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ProPro-life Reasoning

Neil Simpson

Introductory thoughts & hypothesis Major categories of pro-life reasoning pro Abortion kills an innocent human being Abortion is bad for women both physically and psychologically Social issues Biblical basis

Responding to pro-abortion arguments proCrisis Pregnancy Centers vs. Abortion Clinics

Resources used
Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice arguments by ProProRandy Alcorn

Stand To Reason web site (www.str.org) (www.str.org) and tapes

Used for Can I kill it?, SLED, Trot out the toddler and other arguments

Abortion is a difficult topic that has touched nearly everyones life in one way or another. Our challenge is to share the truth, in love. We must be willing to risk hurt feelings, as the alternative has irrevocable consequences and is literally a matter of life and death. While abortion is a sin, it is forgivable because of Jesus sacrifice for us. The Good News is that there is forgiveness, hope and healing in Jesus.

Some of you reading this have participated in the abortion process, so you know what abortion really means. Some people would have you believe that calling for an end to abortion is cold and heartless, and that it is kind to send someone to have an abortion. But you know better. Those people havent wept with you for your loss. You arent the same person you were then. Your regret tells you that what you did was wrong. Please have the moral courage to reflect honestly on your experience, so you can spare others the pain you have gone through. And, if you dont know this already, be assured that Jesus Christ offers hope and healing to all.
Modified from a passage in J. Budziszewskis book, What We Cant Not Know

Many people intuitively know abortion is wrong, but arent prepared to explain why or to counter the proproabortion arguments. Hearts and minds will be changed more by one-on-one one-onconversations than by sound bites and in-your-face in-yourdemonstrations. With sound questioning and reasoning you can point out the flaws in pro-abortion arguments proWomen who have had abortions need forgiveness and healing, not condemnation. They need to know pro-lifers proare on their side. Our opposition is fierce The media is 90%+ pro-abortion pro Follow the money many people get rich from abortion, but not from adoption and abstinence Note: All arguments assume the life of the mother is not at stake

Suggested debating / discussion ground rules

Always be sensitive that the person you are talking to may have guilt or unpleasant experiences with abortion. No name calling or ad hominem attacks (attacking the messenger, not the message)
Focus on how intellectual integrity requires us to follow the facts where they lead, not where we want them to lead.

Always be factual Make a clear distinction between scientific and Biblical arguments. Share the truth in loving way.

Why should you care?

Abortion is the #1 moral issue of our time. It has impacted and will impact your life in one way or another family, friends, acquaintances. Does Jesus want us to care?

The stakes are high!

If the pro-abortion position is correct pro Abortion is required to improve society. Limiting the availability of abortions would be a huge step backward for human rights.

If pro-life position is correct pro 99% of all murders are abortions We are killing almost 4,000 innocent humans in the U.S. every day more than the total killed in the 9/11 attacks. We have already killed more than twice the total killed by Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. Women will continue to be damaged physically and psychologically by abortions Significant negative impacts to society

What would you recommend?

1. A preacher and his wife are living in tremendous

poverty and have had 14 children, some of whom have died. Now she is pregnant with the 15th.


What would you recommend?

1. A preacher and his wife are living in tremendous

poverty and have had 14 children, some of whom have died. Now she is pregnant with the 15th. They have 3 living children (one already died). One is blind, one is deaf and one has TB. Then the mother finds she's pregnant again.

2. The father is ill and the mother has tuberculosis.


What would you recommend?

1. A preacher and his wife are living in tremendous

poverty and have had 14 children, some of whom have died. Now she is pregnant with the 15th. They have 3 living children (one already died). One is blind, one is deaf and one has TB. Then the mother finds she's pregnant again. got pregnant.

2. The father is ill and the mother has tuberculosis.

3. A white man raped a 13 year old black girl and she


What would you recommend?

1. A preacher and his wife are living in tremendous

poverty and have had 14 children, some of whom have died. Now she is pregnant with the 15th. have 3 living children (one already died). One is blind, one is deaf and one has TB. Then the mother finds she's pregnant again.

2. The father is ill and the mother has tuberculosis. They

3. A 20 yr. old with no parents loses her college

scholarship due to an injury and the boyfriend threatens to leave if she doesnt abort.

4. A teenage girl is pregnant. She's not married. Unwed

mothers face serious consequences in her culture. Her fianc is not the father of the baby, and he's very upset.


If an abortion had occurred . . .

A preacher and his wife are living in tremendous poverty and have had 14 children, some of whom have died. Now she is pregnant with the 15th.

John Wesley, a great evangelist and founder of Methodism, would not have lived.

If an abortion had occurred . . .

The father is sick and the mother has tuberculosis. They have 3 living children (one already died). One is blind, one is deaf and one has TB. Then the mother finds she's pregnant again.

Ludwig Van Beethoven would not have lived.


If an abortion had occurred . . .

A teenage girl is pregnant. She's not married. Unwed mothers face serious consequences in her culture. Her fianc is not the father of the baby, and he's very upset.

