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How does your media product

represent particular social

m e representations of t e front cover.

m e prop in t e front cover of t e magazine as you can see is t e guitar, w ic

may ig lig t some interest t at t e music may play music or appreciate music.
m is may communicate to t e audience t at t is magazine is for t ose w o are
play music. m is could also communicate to t e audience t e typical
connotations of an indie magazine are musical instruments.
m e camera angles used in t e magazine front cover is a mid-s ot so t e
audience can see w o t e person is. m e costume t at is s own in t e magazine
is quite laid back and modern w ic suggests t at t e indie genre is relaxing
and modern. However, t e costume could also indicate t at t ey are stylis and
brig t, w ic could indicate t at t e indie genre is fas ionable and it can be
flamboyant in t e way t at is played. Also, t e magazine mig t suggest t at it is
for a male audience only, and t is is communicated t roug t e image because
as you can see it is male. m is maybe a negative representation as it may
suggest t at only males listen to indie music and females do not.
m e background is a wall, w ic communicates to t e audience t at it is an
urban atmosp ere, and t ere is no graffiti w ic may suggest t at t e genre of
music is clean and isn¶t very explicit. m is could give t e impression t at t e
audience are well broug t up.
m e language is informal w ic indicates t at t e magazine is quite c atty and
not very serious, so you could pick up t e magazine and read it wit out feeling
you are being talked down to. m is may suggest to t e audience t at t e
representation s own is for someone w o as a lot to say about t e world
around t em, and enjoy being sociable because of t e informality of t e
I t ink t is would be a positive representation because it suggests t at t e
audience is well educated t roug t e language. However, it does not s own all
et nic minorities. m is may suggest it is for w ite Britis people and t is could
be seen as a negative t ing because it is focusing on one et nic group.
m e magazine represents a particular stereotype w ic is for t ose w o are
³Indie´ and enjoy t at music genre. m is could be seen as a negative t ing
because not many people enjoy being classified as a particular group, and t is
also excludes people from being in t at particular social group if t ey do not like
t at particular genre. However, it brings a sense of community for t ose w o
enjoy t at music genre because it makes people feel closer toget er.
In comparison to my music genre that I designed«

NME magazine also focuses on t e indie music genre. m e way it

does t is is by t e use of t e two shot of t e band members of m e
Last S adow Puppets. m ey bot wear dark clot es w ic creates t e
impression t at t e genre is mysterious and can be serious. m e way
in w ic t e magazine is different to my magazine is t at t ey do not
use props at all, and t eir non verbal communication suggests t at
t e magazine is serious and does not target music lovers
specifically. My magazine, owever, uses a single s ot w ic is a
medium close up of one person w ic also uses a prop to symbolise
t at it is a music magazine.
m e background is a plain w ite background w ic contrasts against
t e darkness of t eir clot es. m is could connote t at t e music is
innocent w ereas it is serious (t e costumes w ic are black can be
communicated t roug t is.)
m e ways in w ic t e magazines are similar is t at t ey bot ave
red and black w ic could communicate t at indie music can be
powerful and also dark at t e same time. Also t e black font can
communicated t at t e genre of music is slig tly explicit for
example: swearing, it could mention about drugs and alco ol etc«
Bot magazines are informal, for example: t roug t e use of
language because it is typical day to day speec and t e language is
very modern. m is means t at t e audience are not being patronised
or talked down to.
m e magazine s ows w ite people only, w ic may suggest t at no
et nic groups are s own. m is maybe a negative representation of
t e social groups because it does not s ow t e many different types
of et nic groups.
I ave also observed t at bot magazines s ow males and t is may
suggest t at indie music and magazines are male dominated
making it an extremely popular c oice of music for males.
ry contents page«

