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en français
 TWO:

 EX. Do you like to swim?

 EX. How do you swim?
Ways to write ???s in French
 3 ways:

1. Intonation

2. Est-ce que

3. Inversion
 Voice rises at the end (not louder)

 Word order:
 Subject + conjugated verb + rest of sent. ?

 Example: Do you swim?

 Tu nages?
 Becomes est-ce qu’ (+vowel/”h”)
 Has no English translation
 Word order:
 Est-ce que + subject + CV + rest of sent. ?
 Example: Do you swim?
 Est-ce que tu nages?
 Invert or switch
 Do not use est-ce que
 Invert the conjugated verb and subject
 Word order:
 Conjugated verb – subject (pronoun) + rest of sent
 Example: Do you swim?
 Nages - tu?
 Must insert a - t – between the conjugated
verb and subject if the verb ends with a
vowel and the subject begins with a vowel

 Example: Does he swim?

 Nage – t – il?
 Do you dance well?
 Intonation:
 Tu danses bien?
 Est-ce que:
 Est-ce que tu danses bien?
 Inversion:
 Danses – tu bien?
Les Exemples
1. Is she talking to (à) the lady?
2. Do they (f.pl.) blush often?
3. Are we waiting for the teacher?
4.Do you (plural) like to study French?
5. Does he like to sing?
1. Is she talking to (à) the lady?

 Intonation
 Elle parle à la dame?
 Est-ce que
 Est-ce qu’elle parle à la dame?
 Inversion
 Parle-t-elle à la dame?
2. Do they (f.pl.) blush often?
 Intonation
 Elles rougissent souvent?
 Est-ce que
 Est-ce qu’ elles rougissent souvent?
 Inversion
 Rougissent-elles souvent?
3. Are we waiting for the teacher?
 Intonation
 Nous attendons le (la) prof?
 Est-ce que
 Est-ce que nous attendons le prof?
 Inversion
 Attendons-nous le prof?
4.Do you (plural) like to study French?

 Intonation
 Vous aimez étudier le français?
 Est-ce que
 Est-ce que vous aimez étudier …?
 Inversion
 Aimez-vous étudier le français?
5. Does he like to sing?
 Intonation
 Il aime chanter?
 Est-ce que
 Est-ce qu’il aime chanter?
 Inversion
 Aime-t-il chanter?

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