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Organizational values define the acceptable standards which govern the behaviour of individuals within the organization. Without such values, individuals will pursue behaviors that are in line with their own individual value systems, which may lead to behaviours that the organization doesn't wish to encourage.

The values of an organisation are used to indicate the type of conduct: Required by employees when carrying out the operations of the organisation That customers can expect from the organisation

In larger organization, where desired behaviour is being encouraged by different individuals in different places with different sub-groups, an articulated statement of values can draw an organization together. The organization's values must be in line with its purpose or mission, and the vision that it is trying to achieve. Articulated values of an organization can provide a framework for the collective leadership of an organization to encourage common norms of behaviour which will support the achievement of the organization's goals and mission.


1. Communicate the Values Constantly. Values should fit with the organizations' communication, both internally and externally. If we say that we're fun, team-oriented where everyone counts, then having a traditional style with a photo of the CEO may challenge this. Refer frequently to the values in talks and sermons, in articles in internal/parish magazines. Acknowledge and thank those people who have achieved something which particularly emphasizes the values. 2. Enroll New Folk. The values should be explicitly available as new members join an organization. If your organization is a business, this can be a part of the selection process, if a church, then explicitly stating the values of the church creates an expectation in the minds of newcomers. The church then needs to deliver on that!

3. Revisit and Refresh the Values. Revisit your values periodically - allowing members to update them. This has the power of enrolling those who have joined the organization recently, and avoids the stated values no longer reflecting the business culture. 4. Confront Contradictory Behaviour. Ensuring that we give feedback to those who don't live out the values of the organization. If people are allowed to live out contradictory values, then over time there is a clear danger that these will usurp the desired values, particularly if it is the more dynamic, dominant individuals who are espousing the contradictory values. 5. Periodically Check out with Feedback. Ask people what they think are the values of the organization - not only members, who may be influenced by the stated values, but outsiders - observers, customers, former members.

Organizational values cover: Compliance with legislation Employment of staff Customer service Receiving gifts from suppliers and customers Giving gifts to customers Discrimination in the workplace Employee integrity Employee privacy Quality standards of products and services

Behavioural scientists define attitude as an enduring disposition to consistently respond in a given manner. And that attitude is primarily an inner state than an overt expression . Management consultants define organisational attitude as a collection of behaviours that is consistent, implicit, and in sync with larger goals. It is a determining tendency, a preparatory act, and a potential adjustment towards an individual or an institution that interacts within the organisation.

Features of Attitude
Attitudes affect behavior of an individual by putting him ready to respond favorably to things in his environment. Attitudes are acquired through learning over a period of time. The process of learning attitudes starts right from the childhood and continues throughout the life of a person. Attitudes are invisible as they constitute a psychology phenomenon which cannot be observed directly. They can be observed by observing the behavior of an individual. Attitudes are pervasive and every individual has some kind of attitude towards the objects in his environment. In fact, attitudes are forced in the socialization process and may relate to anything in the environment

Functions of Attitude:
1.Instrumental:Attitudes serve as a means to reach a desired goal or to avoid an undesired one. Instrumental attitude are aroused by the activation of a need or cues that are associated with the attitude object and arouse favorable or unfavorable feelings. 2.Ego-Defensive: The ego-defensive functions of attitude acknowledge the importance of psychological thought. Attitude may be acquired by facing threats in the external world or becoming aware of his own unacceptable impulses.

3.Value Orientation: The value-orientation function takes in to account attitudes that are held because they express a persons self-image, or by cues that engage the persons values and make them salient to him. 4.Knowledge: The knowledge function of attitude is based on a persons need to maintain a stable, organized and meaningful structure of the world

Methods of Attitude Change

Communication of additional information. Approval and disapproval of a particular attitude. Group influence. Inducing engagement in discrepant behavior.

Belief are the assumptions we make about ourselves and about others. It is about how we expect things to be. Its about how we think things really are. Belief tend to be deep set and our values stem from our beliefs.

 Beliefs are the thinking components of attitude  They do not refer to favorable and unfavorable reactions  They only convey a sense of faith to the person  Belief also vary in how absolute they are  EXAMPLE: one might believe that nuclear power plant are also unsafe or believe that this is only some time true


 Belief is what we base our value on  We believe some broad ideals from those beliefs we fashion our value  We belief long before we value  Belief govern our future while value govern our present  Attitude can be considered sum of beliefs

Example: a person can have many beliefs about a phenomenon (positive or negative) this person will have attitude towards the phenomenon basis on the overall evaluation of her beliefs.

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