Jesus would not have been born.


If an abortion had occurred . . .


Note: Those examples serve to remind people that abortion kills real, live human beings. But we arent pro-life because we profear that great minds will be destroyed, we are pro-life because proit is immoral to kill innocent human beings.

Major categories of propro-life reasoning

Abortion kills an innocent human being Abortion is bad for women both physically and psychologically Social issues Biblical basis

Abortion kills an innocent human being

Note: Many of these points are from Stand To Reason materials (www.str.org)

Abortion can be a psychologically complex issue, but it is not a morally complex issue.
Typical reasons for women desiring abortions are psychological issues (pressure from the father of the unborn or from her family, economic impact, lifestyle impact, lack of desire to have children, fear, not being ready, etc.) The sanctity of human life is a moral issue.

The main question: What is the unborn?

Imagine a child coming up behind their parents and asking, Can I kill it? The question cant be answered until one knows what it is. (A cockroach? A hamster? A little brother?) So the real question with abortion is, What is the unborn? Only then can we decide if it is morally acceptable to kill it.

If abortion doesnt kill a human being, then no justification is required. If abortion does kill a human being, then no justification is adequate.

Primary reasoning
Moral claim
It is wrong to kill an innocent human being Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. Abortion is morally wrong.


Do abortions kill innocent human beings?

Alive from conception Distinct human being from conception
Body goes through difference forms/stages, but is always human. Unique DNA structure at conception; contains all the information needed to develop throughout life The sperm and egg no longer exist; you cant undo them. On day one of a womans pregnancy, the fertilized egg contains the plans for every detail of human development, including the childs sex, hair and eye color, and height.

Valuable person from conception


Why it is a human being

Chromosomes - 23 + 23 Basic biology life comes from life
Never a point where non-life nonlife.

Connected to mother via umbilical cord, but distinct from mother Always a human being, and always in the form it should be at that stage He/she feels pain

Myth: We dont know when life begins

Yes, we do. Logically and biologically, it begins at conception. A live sperm and a live egg form a live conceptus. Even if we didnt know when life begins, we should ask, Is it possible that abortion kills an innocent human being? If yes, it should be illegal If no, that is a very strong claim. Which part is impossible? If uncertain, it should be illegal, as we must err on side of life! Building implosion example Are there any people left inside? If the answer is, We dont know, then dont blow up the building!

Planned Parenthood knew that abortion killed an innocent human being

From a 1964 Planned Parenthood advertisement promoting birth control: Is it [birth control] an abortion? Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the meaning of life.


ProPro-abortionists draw a line that they must justify and explain

Murdering an innocent human is acceptable and even a moral good but only if the mother agrees to do so Murdering an innocent human is the worst of all crimes, resulting in the full weight of the law coming down on the perpetrator.


Human Being vs. Personhood

Why arent the unborn considered persons?
What is rationale for each point? Who created it?

Ask the other person if they were ever an unborn human in their mothers womb, and where would they be if their mother had had an abortion? Not a person? Try telling that to the couple that had a miscarriage or just saw a 4-D ultrasound. 4The SLED principle - Arguments for abortion usually imply that the unborn arent persons because of their:
Size Level of Development Environment Dependency

Should abortions be legal because the human being is small relative to those already born?
Our society does not give additional rights to people who are taller or bigger. In fact, we tend to give more rights to those who are less capable of defending themselves (children, elderly, disabled)


Level of development
Do adolescents have more of a right to life than toddlers? Do adults have more of a right to life than teenagers? Do smarter people have more rights? If no, then why would unborn humans not have the same rights?

But the unborn dont have consciousness

Neither do people who are asleep or in comas To legally remove someone from life support who is not conscious (abortion fails on both counts): You need to demonstrate that you are acting in that persons best interests, as they would so act if they were conscious That there is little or no hope of recovery.

The location of a human being doesnt determine their worth or rights. Being in a mothers womb should not reduce the value of a human being.


Just because a pre-born human is predependent on the mother does not mean it is morally acceptable to kill him/her. We dont have the right to kill other people who are dependent
Babies Disabled people People in comas

Im too pro-science proto be pro-choice proDemonstrate that life begins at conception Explain how you are taking the scientific view Why this argument is so useful
Bursts the myth that youre anti-science. anti Bursts the myth that you are just pushing your religious beliefs on others. Shows how others abandon the We only trust what science tells us falsehood to support abortion

Abortion is bad for women both physically and psychologically

Abortive women have higher rates of:

Guilt Depression Suicide Drug / alcohol abuse Nightmares Anxiety Physical damage during the abortion

PostPost-Abortion Syndrome
This syndrome is real and very serious
Trauma Guilt Impacts to relationships Substance abuse Nightmares Inability to forgive themselves

SixtySixty-five percent of American women studied experienced multiple symptoms of postposttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with 14 percent having all symptoms necessary for a diagnosis of abortion induced PTSD (Medical
Science Monitor).

