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MM 302 -Digital & Social

Media Marketing

Digital Marketing Overview
What are the benefits of digital marketing? (brainstorm)

Over traditional marketing *

 Puts the consumer in control

 Provides convenience
 Drives brand loyalty
 Reduces the selling cycle
 Builds your brand
 It is measurable
 It is cost effective
Digital Marketing Overview
What is Search Engine Marketing? (Brainstorm)

SEM definition :
Promoting an organization through search engines to meet its
objectives by delivering relevant content in the search listings for
searchers and encouraging them to click through to a destination site.
In simplest terms , any form of Search Engine Marketing

a) A user typing any combinations of words (known as Keywords

in search terminology)
b) Into an input space (called a Search-Box)
c) Through usage of search technologies (Crawling and
Indexing) and
d) Application of complex programs (known as Search
e) Delivering the best matched weblinks (known as the Organic
Search Results) and
f) Displaying paid weblinks (known as Pay Per Click)
Web Spiders

• Spider - Spiders are software processes, technically known as

robots, employed by search engines to index web pages of
registered sites on a regular basis. They follow links between pages
and record the reference URL of a page for future analysis.
1. Crawling & Indexing,
2. Managing and serving the most relevant
How Search Engines work
The YouTube Video Links

• https://youtu.be/BNHR6IQJGZs (How Google Search

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eKVizvYSUQ (How
google search works in 5 mins.)
Techniques of SEM

The two key techniques of SEM are:

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve results from the natural listings.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of getting traffic from the “free,”
“organic,” or “natural” listings on search engines.

• Paid Search Marketing (PSM) to deliver results from the sponsored listings within
the search engines through
– pay-per-click (PPC) paid-search engine marketing and
– Cost per Millennium (CPM ) (pay the SE for every 1000 impressions)

SEM is all about connecting the searchers with information which

will help them find what they are looking for and will help site
owners generate revenue or disseminate information.
Digital Marketing Overview
What is search engine optimization (SEO)? (brainstorm)

SEO definition

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of

getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” or “natural”
listings on search engines.

All major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and

Bing have such results, where web pages and other
content such as videos or local listings are shown and
ranked based on what the search engine considers
most relevant to users. Payment isn’t involved, as it is
with paid search ads.
PPC - (pay per click)
With SEO, PPC was born – the platforms

 Build ads around keywords and pay for

everyone that clicks the ad and visits your site
 Eg. Google’s Adwords (3 line ads that show up
on the right/top of search engine results)
 Microsoft’s Adcenter
 Yahoo’s search marketing (Overture)
Digital Marketing Overview
What is Social media marketing (SMM)? (brainstorm)

Social media marketing definition

Social media is a medium or

instrument for communication, like a
newspaper or a radio.

Social media = a social instrument of

Digital Marketing Overview
Advantages of social media marketing (SMM)?

 Targeted traffic
 High return on investment (ROI)
 Does not require specialization or vast technical skills
 Ability to go viral therefore high visibility
 Cost effective (only time and effort)
Digital Marketing Overview
Disadvantages of social media marketing (SMM)?

 More time consuming than SEO and PPC

 No short term ROI
 Everything is public
 Ineffective use = brand credibility loss
Digital Marketing Overview
Digital marketing measurement

ROI (return on investment)

Many tools and systems are available to calculate your ROI and to measure
the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaign.

ROI tools

 Google analytics
 Google webmasters tools
 Basic google search
 Google adwords
 Social media monitoring tools

WHICH IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE? Find out and tell us!

Digital Marketing Overview

Ahead in the course, it is all about HOW TO …..

 Build a website
 Build links, build more links, and build even more backlinks
 Ensure it shows up in Google someday
 Ensure it displays on the results page with the right keywords (what people are typing in when
they search)
 Build Social Media Campaigns
 Target and Boost Social media campaigns

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