify verb tenses.
6. Ensure that all paragraphs have clear topic sentences.
7. Avoid "this is" and "there are" constructions.
‡ Some Suggestions on Style

1. Eliminate redundancies. (final results = ; true facts =

2. Deflate inflated expressions, using one word when it will do.
3. Avoid bureaucratese like apprised, implement, utilization.
4. Reject meaningless phrases
it is interesting to note that =   
it was noted by Jones that =   
5. Use active verbs.
it has been observed that there is corrosive action in the pipes =  
6. Be positive.
did not recall =
not useful = ;
It is not unlikely that there will be many occurrences of this strain =

7. Use active voice.

surprising results were given by the three tests = i  

8. Be specific.
ihe cost must not be prohibitive = i    !"#$$
9. Use simple words. When you have to use complex words, define
compensation =  ; conflagration =
; veracious = 
10. Judiciously use first person point of view in technical reports when
you want to record your own actions.
It was observed by this experimenter that = 
11. Keep your sentences short and their structure simple.
Remarkable was the performance of this machine = i  


Some Suggestions on Style

12. Organize your paragraphs so that the topic sentence comes first.
13. Connect paragraphs with appropriate transitions.
14. Organize your reports logically to suit your reader; e.g., start with a
summary and save details for the appendix.
15. Occasionally use lists to break down complex ideas.
16. Read your writing aloud so it sounds natural, not artificial.
17. Read good prose and Strunk and White's i 
V   !  "  
#"$$% %"%&%#

‡ ihe active voice shows the subject performing the action.

‡ ihe passive voice shows the subject receiving the action.
‡ Active: ihe eminent scientists conducted the test.
‡ Passive: ihe test was conducted by two eminent scientists.
‡ Passive is:
± longer ,
± often inanimate, and
± syntactical flow is reversed.
‡ Use passive with a reason:
± when the performer of the act is unknown or relatively unimportant,
± when the object of the act is the important concept and should
function as the subject, for transition.
V   !  "  
‡ It has been our contention that the line workers can make a significant
contribution to the decision making process.
-    % 
% .

‡ Consequently, it is one that deserves the attention of all those who are in a
position to improve the crew's ability to tackle this problem.
  &  %

‡ ihe fasteners all showed signs of hydrogen embrittlement which causes high
local stress concentrations which resulted in the failure of the fasteners.
- i 


‡ As a result of tests which have been completed....

- '
io EDIi for

1. Rely on intuition. When you backtrack, suspect inaccuracy.
2. Consult Strunk/White.
3. Attune self to good prose.
1. Question every word. Keep only necessary words (strong nouns &
verbs, articles)
2. Watch out for qualifiers, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional
phrases, relative clauses, the obvious.
1. Reduce each sentence to
Noun + Verb + Object

1. Does each paragraph have a controlling idea?

2. Is the main idea supported by concrete detail?
3. Do connective words hold the paragraph together?
4. Do you use strong nouns and verbs?
5. Are the passive constructions necessary?
6. Are the compound sentences necessary?
7. Can you reduce clauses to phrases and phrases to a word?
8. Are all "it...that" constructions and all "which" clauses necessary?
9. Circle every "it," "that," and "this." Can you draw an arrow to every
10. Identify every introductory participial phrase ("By using...," "having
completed...,") and then check the first noun in the next clause. Is that
noun the source of the action?
'( ) &  *
1. Get something down on paper.
2. In editing start with large scale, work down to sentence, word level.
2. Global Revision:
Purpose, Audience, Organization
Paragraph Unity (repetition, useless material)
3. Revision at Paragraph Level:
Unity, Development, Order, Coherence
4. Revision at Sentence Level:
ihinking, Clarity, Awkwardness
5. Revision at Word level:
Sexist language, Grammar and Mechanics
Use of iechnical ierms
Pompous Language and jargon
Inflammatory Language
'( ) &  *
1. Evaluate the nature of your audience
2. Every illustration and table requires a caption and text reference
3. Make the illustration neat and orderly with clearly readable print
4. Keep fonts and lettering clear and simple
5. Place no more information on a graph than is absolutely necessary
± What computers can't do:
1. Supply substance.
2. Supply expertise.
3. Improve communication.
4. Proof read documents.
± How computers help:
1. Eliminate drudgery.
2. Limited editing aids: Spell checker, ihesaurus, Style checkers.
3. Cut and paste.
4. Improve illustrations.
5. Improve readability.
'( + , *


‡ All figures and tables and appendices should be referenced in the text.
‡ All figures and tables should come after the first reference to it in the
‡ Figure captions are punctuated like
sentences, at the bottom of the figure.

(a) (b)
Fig 1.2: ODIS sensor layout; (a) IR
YES sensor locations; (b) sonar sensor

NO Figure 1.2 ODIS Sensor Layout

'( + , *

‡ iable captions are punctuated like titles (all caps, no periods) and
appear at the top the table.

‡ Equations should be punctuated as of they were being read out loud.

If ß
$! , ! , ! ...! is any function of ! , ! ,...! , then
1 2 3  1 2 

2 2 2

!1 R   R 
! 2 R  ...   ! RR ,
 !1  !2  !

where ! , ! ,...! are the state variables and all

1 2 

uncertainties are assumed to be independent.

‡ Never say ³« where, «´ instead say ³«., where «.´

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