Women who abort are 30 percent more likely to have subsequent anxiety problems compared to women with unintended pregnancies who deliver. (Journal of Anxiety Disorders) Women who abort are significantly more likely to engage in subsequent substance abuse compared to women whose unintended pregnancies are delivered. (American Journal of Drug
Alcohol Abuse)

Health risks
Many women die each year from abortions (in addition to the pre-born) preInjuries during surgery Fertility problems


Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan MP and deputy minister of the environment who was awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, said in an interview with a Norwegian newspaper that both unborn children and their mothers are victimized by abortion. "Both are victims. . . .When we allow abortion, are we [sic] punishing the women -- who must abort their children because their men have run away -and we are punishing the children whose life is terminated," Maathai said. "But it is because we are not willing to put the men where they should be, and that is taking up the responsibility."

Other issues
Terribly negative impacts to marriages and the way other children are raised The vast majority of gender selection abortions kill prepreborn females. 30 30 60% of women have abortions due to pressure by men or family members (Forced Abortions in America - Springfield, IL:
Elliot Institute, 2004)

Whose choice is it? The demographic group most in favor of abortion on demand is young, single men Abuse and threats are often involved

Have you ever changed your mind especially while under serious major stress? What if a woman changes her mind about whether a child was wanted after she has the abortion?

Social Issues

Morbidly ironic quotes from 2004 Reproductive Rights March

I have to march because my mother could not have an abortion. Maxine Waters, D-California DI just had to be here to fight for the next generation and the generation after that. Carole Mehlman, 68-year-old, referring to 68-yearher pro-abortion stance pro47

Moral Schizophrenia
Societys attitude towards disabled people outside the womb is generally favorable. Examples include:
Handicapped parking spaces, accessibility to buildings, etc. Special Olympics Many fund raisers to find cures and to help provide care

Societys attitude towards unborn humans who may be disabled when born
It is OK, and often preferable, to kill them Jocylen Elder, former Surgeon General of the U.S. said abortion "has had an important and positive public-health effect" because it reduced public"the number of children afflicted with severe defects." She pointed out that "the number of Down Syndrome infants in Washington state in 1976 was 64 percent lower than it would have been without legal abortion."
She meant this as a victory of sorts, but what message does this send to the disabled and their families?

How long will it be until insurance companies pressure people to abort potentially disabled humans?

Disabled people are less likely to commit suicide, so they arent necessarily less happy.

Moral Schizophrenia
Society tends to look down upon women who give up their babies for adoption, even though:
that is a loving but very difficult thing to do. it answers the dream of a couple who desperately want a child but cant get pregnant themselves.

Society views women who have abortions as being in control of their lives and exercising their rights, or for supposedly preventing poor or unwanted children from coming into the world. Some people prefer killing their unborn children rather than giving them up for adoption
There is no way I would let someone else raise my kid.

Moral Schizophrenia
Prescribe a medicine to a pregnant woman that damages the unborn and you are guilty of malpractice, but prescribe RU486 to kill the child and you are a great defender of womens rights. It is legal to kill an unborn human being up to the point of birth if the mother decides at any point in time that she doesnt want it. If a pregnant woman is assaulted or murdered and the child dies, then it is considered murder (Connor & Lacis law) Being pregnant and giving birth are joys to be celebrated but only if the mother and father want the child.

Moral Schizophrenia
How can the value of a human being be determined by another human being? How can the value have such a huge range?
Zero or negative worth if an unwanted pregnancy Infinite worth if it the child is wanted

How can the value change from day to day

Feelings change, and a woman may not want the child at one point in the pregnancy and then want it later. What if the woman changes her mind after the abortion?

How Roe v. Wade was decided and public opinion turned to pro-choice pro Deliberate and successful exaggerations of number of deaths due to abortions

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, wanted to use birth control to reduce the number of poor and black people.


Impact to African-Americans AfricanBlacks are disproportionately impacted by abortion (3x) Arguments used to justify abortion are similar to those used to justify slavery.
It is acceptable, because they arent fully human. If you dont want one, dont have one. Dont impose your moral values on me. They are better off this way, otherwise they may be unwanted, poor or disabled.

Slavery and abortion deny the humanity and dignity of living human beings who have beating hearts and can feel pain. Slavery was once legal, but it was always immoral. Abortion is currently legal, but it has always been immoral. Hopefully the black community, which has traditionally been pro-life, will rise up and correct the proNAACP leaders who now support abortion.

"The NAACP's decision to endorse abortion rights is irresponsible. This organization should be concerned that one in three African American pregnancies end in abortion. An estimated 70 percent of abortion providers are in minority neighborhoods." Janine Simpson, Director of Urban Center Development for Care Net

When one human being gets to decide whether another human being has enough worth to live freely or to live at all profoundly bad things happen.


Other Social Issues

Started us down slippery slope of arbitrarily deciding who gets to live. Where does it end?
Right to die Infanticide Gender selection abortions Should the government or insurance companies decide who lives / dies based on genetic testing? There is no gay gene. But if there were, would that change the predominately pro-choice position of the prohomosexual movement? Would sexual orientation abortions be legal, just as gender selection abortions are legal?

