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Kali is portrayed mostly in two forms: the popular four-armed form and the tenarmed Mahakali form. In both of her forms, she is described as being black in color but is most often depicted as blue in popular Indian art. Her eyes are described as red with intoxication, and in absolute rage, her hair is shown disheveled, small fangs sometimes protrude out of her mouth, and her tongue is lolling. She is often shown naked or just wearing a skirt made of human arms and a garland of human heads. She is also accompanied by serpents and a jackal while standing on a seemingly dead Shiva, usually right foot forward to symbolize the more popular Dakshinamarga or right-handed path, as opposed to the more infamous and transgressive Vamamarga or left-handed path.[26]


In spite of her seemingly terrible form, Kali Ma is often considered the kindest and most loving of all the Hindu goddesses, as she is regarded by her devotees as the Mother of the whole Universe. And, because of her terrible form she is also often seen as a great protector. When the Bengali saint Ramakrishna once asked a devotee why one would prefer to worship Mother over him, this devotee rhetorically replied, "Maharaj, when they are in trouble your devotees come running to you. But, where do you run when you are in trouble?"[29] According to Ramakrishna, darkness is the Ultimate Mother, or Kali: My Mother is the principle of consciousness. She is Akhanda Satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. The waters of the ocean depths are the same; The infinite is always mysteriously dark. This inebriating darkness is my beloved Kali. -Sri Ramakrishna

Imagine you toss an apple straight up into the air. Due to gravity, one would expect the apple to come right back down to earth. But what if it doesn't? What if, due to some unseen force your apple continues going up, at an accelerated rate, no matter how much gravity pleads and begs for the apple to come back down. Could this really happen? Could there really be "anti-gravity?" On the scale of the Universe, there is; say "hello" to Dark Energy. In the most basic sense, Dark Energy is akin to negative gravity. Where gravity is attractive, Dark Energy is repulsive. Dark Energy causes the Universe to expand at an increasing rate. For example, to a viewer on earth, gravity would attract a distant galaxy towards Earth, but Dark Energy would cause the galaxy to move away from the Earth. Similarly, neither force can be directly seen. We detect gravity by observing the effect between two masses. We detect Dark Energy by measuring the expansion of the Universe through the comparison of standard candles.




The Primal Egg laid by a sacred bird in the watery abyss contains the germ of life and typifies the universal creation story. The cosmic matter from which the universe is formed comes from various parts of the Primal Egg. The precise details have been lost due to the change in religious orientation. Some Egyptian texts maintain that the Primal Egg is formed by eight creatures, male and female, with heads of frogs and snakes, who swim in the waters of nothingness, invisible because this genesis takes place before the illumination of the world."

The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body and every organism and object in the Universe. This "auric egg" emits out from the body approximately 2-3 feet (1 meter on average) on all sides. It extends above the head and below the feet into the ground.

Introducing the "Oblate Spheroid" Yes, the Earth iz "NOT" shapped like a circle but iz shaped like an Oblate Spheroid. An Oblate Spheroid is a rotationally symmetric ellipsoid having a polar axis shorter than the diameter of the equatorial circle whose plane bisects it [1]. At the equator, Earth's circumference is 24,901.55 miles (40,075.16 km). It is slightly smaller between the North and South poles at 24,859.82 miles (40,008 km). Earth's diameter at the poles is 7,899.80 miles (12,713.5 km) while it is 7,926.28 miles (12,756.1 km) at the equator [2]. Stage 0 Unfertilized eggs Are Oblate Spheroids Too; "The mature unfertilized egg is an oblate spheroid measuring average 1,245.9 +/-3.9 um (n=122) in horizontal diameter and a little less (average 1,169.9 +/- 4.0 um, n=122) in vertical diameter."[3]

