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Optimisation for Sustainable Water Management WP 2

Multidisciplinary Lab for Exchanges with the Balkans and the Mediterranean Region

corridoio.zero in OPTIMA
Integrated approach
Systemic approach but attention to peculiar frameworks Qualitative information beside quantitative data Relationship building (case study partners) Thematic parallel desk studies

Care to local organizations of communities

Including informal sources of information, constraints and stakeholders

Participatory tools
Active hearing Workshops (facilitation)

Work Plan

Work Plan

Socio-economic framework: decision making processes

Requirements and constraints analysis

Evaluation: post-optimal decision analysis

Overall Tasks (1)

STEP 1: Identification of stakeholders
Local administrations Local NGOs or social groups
i.e., manufacturing and agricultural workers, environmental NGOs

Water supply authorities Water users ...


How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

Regional pollution control

Institutions in charge of water quality

Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Exploitation of the freshwater resources Regional development and planning of the territory Treatment of wastewater Regional pollution control

Production of desalinated water Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Distribution of potable wate Regional development and planning of the territory Regional pollution control Distribution of irrigation water

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Industry (>15 employees) Regional development and planning of the territory Industry (<15 employees) Tourism Energy production Breeding Transportation Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations Institutions in charge of water conservation Domestic Users Agriculture Regional pollution control Water Users

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

Institutions relevant to the case study area

Regional pollution control

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

natural resources, including water resources

Regional pollution control

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production NGO s Water research centres Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

professional registers

Regional pollution control

groups of citizens/ local commitees

educational institutes Institutions in charge of water conservation

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Monitoring activity Regional development and planning of the territory Regional pollution control Setting of quality standards

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to identify such stakeholders?

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

protection of freshwater resources

Regional pollution control

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

How to evaluate a local actors representativeness?...an instance:

Water Distribution Water Production Water Users

Regional development and planning of the territory

protection of freshwater resources

Regional pollution control

Institutions taking charge of water quality Unofficial/hybrid groups & associations

Institutions in charge of water conservation

Which is the dimension of the problem?

Total number of organizations on the basin Total area interested (km2)

protection of freshwater resources

Total volume of water interested (m3/yr)

Total number of residents involved

How representative is the actor I can contact?

Territorial level/competence of the body Total area interested by the organization (km2)

Water Conservation League of the Xxxx Municipality

Total volume of water interested by the organization (m3/yr)

Total number of residents involved by the organization

Whos the contact person, and how can I communicate to her/him?

Name Gender Spoken language(s)

Role within the organization

Water Conservation League of the Xxxx Municipality

Is he/she directly working or living on the area?

How to communicate to contact person (on site survey, phone, mail, e-mail...)

Mr/Ms Yyyy Zzzz

Contact details (address, telephone number, e-mail address...)

Overall Tasks (2)

STEP 2: Identification of water issues

Campaign/survey on so far identified stakeholders First Local Workshop:
needs/wishes/expectation expressed by stakeholder translated into overall objectives Indentification of further performance indicators of water policies

GUIDELINES (draft version)

Overall Tasks (3)

STEP 3: SH structure of preferences:

Workshop 2
preferences are translated in a set of relative weights ranking of alternatives for every stakeholder Identification of existing conflicts and mediated alternatives

GUIDELINES (2nd draft)

OPTIMA Kick-Off Meeting, 29 Oct 04

Overall Tasks (4)

STEP 4: comparison at regional scale

Collection of results Comparison on a regional scale Last regional workshop
Presentation to the larger regional community

Guidelines for a Participatory Approach to Water Policies in Local Communities

OPTIMA Kick-Off Meeting, 29 Oct 04

Participative attitude all along OPTIMA project

Although officially planned for specific workpackages, the participatory techniques should be an attitude & a habit running through all the project. Most important, although work on single study cases will be mostly accomplished by local partners, the assistance of c.zero & IRM will be at their full disposal while dealing with local actors.


corridoio.zero experience:  Borroni D., Oliveti Selmi O., Padovani G., Parolin M., Rodriquez C., Ruggieri G., Sachero V., 2001. Towards an Integrated Approach to Reconstruction An Architectural and Environmental Engineering Workshop in Kosovo edited by corridoio.zero, printed by Clup ed., Milano. General methodology for Multicriteria Analysis:  Bogart K. P., Preference structure I: distances between transitive preference relations, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 3 - 1973, 49-67  Bogart K. P., Preference structure II: distances between asymmetric preference relations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics 29(2) - 1975, 254-265  Capello A., Decisioni di gruppo a molti criteri, Graduation Thesis - Politecnico of Milano Faculty of Engineering, Milano 1994.  Roy B., Slowinski R., Criterion of distance between technical programming and socioeconomic priority, Operations Research 27 n 1, pp. 45-60, 1993. Participatory processes in environmental decision-making:  Sclavi M., L arte di ascoltare e mondi possibili, 2001, Feltrinelli Bologna  Sclavi M. et Al, 2003. Avventure urbane Progettare la citt con gli abitanti, ed. Eleuthera.


OPTIMA Kick-Off Meeting, 29 Oct 04

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