Other Social Issues

Abortion pits men, women & children against each other. When did they become enemies? Have we killed those who would have cured AIDS, cancer, etc., or been incredible artists, or great leaders, or been loving friends and family members? Serious impacts to other children in the family Who will support the elderly? (tens of millions more people would be paying into Social Security today) Men involved in abortions also suffer psychological problems.

ProPro-choice pacifists = oxymoron of the year

Many pacifists are pro-choice. But prowhat could be more violent than abortion?


The Biblical Basis for the Sanctity of Life


Major categories of propro-life reasoning

Abortion kills an innocent human being Abortion is bad for women both physically and psychologically Social issues Biblical basis

Biblical View
God is the author of life and is sovereign over life and death. Women who have had abortions need forgiveness and healing. Jesus is pro-life and would not counsel prosomeone to have an abortion Many Bible verses show pro-life position prowhile none show a pro-abortion view. pro61

Bible themes
God is the author of life We are human from conception We should protect the weak All humans have equal value God is pro-life proPeace & forgiveness are found in Jesus Jesus can help us through difficult times Its all about love

Moral laws
Moral laws (dont steal, dont kill, etc.) are like natural laws (gravity)
They never change Violating them causes consequences God created them for a reason. He knows how we are wired. If we dont operate as we were designed to (e.g., by killing our unborn children), there will be psychological and perhaps physical consequences.

Some Religious groups are Pro-abortion ProGives fuel to Pro-Choice and media (Even the Prochurch is divided) Planned Parenthood has a Chaplain Some of their claims (including the Planned Parenthood Chaplain)
Jesus is Pro-Choice Pro God gave us free will, and abortion is an exercise of that free will, so it is OK. By this definition, anything a human ever did is acceptable, including the acts of Cain, Stalin, Hitler, etc. This argument obviously ignores that another human life is at stake and that women suffer from abortions.


But Jesus didnt condemn abortion

Logic process of those who use this argument Major Premise: Whatever Jesus did not specifically condemn in the Bible is morally permissible. Minor Premise: In the Bible, Jesus did not specifically condemn abortion Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is morally permissible Problems with their reasoning In the Bible, Jesus also didnt specifically mention slavery, drunk driving, child sacrifice, and many other wrongs
From Stand To Reason website www.str.org

If it werent for Christians, abortion would already be illegal

Some pro-lifers convert to pro-choice proprowhen their child is pregnant Shame Fear Selfishness Christians are not educated enough on this issue or are afraid to speak out or dont make it a priority when voting

Abortion can be a psychologically complex issue, but it is not a morally complex issue.
Typical reasons for women desiring abortions are psychological issues (pressure from the father of the unborn or from her family, economic impact, lifestyle impact, lack of desire to have children, fear, not being ready, etc.) The sanctity of human life is a moral issue.

If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong. Mother Teresa


God is Pro-Life! Pro-

Genesis 1:1, 26-27 26In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Deuteronomy 5:17 You shall not murder.

Proverbs 6:16-19 6:16There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that blood, devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Romans 13:9-10 13:9The commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not covet, and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Ezekiel 16:20-21 16:20And you took your sons and daughters whom you bore to me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Was your prostitution not enough? You slaughtered my children and sacrificed them to the idols.

Matthew 25:40, 45 The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. He will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.

Jesus is the Author of Life

Acts 3:15 You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.

Colossians 1:16-17 1:16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?

Isaiah 44:2 This is what the Lord says he says who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you . . .

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.

We are human from conception

Psalm 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

Hosea 12:2-3 12:2The Lord has a charge to bring against Judah; he will punish Jacob according to his ways and repay him according to his deeds. In the womb he grasped his brothers heel; as a man he struggled with God.

Exodus 21:2225 (NRSV) 21:22 When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the womans husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

Exodus 21:22-25 (NIV) 21:22If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the womans husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise. Click here for an overview of how this passage is often misinterpreted

Luke 1:41-44 1:41When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for ones life.
(Blood is present in the unborn at 10 days)

We should protect the weak & defenseless

Psalm 82:3-4 82:3Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

2 Samuel 9:13 And Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he always ate at the kings table, and he was crippled in both feet.

Proverbs 31:8-9 31:8Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive.

All humans have equal value

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Peace and forgiveness can be found in Jesus Christ

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Micah 7:18 Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.


Psalm 103:11-12 103:11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Daniel 9:9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him;

Acts 13:38 Therefore, my brothers, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus can help us through difficult times

Hebrews 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Matthew 11:28-30 11:28Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Romans 5:3-5 5:3. . . we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Its all about love

Its all about love

Love: A commitment of the will to someones true good

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


1 Corinthians 13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing . . . Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it selfkeeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Its all about love . . .