Mother Earth And Eggs Are Shaped The Same > -----------------------------------------------------------------Definitions Of Egg/Ovum: -----------------------------------------------------------------Egg - ( g) noun The female sexual cell or gamete; an ovum [4]. Ovum - "The female reproductive cell or gamete of animals; egg." [5]. Ovum - noun, plural: ova, Female gamete; female sex cell; female reproductive cell, Egg cell. [8] Ovoid - Shaped like an egg; ovate. Something that is shaped like an egg.[6]. Oviparous - ( vip r s) adjective 1. producing eggs that develop and hatch after leaving the body of the female 2. designating or of this type of reproduction [7]. < So If All Eggs In Nature Are Female Sex And Mother Earth And Eggs Are Shaped Like Eggs(Oblate Spheroid) What Does This Tell You About The Creative Forces That Welded Mother Earth? >

WE ALL BEGIN AS FEMALES: The Inductor Theory of Primary Sexual Differentiation Strictly speaking, we can no longer refer to the "undifferentiated" or "bisexual" phase of initial embryonic existence. The early embryo is not undifferentiated: "it" is a female. In the beginning, we were all created female; and if this were not so, we would not be here at all. Genetic sex is established at fertilization; but the influence of the sex genes is not brought to bear until the fifth to sixth week of fetal life (in humans). During those first weeks, all embryos are morphologically females. If the fetal gonads are removed before differentiation occurs the embryo will develop into a normal female, lacking only ovaries, regardless of the genetic sex

Every man has rudimentary mammary glands of the female; which in some cases are so well developed that they produce milk and can nurse infants. Men who possess such are called "male mothers".

The nucleus of a sperm cell is also egg shape

Viktor Schauberger ,the Austrian forester/forest warden, naturalist, philosopher, inventor and Biomimicry experimented, the egg shape is everywhere. The planets all revolve around the sun in an egg shaped patern not an elipse as NASA lost a statilite when they first tried to orbit Mars due to that fact. The reason they can't localize the location of an electron is also due to they are looking for an eliptical orbit when it too has an egg shaped orbit. The way the leaves curve, water goes down a drain, eyes are shaped, the list goes on and on. For it seems nothing in nature has an eliptical patern.

We are not the physical body but the soul. The soul is present in the heart of every living being, including animals. The soul is 1/10,000th of the upper point of a single hair. Although so minute the soul is so powerful that it animates the entire body with consciousness. It is situated in the heart and when it leaves the body, the heart stops beating, as a result the blood stops circulating and the entire body disintegrates. There are 8.4 million different bodies; the individual soul can reside in. Unlike the physical body, the soul can never be destroyed.

For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever existing and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain. (Bg. 2.20)

But, as we have seen, this manifestor of the re-birth might be feminine as well as masculine. In fact, the female announcer was first, and there are mystical reasons for this in nature. In Hebrew, the Holy Spirit, or ruach, is of a feminine gender. The soul is female. Some of the Gnostic sects assigned the soul to the female nature, and made their Charis not only anterior, but superior, to the Christ

The Gnostics Charis is derived from the Kemetic word Karast. Which also gives birth to the words Krishna and Christ.

O.E. god "supreme being, deity; the Christian God; image of a god; godlike person," from P.Gmc. *guthan (cf. O.S., O.Fris., Du. god, O.H.G. got, Ger. Gott, O.N. gu, Goth. gu), from PIE *ghut"that which is invoked" (cf. O.C.S. zovo "to call," Skt. huta- "invoked," an epithet of Indra), from root *gheu(e)- "to call, invoke." But some trace it to PIE *ghu-to"poured," from root *gheu- "to pour, pour a libation" (source of Gk. khein "to pour," also in the phrase khute gaia "poured earth," referring to a burial mound; see found (2)). "Given the Greek facts, the Germanic form may have referred in the first instance to the spirit immanent in a burial mound" [Watkins]. Cf. also Zeus.

