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Apache Installation

What is Apache
 Open Source HTTP Server that serves any HTTP
request developed by numerous developers
around the globe now coordinated by a non-
profit organization called the Apache Foundation.

 Apache has been written in C, using a dynamic,

modular architecture (much like
the kernel module architecture) in which pieces
of functionality can be
inserted into the web server by loading pieces of
code known as modules.

 History of Apache
 Use of Apache
 Why Apache?
 Requirement And Specifications
 Installation & Configuration
History of Apache
 The first version of the Apache web server was created by Robert McCool,
known simply as NCSA HTTPd before 1994.
 1995: After Robert McCool left NCSA, Brian Behlendorf started collecting
patches to be applied to the last version of NCSA. The initial versions of
Apache are available primarily as a series of patches. Hence, initially, the
name Apache, as it was "a patchy server". At least, so the legend goes.
 April of 1995: The first public release of Apache (version 0.6.2) came out.
 December 1, 1995 : Apache 1.0 released and within a year surpassed
NCSA as the most-used web server.
 June of 1999:The Apache Software Foundation was formed.
 March, 2000: ApacheCon was held in Orlando Florida, USA. Apache 2.0
Alpha 1 was released
 …. January 19, 2008, Apache 2.2.8 Released.
Use of Apache
 Number one web server most widely used. It can be
found running on almost all server one browses.
 Apache is the web server component of the popular
LAMP & WAMP web server application stack, alongside
MySQL, and the PHP/Perl/Python programming
 Apache is redistributed as part of various proprietary
software packages including the Oracle Database or the
IBM WebSphere application server.
 Apache is used where content needs to be made
available in a secure and reliable way.
Use of Apache
 Web developers run apache on local
servers for development purpose.
 Over 61% of all Internet web servers
 A far second is Microsoft IIS, with a
measly 19% of market share.
Usage of Apache as Web
Why Apache?
 Apache is secure.
 Apache has extensive logging.
 Apache is modular.
 Apache allows you to extend the functionality of
your web site.
 Dynamic sites are easy with Apache. (Java
servlets, PHP, PERL, Python)
 URL rewriting, access control and authentication,
setting of non standard HTTP headers, server-
side includes, CGI support, server side image
map support, proxy and caching support etc.
Requirement & Specifications
 A computer running Linux (or windows
 Root access on this computer
 For binary and source installations, the tar
and gunzip Unix utilities
 To actually run a server – a huge space
and high bandwidth internet connection is
Alternatives to Install
 Source Distribution
 Consists of the source code and no pre-
 Maximum flexibility to custom configure
and install Apache
 Latest bug fixes and feature enhancement
Alternatives to Install
 Binary Distribution
 Consists of pre-built binaries for the various
supported operating environments and
 As binaries are pre-configured, much
opportunity to alter the way the software
works is not provided.
 Can be installed in 3 commands
Alternatives to Install
 Packaged distribution
 Come in packaged formats like
RPM (for RedHat and derivative systems)
 Installed via the standard installation
management program called rpm that
allows the software installation of Apache
to be tracked by the Operating System.
Installation – Binaries
 Get apache from
 Unzip the archive
 gunzip < httpd-2.2.8.tar.gz | tar xvf –
 Or tar xvzf httpd-2.2.8.tar.gz
 Move to the directory obtained
 cd httpd-2.2.8
 Find install.bindist.sh. or README.bindist
or INSTALL.bindist for further information
 Run the install script
 ./install.bindist.sh
Installation – RPM
 Find rpm in your system
 rpm -qa | grep apache or rpm -qa | grep httpd
 Obtain rpm from
 Navigate to the directory where the rpm is
 Install the rpm
 rpm –ivh httpd-2.2.3-1.i386.rpm
Installation – Source
 Obtain source archive from
 http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/
 Unzip the archive
 gunzip < httpd-2.2.8.tar.gz | tar xvf –
 Navigate to installation directory
 cd httpd-2.0.x
 Configure build and install with
 ./configure
 Make
 make install
Starting Apache
 For binary installation
 /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl start
 For RPM installation
 /sbin/service httpd start
 To stop apache use
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop
 Configuration files are
 ·httpd.conf – This has the settings for the overall
configuration for the server.
 ·access.conf – This file contains all the security
settings for Apache.
 ·srm.conf – This file contains the MIME definitions
and default document names for files on the server.
 DocumentRoot - This is the location of the
directory from which HTML files are
 To find the conf files
 cd /
 find -name httpd.conf
 To achieve effect after changing
configuration restart apache

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