If I really love God and my neighbor, will I endorse a procedure which kills one human being, and poses serious physical and emotional risks to the mother? And who could be more of a neighbor than a prepre-born child? We protect and defend those weaker than us And who could be weaker and more defenseless than a pre-born child? preJesus offers peace & forgiveness if we repent & believe

Quotes throughout church history

"You shall love your neighbor more than your own life. You shall not slay a child by abortion. You shall not kill that which has already been generated." (Epistle of Barnabas 19.5; second century) "Do not murder a child by abortion or kill a new-born newinfant." (The Didache 2.2; second century catechism for young Christian converts) "The fetus in the womb is a living being and therefore the object of God's care" (Athenagoras, A Plea for the Christians, 35.6; 177 A.D.)

Quotes throughout church history

"It does not matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth. In both instances, the destruction is murder." (Tertullian, Apology, 9.4; second century) "Those who give abortifacients for the destruction of a child conceived in the womb are murderers themselves, along with those receiving the poisons." (Basil the Great, Canons, 188.2; fourth century) Jerome called abortion "the murder of an unborn child" (Letter to Eustochium, 22.13; fourth century). Augustine used the same phrase, warning against the terrible crime of "the murder of an unborn child" (On Marriage, 1.17.15; fourth century).

Quotes throughout church history

The early church fathers Origen, Cyprian and Chrysostom likewise condemned abortion as the killing of a child. "The fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being and it is a most monstrous crime to rob it of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy. If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man's house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light." John Calvin (sixteenth century reformer)

What can you do to help?

Donate to or volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. Donate to other pro-life causes proTell women in crisis pregnancies about Crisis Pregnancy Centers Share the truth - in love - to friends, family, cocoworkers, etc.
Always be sensitive that the person you are talking to may have guilt or unpleasant experiences with abortion.

Write letters to the editor


Test questions
Are you really pro-life? pro What if your teenage daughter was pregnant? What if your unborn child tested positive for Downs syndrome? What if there was a gay gene (there really isnt one), and your unborn child tested positive for it?

Responding to Pro-Choice ProArguments


Sound bites like these may put you on the defensive, but they are easier to refute than you might think.
People against abortion should put their energy into helping those who are born. We dont know when life begins. It is not a human being. Ok, it is a human being, but not a person. It cant survive on its own. If you dont like abortions, dont have one. Carrying the pregnancy to term will adversely impact a womans education or career. Why should a child be born into poverty? The child is more likely to be abused. Women must have reproductive freedom to prove equality with men. Every child a wanted child. You are trying to impose your morals on everyone else. No back-alley abortions! backIt is good to abort if the child may have birth defects.

Common themes of propro-choice arguments

They assume what they should be proving, namely
that the pre-born child does not have a right to prekeep living. that the parents had no control over how the prepre-born child got there.

They are often emotional sound bites designed to put the hearer on the defensive.

The Columbo Tactic

What do you mean by that?
Seek to understand and ensure you arent misrepresenting them

How did you come to that conclusion?

Listen carefully do answers support their conclusion?

Point out errors with questions rather than statements


Ask questions, listen and dont be afraid to say, I dont know, but Ill find out Shows humility Shows confidence Shows you are taking their position seriously Keeps you from saying something dumb and gives you time to get a good answer Lets you make an appointment to discuss propro-life or the Gospel messages again when you are better prepared Never fake an answer!

Trot Out The Toddler

(from Stand To Reason str.org)
Take pro-abortion arguments to their logical proconclusion by substituting a toddler for the unborn Point out that the real question is, What is the unborn? Show that the unborn is human. Example Children shouldnt be born into poverty. Is it ok to kill a toddler if she is poor? Of course not. OK, then we agree that we shouldnt kill poor humans. The question, then, is whether the prepreborn are humans . . .


Dont oppose abortion if you arent willing to adopt all the children.
Answer 1: Protesting an immoral act does not require taking ownership of the problem. Examples: Being against the abuse of children, spouses or animals does not require one to adopt the children, marry the abused spouses, or adopt the animals. What does my character have to do with whether abortion kills an innocent human being? (response to them attacking your character) Objecting to the destruction of preborn humans does not obligate you to care for those who survive. Could they oppose the destruction of toddlers without having to adopt them all? Answer 2: Even though they dont have to, pro-lifers do help before proand after the children are born. Pro-lifers spend a great deal of time and money to help women Proand the unborn via Crisis Pregnancy Centers and adoption programs. Planned Parenthood and the like make millions by providing abortions. Answer 3: Unless they want forced abortions, the pro-choicers have prothe same obligations to help that they put on pro-lifers pro-


If you dont like abortions, then dont have one.

This argument assumes what they should be proving
It implies that there isnt a human life at stake If abortion kills an innocent human being, then this argument is like saying, If you dont like murdering people, dont do it, but Im going to murder if I want to.

Slave owners used the same argument to justify keeping their slaves.

I just want to focus on the root causes of abortion

But why reduce them if they arent immoral? Uh, the root cause is women getting pregnant and not wanting the child. We are the wealthiest country ever and that isnt reducing abortions.


Women have a right to choose.