Originally a neuter noun in Germanic, the gender shifted to masculine after the coming of Christianity. O.E. god was probably closer in sense to L. numen. A better word to translate deus might have been P.Gmc. *ansuz, but this was used only of the highest deities in the Germanic religion, and not of foreign gods, and it was never used of the Christian God. It survives in English mainly in the personal names beginning in Os-. The word God is derived from Khut,having several meanings :Khut was a name of the OLDEST Great Mother in Athribis, capital of the tenth Nome of lower (Northern Kamet)

." Both Buddha and Krishna's mythology can be found in ancient Ipsambul, (now Abu-Slrnbel) in ancient Nubia (today S. Egypt). He being the divine incarnation of the sun, many even worshiped them as representing one and the same i.e., the trivivrama (triple energy), and as Hermes, Trimesgistus, tripto/emos (three-eyed - one)." In Egypt, he was considered one and the same as Toth, and Hermes (taut), both being birthed from the same mother"Maia" (MamI).

In this unique Japanese terra-cotta, the Buddha is seen meditating in front of, and perhaps about, the Golden Gate a Chinese term for the Yoni. Although it may be surprising to many contemporary Buddhists, this sculpture conveys the same message as a passage from the Candamaharosana Tanta, wherein the Buddha is quoted as having said Take refuge in the yoni of an esteemed woman

Proverbs 31:10, KJV Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Kundalini and Sex When you are sexually aroused, the Kundalini energy is activated. It rises up the spine, and as it approaches the brain, the sexual feelings become stronger and stronger. At this point, in most people, the energy reverses and takes a downward course seeking release though the genitals. Gopi Krishna believes that the human brain is still in an organic state of evolution toward higher levels of consciousness. The driving force of that evolution, he claims, is the Kundalini energy.

When you are engaged in sexual activity, it's important that you relax and surrender completely to the feelings coming up. During this process there will be an increase of slow brain waves such as delta and theta waves seen on the middle brainmap above. The stronger the waves, the more orgasmic energy you can hold in consciousness before it travels downward and spills over in the body in the form of an ejaculation.

When you relax and open up during sexual stimulation, changes first take place in the etheric body. The Kundalini energy which is coiled up like a snake at the base of the spine in the root chakra starts to rise to higher levels passing through the chakras. Since Kundalini is the energy circuit in the etheric body (much as the blood vessels are the energy circuit in the physical body) the changes in energy initially take place in the etheric or emotional body.

If the person relaxes and surrender to the pleasurable feelings, there will be physiological changes such as an increase of the parasympathetic activity in the Autonomic Nervous System. If you are not relaxed in the situation, the energy is blocked, possibly leading to frigidity and impotence. In case of relaxation and surrender, the brain changes its activity toward more alpha and theta waves. These changes indicate better access to the body and the feelings. Now, as the energy rises and increases its momentum, it s important through meditation - to hold the energy in that space of consciousness without releasing it.

When you get very close to orgasm, and the male gets close to ejaculation, the feelings will be overwhelming and the brain tends to shut down and reverse the energy which will then take a downward course and seek release through the genitals. These energy changes are mediated by a small structure deep in the brain called the hypothalamus which controls the balance of the Autonomic System (ANS).

According to a principle called reciprocal innervation, an extremely high activation of the frontal hypothalamus and thus of the parasympathetic system, will create an overflow of energy activating the posterior hypothalamus which stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. This will make the energy rise to higher centers and this process is accompanied by very fast activity in the EEG (beta and gamma wave frequencies up to at least 42Hz).

So, initially you will see very low frequencies when the energy is activated in the lower chakras. When the energy rises to the higher chakras, very fast frequencies will take over (see above brainmap). The sexual feelings and the energy is now so overwhelming that most people cannot contain it anymore. Once more reciprocal innervation in the hypothalamus shifts the balance toward more parasympathetic activity. The brain's activity is shut down, and the energy takes a downward course. These changes are automatic and fast and will quickly lead to a depletion of the energy and in the male to ejaculation.

Temple at Bheragat, Pradesh India

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