My music magazine contents page differs a lot to my front

cover; one way in w ic it differs is because it portrays a
lot of et nic groups: Asian, W ite-Asian and W ite.. On
one and, t is could be seen as a positive t ing because
et nicity is portrayed and s ows t at is not just focused on
one et nic group, but, t is does not cover t e full extent of
all et nic groups.
m e colours used are black and green w ic is very
consistent to t e front page of t e magazine. m e
background is black and green w ic would appeal to a
male reader more, because brig t green is a s ow off
colour and black as connotations of mystery w ic may
indicate t at t e representation of young people are
mysterious and unpredictable but are vibrant and are good
at expressing t em. m is is s own t roug t e use of t e
font colour and calligrap y.
m e props used is a gate w ic could s ow t at sometimes
yout are s ut off and can feel excluded, and so music is
an escape route for t em to relax and seek peace and
serenity. m e representation is t at t e yout exclude
music but look to music for guidance. m e gate also could
s ow t at it is a walkway from c ild ood to adult ood,
and t erefore t is makes t e image progress furt er
because it s ows four 17 year old people, w o are not
quite adults yet.
In comparison to the contents page«

m e representation of young males is used in t e contents page

w ic may suggest t at t e music magazine is read by young
males. m is communicates t at it is very gender specific. m e
et nicity s own is also w ite people, w ic may suggest t at it
does not represent all et nic groups.
m e colours used are w ite, red and black w ic gives t e
magazine more of an Indie appeal. As mentioned before in t e
previous slide, black as elements of mystery and darkness,
w ereas red as connotations of power and w ite as t e
connotations of innocence. m ese colours suggest t at males like
to feel more powerful but because t ey are young, t ere is a
int of innocence t roug out t e teenage years.
However, it represents males because t e layout of t e
magazine is disorganised w ic may suggest t at males are on
t e w ole very messy. m is could suggest t at t is is a negative
stereotype of all males and suggest t at t ey lack organisational
m e props used in t e mise-en-scene is a band wit guitars
w ic communicates t at magazine is for music lovers, and may
try to imply t at only males play music w ic gives a negative
representation as women can play in bands as well.
m e image is a close up and it uses a guitar
m e black and red colours sc eme as a prop. m is could communicate to t e
remains consistent t roug out t e audience t at t e it is for people w o enjoy
magazine. m is could imply t at t e music and is for males. m is s ows a
black font as connotations of positive representation of males because it
aggressive ness w ic could try to s ows t at males are clever by playing
suggest t at all males are music, and it s ows t at t ey are being
aggressive. m is could be a negative kept off t e street by taking an interest in
representation. playing music. m is is communicated by t e
use of props.

m is pull quote
is used to
represent t at
all teenagers
are attention
seekers. m is
suggests t at
t is is a
of teenagers
because some
teenagers are
quiet and
m   r r r
  l m     
t  f r t  l  r
li tl
 l. m i l  t t t  l i  
l t t it i i  t  t
r li    l 
ll t. m   r  
i i  ll fll

l i . m  
i  i t i i
i ilr t
 i i    I  
f  rti l l r  i  t     t 
t rr t 

i  t  ir i t t ll t 
l r i . m   t  
r r li t t, it  r tti tti f 
 ii  i ,
t f lriti . m i i   iti    r r  i t  i   r
rr tti f tr    it   
 t  ³Ki N ´  t li  
t t tr r rti     
rti ti flir. W r , I t 
l xt

it i   l, li tl
ii .
m i l  ti  ili ti t t
t ll t  t t it i fr  r tti. tr r t f trl  li tl

rlli .
m  lr   r
l   l  i
m  ir r 
  tti f
rr tti f
l . m i 

tr . It i  t 
t t tr ir i t t ll
  l  tr li t
ll t i . r  i,  i
H r, t  i  t  ir i
lr l  ¶t t t tr r
ll t  i f li i . Al , t i
 li  t t t
 . m i tr t i
l     t fr i  t
ti  t i i i  i
   t ll  t t 

l li t   i i rr t fl
tri  it  lf ri t . m i i
rti r. l     ti 
W r , t  lr t i     
I   r t t t i t tr. I i¶t
i l f i l  i r
l  fl    I t i
 i  t t t t l li 
it i t r rf il  i
i .  i fr  tr

 lt i .

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