This argument assumes what they should be proving It implies that there isnt a human life at stake and ignores the inability of the unborn to choose Finish the sentence! You cant legally choose to kill, steal, etc. ProPro-choice attempts to have a positive spin, but what it really means is being able to choose to legally kill an unborn human being. The phrase reproductive freedom is equally deceptive.

Carrying the pregnancy to term will adversely impact a womans education or career

Assumes what they should be proving (implies that there isnt a human life at stake) Is it acceptable to kill a 3 yr. old child if she is a perceived obstacle to a womans education, career, love life, etc.? (consider the Susan Smith story)


Abortion should be safe, legal and rare

It is never safe for the unborn.
Assumes what they should be proving (implies that there isnt a human life at stake)

If there is nothing morally wrong with abortion and it doesnt endanger a womans health, why should it be rare?
The cost of a first-trimester abortion is comparable to firstthe cost of a year's supply of birth control pills Abortion supposedly has fewer complications and less medical risk for women than some of the most effective methods of contraception.

Do pro-choicers support CPCs, pre-abortion propreultrasounds, waiting periods, etc. to reduce the amount of abortions?

Why should a child be born into poverty?

Assumes what they should be proving (implies that there isnt a human life at stake) Is it permissible to kill poor people to take them out of their misery? Things change! The pro-choice position proassumes if one is poor, they will always be poor, and if a child is unwanted, she will always be unwanted. What about adoption?

Women have a constitutional right to abortion with no limits

Roe v. Wade was bad law on several counts
Very imaginative definition of right to privacy We dont know when life begins
Not true Even if we didnt know, we should err on the side of life The 1973 Supreme Court didnt have access to ultrasounds

Assumed abortion would be good for women. Facts show otherwise.

Other rights have limits

Freedom of speech cant yell fire in a crowded theater Right to bear arms cant take guns into court

Bad Supreme Court decisions are not irreversible.

African-Americans were legally declared non-persons in the Africannon1957 Dred Scott case

Government should stay out of our bedrooms

I dont know of any abortions that occur in bedrooms. Im pretty that most take place at abortion clinics. One of the responsibilities of government is to address crimes, regardless of the location where they are committed. Again, the question is whether or not a human life is being destroyed. Curiously, pro-abortion advocates dont mind progovernment involvement in the bedroom when it comes to funding abortions, condom distribution and the sexualization of children.

The child is more likely to be abused

Fact: Child abuse has skyrocketed since abortion was legalized.
Hypothesis: Overall sanctity of life has decreased due to legalized abortion.

Studies show that wanted children are more likely to be abused. Is it acceptable to kill abused children to put them out of their misery? Again, this argument assumes a human life is not at stake.

Every child a wanted child

(Planned Parenthood slogan)
Real meaning: Every unwanted child a dead child. Someone else may want the child! Adoption demand exceeds the supply Is it acceptable to kill orphans or other unwanted people? What if the woman changes her mind after the abortion and decides she wanted the child after all? Preventing unwanted children from coming into the world is an argument for birth control, not abortion. The preborn are already in the world, they just happen to be in the mothers womb.

Abortion is safer for the woman than pregnancy

Assumes what they should be proving, i.e., abortion doesnt kill an innocent human being. Diverts attention from real issue. Data is skewed; some abortion problems are tracked as pregnancy problems, thus having a double impact on the statistics.


Women must have reproductive freedom to prove equality with men

Why should women have to be willing to kill their unborn children to prove they are equal to men? Early feminists were pro-life. Susan B. Anthonys pronewspaper viewed women having abortions as a symptom of a lack of equality, not the proof of equality.
She called abortion child murder. When a woman destroys the life of her unborn child, it is a sign that, by education or circumstances, she has been greatly wronged. [Is the woman] guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; But oh! Thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!

Women might hurt themselves trying to get illegal abortions

You have no right to ask for special protections so you can commit an immoral act more safely. Study this site for all the damage done to women by "safe and legal" abortions. Most illegal abortions were done in doctor's offices ("Uh, you're late . . . better do a D&C . . . "). If abortionists were butchers before Roe v. Wade then they were butchers afterwards. Women who harm themselves with self-induced selfabortions often do so even if abortion is legal. They have other issues. The back alley / coat hanger bit is used to manipulate but it is largely a lie.


Im personally pro-life but publicly propropro-choice

Common waffle phrase from politicians wanting to hide from the abortion issue. Ask them why they are personally pro-life. pro Typically, theyll say thing it is wrong. But why arent they against it if it is wrong?

What if a politician said, Im personally antianti-slavery, but my largest financial contributors want it, so publicly Im proproslavery?

This isnt a good time for the woman to have a baby

She already has a baby . . . it is inside her.
Ask her what is growing inside her. Unless she has been seriously influenced by proproabortion rhetoric, shell say it is a baby. It is highly unlikely that shell say it is a fetus.


