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Statistical Analysis on Cellular Usage in Asian Countries

Course Name and Group Members

1.Md. Ahtasam Billah(ID#1120959060)- Leader 2.Md. Masud Rana(ID#1110346060) 3.Md. Munsurul Alam(ID#1120982660) 4.Mohammad Ziaul Haque (ID#0930520060)

Introduction and objective of the presentation

Brief description on the different data elements

Data presentation

Statistical Analysis

Statistical inference and comments on the analysis

Data source and bibliography


The objective of this analysis is to determine the level of influence of national macro economic factors to Cellular Usage in Asian countries. Following economic factors will be considers in this analysis: GDP Per capita income Literacy rate Employment rate

Brief Notes on Economic Factors

GDP : Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period.

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports imports)

Per Capita Income : The per capita income for a country may be defined as the total personal income in a country, divided by the number of people in that area. Employment Rate : Defined as the employment - to - population ratio. This is a statistical ratio that measures the proportion of the country's working-age population (ages 15 to 64) that is employed Literacy Rate : Literacy is defined as ability to read & write. It is measured as number of people can read & write out of 100 population in a area.

Data Presentation


Asian Country(ADB Member) Wise Data2010

Cellular Usage (per 100 population) Per Capita GNI Employment Ratio (%) Literacy rate (%)
84.98 87.83 32.32 48.6

GDP Growth Rate (%), Based on Previous Year

Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Darussalam Cambodia China Georgia India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Viet Nam

3,100 4,840 580 2,020 27,050 650 3,650 2,530 1,220 2,050 6,920 870 880 7,350 3,970 1,630 440 1,000 1,180 1,790 37,220 910 1,990 700 3,760 3,420 1,100 1,000

38.1 60.0 67.9 61.1 63.3 74.6 71.0 54.3 55.6 61.8 63.5 58.3 77.7 60.5 57.3 51.6 61.5 51.5 70.2 60.1 61.6 64.5 54.7 55.4 71.5 58.3 57.5 69.4

99.8 100.0 74.4 74.4 99.7 87.5 99.3 99.8 81.1 96.7 99.8 99.6 83.9 98.4 99.3 95.3 80.8 68.9 66.5 94.8 99.8 85.0 98.0 99.9 98.1 99.8 99.8 96.8

2.6 5.0 5.8 7.0 2.0 6.3 10.3 6.4 8.6 6.1 7.0 -1.4 7.5 7.2 4.8 6.1 4.0 4.1 7.1 7.3 14.5 4.0 7.6 6.5 7.8 9.4 8.5 6.8

103.3 42.34 60.34 66.59 43.83 69.25 109.12 81.85 51.18 109.74 147.94 84.2 19.09 52.18 13.37 100.26 145.24 5.73 69.65 70.48 97.33 29.35 59.73 111.53

Data Presentation

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Data Presentation (Continued)

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Data Presentation (Continued)

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Data Presentation (Continued)

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Data Presentation (Continued)

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Data Analysis

Measurements of Central tendencies and Dispersion

Entry Name Cellular Per Capita Usage(%) GNI(USD) Employment Literacy Ratio(%) Rate(%) GDP Growth Rate

Minimum Maximum Mean Median Mode

5.73 147.94 71.33 69.45

440.00 37220.00 4422.14 1890.00 1000.00

38.10 77.70 61.17 60.80 58.30

66.50 100.00 92.04 98.05 99.80

-1.40 14.50 6.39 6.65 7.00

Standard Deviation 36.50 Co-efficient of Variance Quartile1 Quartile3

1332.17 47.41 98.06

8150.76 66434839.68 977.50 3677.50

8.15 66.36 56.88 65.35

10.67 113.91 84.73 99.80

2.87 8.26 4.95 7.53

M e a su re m e n ts o f C e n tra l te n d e n cie s a n d D isp e rsio n

Mean : 71 . 33, Median : 69 . 45

Distribution is almost normal and negatively skewed.

Measurements of Central tendencies and Dispersion

Mean : 4422 . 14, Median : 1890 . 00

Distribution is not normal and highly negatively skewed.

Measurements of Central Tendency

Mean : 61 . 17, Median : 60 . 80

Distribution is not normal and highly positively skewed.

Statistical Analysis

Regression Analysis
Theoretical Model :

llular Usages (%) = (Per Capita GNI(USD), Employment Ratio(%),Literacy Rate(%),GDP Growth Ra

Regression Model : A multiple regression equation is as follows on the basis of Least Square Method

= b + bx1 + bx2 + bx3 + bx4

Where, = estimated percentage of Cellular Uses (%) x1 = Per Capita GNI(USD), x2 = Employment Ratio(%) x3 = Literacy Rate(%) x4 = GDP Growth Rate

Regression Analysis ( Continued )

Variables: Dependent: Cellular Usage (% of total population of a country) Independent: Per Capita GNI(USD) Employment Ratio (%) Literacy Rate (%) GDP Growth Rate

Regression Analysis ( Continued )

Regression Analysis ( Continued )

A multiple regression equation is as follows on the basis of Least Square Method:

= b + bx1 + bx2 + bx3 + bx4

= - 105 . 82 + . 0002x1 + . 76x2 + 2 . 21x3 + 1 . 47x4 = - 105 . 82 +. 00021xPer Capita GNI ( USD ) +. 76x Employment Ratio (%)+ 2 . 21xLiteracy Rate (%)+ 1 . 47xGDP Growth (%)

Regression Analysis ( Continued )

Interpretation on Regression CoEfficient

b= - 105.82 This is the number of cellular uses that would be expected if all four independent variables were equal to zero. b 1 =.0002 If employment ratio (X2), Literacy rate (X3) & GDP growth rate (X4) remain the same, this indicates that for per capita GNI increment, the number of cellular uses increases by .0002. b 2 =.76 If per capita GNI (X1) ), Literacy rate (X3) & GDP growth rate (X4) remain the same, this indicates that for increment in employment ratio, cellular uses (Y) increases by .76 b 3 = 2.1 If per capita GNI (X1) ), employment ratio (X2) & GDP growth rate (X4) remain the same, this indicates that for increment in literacy rate (X3), cellular uses (Y) increases by 2.1 b = 1.47 If per capita GNI (X1) ), employment ratio (X2) & Literacy rate (X3) remain the same, this indicates that for increment in GDP growth rate (X4), cellular uses (Y) increases by 1.47

Regression Analysis ( Continued )

Test of significance of regression model ( F - test ):

F = ( SSR / k )/ ( SSE / n - k - 1 ) Where , K = Independent variable ( 04 ) n = Number of pair of data ( 28 ) SSE = ( yi - y i ) = 250615 . 63 SSR = ( y i - yi ) = 260752 . 33 Fcal = ( 250615 . 63 / 4 )/( 260752 . 33 / 28 - 4 - 1 ) = 5 . 53 Ftab ( 23 , 4 ) = 2 . 776 Here Degree of Freedom is = n - k - 1 = 28 - 4 - 1 = 23 Confidence level = . 05

Since , F cal > F tab ( 23 , 4 ), reject null hypothesis ; the difference of estimated R & population r , is statistically significant .


1.Here sample size is too small to find out the accurate relation. 2. 3.There might be other parameters that influences cellular usages 4.

Data source and Bibliography

Wikipedia ( http :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Main_Page) Asian Development Bank Website ( www . adb . org) Google ( www . google . com)

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