You are just forcing your moral beliefs on others

Ask, Why not? (Their statement is imposing their morals on you, isnt it?) Ask, If they saw a 2 yr. old being abused, would you have a problem applying your moral beliefs? Nearly all laws are based on someones moral beliefs. The only question is whose beliefs were going to use. This is another attack the messengers character argument. You can show abortion is immoral without resorting to religious arguments. Society already agrees that murder of innocent humans is immoral; the only question is whether the unborn is human.


No more back alley abortions.

Myth: 10,000+ women died per year due to back alley abortions before Roe v. Wade Fact: Federal documents show the real number was 39. Fact: Most abortions pre-Roe v. Wade were predone in doctors offices. The same doctors performed abortions post-Roe v. Wade. If they postwere butchers before, they were butchers after. Though generally not reported in the media, many women die from abortions each year (and the baby always dies).

A woman should only have an abortion after soul-searching, talking with her souldoctor and spiritual advisors, etc.
If abortion kills an innocent human being, it doesnt matter how many people one talks to or how at peace they are with the decision.


Women shouldnt be forced to be parents

If a woman is pregnant, she is already a parent of a human being.


Wouldnt overturning Roe v. Wade make criminals of women who have abortions?
If abortion were re-criminalized, the resentences would most likely be against the abortionists, not the women having the abortions.
Some propose that women would have the right to sue the abortionist


ProPro-lifers show those awful pictures of abortions.

Not all pro-lifers are in favor of showing pictures proof abortions. Note: CareNet does not show them. Some groups use them because they work.
We are a visual society. Images have been used to change public option on many key issues. Holocaust (pictures, movies like Schindlers list), Martin Luther Kings strategy, lynching, Abu Ghraib, AIDS, starvation They dont replace arguments, they support them. They dont manipulate, they show the truth

The audience should be given fair warning to look away.


You just want to punish women for having sex

Do you support the rights of men to insist on abortion or to be released from 18 years of financial support? If not, then isnt your motive to punish men for having sex?


ProPro-lifers show those awful pictures of abortions.

Why dont people like them? Might remind them of their involvement or lack of involvement in a key moral issue. Minimizes possibility of dismissing babies as just a blob of tissue. What could be more relevant to a debate than images of the procedure in question? How can the pro-abortion movement argue that proit is acceptable to murder unborn humans and unacceptable to show pictures of the practice?

Interesting contrasts . . .
ProPro-Choice Pro-Life ProApproves of aborting human beings Disapproves of showing pictures of aborted human beings Disapproves of aborting human beings Generally approves of showing pictures of aborted human beings (if not forced on anyone) Thinks women arent capable enough of viewing all the facts and making an appropriate decision


Dear Abby doesnt recommend Crisis Pregnancy Centers because they might show pictures of abortions.
Note: I am not aware of centers that show pictures of abortions, but it may be possible. Is Abby saying that showing the picture of an abortion is immoral, but the abortion itself is moral? Which of these is moral / immoral:
the acts committed during the Holocaust, or the pictures which document them? corrupt leaders who starve their own people, or the pictures which document the suffering?

Parental consent laws violate the rights of those under 18

Those under 18 cant get a cavity filled or take an Advil at school without parental consent. Most schools require parental permission to show PG-13 movies. PG Pro-abortionists dont want parents involved Prowhen their daughter is undergoing a a serious medical procedure with life-long lifeconsequences and when their grandchild is being destroyed?!

The girl may get into trouble at home if her parents find out
Possibly. Does that mean schools cant tell parents when children break rules or get bad grades? Can police tell parents that their child has been arrested, even if the child might get into trouble? Many pregnancies arise from statutory rape or abuse. Who is looking out for these girls?

But the unborn dont have consciousness

Neither do people who are asleep or in comas To legally remove someone from life support who is not conscious (abortion fails on both counts): You need to demonstrate that you are acting in that persons best interests, as they would so act if they were conscious. That there is little or no hope of recovery.

Making abortions illegal wont stop all abortions

And making rape illegal doesnt stop all rapes. Just because laws are broken doesnt mean we get rid of the laws. Abortions increased at least 700% within 7 years of being legalized.


We dont know when life begins

Yes, we do. Logically and biologically, it begins at conception. A live sperm and a live egg form a live conceptus. Even if we didnt know when life begins, we should ask, Is it possible that abortion kills an innocent human being? If yes, it should be illegal If no, that is a very strong claim. Which part is impossible? If uncertain, it should be illegal, as we must err on side of life! Building implosion example Are there any people left inside? If the answer is, We dont know, then dont blow up the building!

ProPro-lifers are anti-women. antiThis is simply untrue. Consider the following: Post Abortion Stress is real and debilitating Mens approach to sex & commitments #1 demographic group in favor of abortion: single men Women are more pro-life than men pro Most Crisis Pregnancy Center volunteers and employees are women. Early feminists were pro-life pro At least half of aborted babies are female
95% + of gender-selection abortions are female gender-

30 60% of women have abortions due to pressure by men or family members


It is just a potential life

This is a sound bite that is just a clever rhetorical trick to dehumanize the unborn.
You either have a life or you dont. You cant have a potential life.

Then just have a potential abortion.


Interesting hypothetical to ask proprochoice people

If a test could be done in utero to determine predispositions to homosexuality, would you oppose abortions based on the results?
If yes, then why not oppose abortions for other reasons? If the unborn isnt human, why make this exception? If no, then please acknowledge that we as propro-lifers favor restrictions protecting potential homosexuals while you do not.

"Roe v. Wade enabled women to participate in the social, financial and political life of this country." Gloria Feldt President of Planned Parenthood I reject the reasoning that says women must have the ability to kill their unborn children to prove their worth and to be able to fit into society. Also, her statement doesn't apply to the over 20 million females destroyed in utero since Roe v. Wade.

. . . abortion is the ultimate male chauvinism . . . abortion rips off women as much as it rips off the unborn, and allows male chauvinists to run free. Rev. John C. Rankin


Carrying a child to term and giving birth in a difficult pregnancy allow a woman to triumph in adversity, whereas abortion teaches her that she is too weak and fragile to do the right thing, often confirming or worsening already low selfselfesteem. Thus, abortion increases the very psychological problems it purports to avoid. Linda J. Martin, M.D.

ProPro-abortionists who want to deny the right of pharmacists and medical caregivers to opt out of abortion processes. Shouldnt these people have a choice?


Crisis Pregnancy Centers vs. The Abortion Lobby Which organization is really pro-women? pro-

Things to consider
Planned Parenthood / abortion clinics / National Organization (of unaborted) Women
Just a blob of tissue Not painful Most common reaction is relief Profits from abortions Less than 1% adoptions

Crisis Pregnancy Ctr.

Views mother and child as human beings Non-profit organization Nonoffering FREE services. Spends their own time and $$ to help people in crisis before and after the child is born.


Services provided
Abortions performed for profit Sells aborted body parts for profit PostPost-abortion counseling Reports cases of statutory rape Free ultrasound Adoption support Free diapers, formula, clothes, cribs, car seats, etc. Free classes (software, parenting, marriage, abstinence) Staffing

Planned Parenthood / Abortion Clinic


Crisis Pregnancy Center


Generally paid (Abortionists primarily male)

Fees / government support

Mostly volunteers (and mostly female!) Donations / some government support


Funding Christian worldview share the Gospel, pray for patients

Abortion lobbyists fight against:

Anesthesia for the unborn (they do feel pain when being crushed and/or dismembered) Legal rights of the unborn during crimes (Connor and Lacis law) Any movements to require the same safety standards for abortion clinics that hospitals have Laws prohibiting the murder of babies born alive during botched abortions Free ultrasounds given by Crisis Pregnancy Centers (They manipulate women) How can viewing the truth be manipulative? Do they think women are so weak that they cant face the truth? Waiting periods to ensure women understand abortion risks Parental consent laws Should children be able to have surgery with irreversible consequences without parental awareness? Any nomination for judge who is a Christian or pro-life pro167

Consider . . .
Do abortion clinics offer free abortions to women who cant afford them? Do abortion clinics offer help for women desiring to keep their baby? Do abortion clinics offer help for women who want to give their baby up for adoption? Which are truly pro-women: Abortion clinics or proCrisis Pregnancy Centers? Which movement is truly pro-women: Pro-choice proProor Pro-life? Pro168

CareNet Pregnancy Center Savings lives now and for eternity

Everything is free to clients Pregnancy tests Ultrasounds Share the Gospel (with permission) ProPro-life Maternity, marriage, life-skills training all lifebiblically based PostPost-abortion trauma counseling Clothes / formula / cribs / more Transition discipleship process to local churches

How can you help?

Pray Volunteer regularly or special projects $ Take a tour Know the location and phone # of Pregnancy Resource Centers


In the United States, the most dangerous place for a baby to be is in its mothers womb

If abortion doesnt kill a human being, then no justification is required. If abortion does kill a human being, then no justification is adequate.

Primary reasoning
Moral claim
It is wrong to kill an innocent human being Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. Abortion is morally wrong.


Psychological complexity vs. moral simplicity Only one question: What is the unborn? Distinguish between Biblical and non-Biblical nonreasoning Ask questions of pro-abortionists and show them prothe logical conclusion of their arguments
What do you mean by that? How did you come to that conclusion?

All pro-abortion arguments have good rebuttals pro Research them then share them with grace and truth When in doubt, Trot out the toddler

Speak up for life, and share the Gospel!


Bad things happen when we violate Gods plan for sex. Always know where your local Crisis Pregnancy Center is Share the truth in love. You can change and save lives with the truth of the pro-life promessage and the Gospel of Jesus Christ


neil@4simpsons.com To view or download this presentation, go to:


Also visit www.4simpsons.wordpress.com and click on pro-life reasoning pro-

ProPro-life reasoning & the Biblical Basis for the Sanctity of Life
If abortion doesnt kill a human being, then no justification is required. If abortion does kill a human being, then no justification is adequate. (Greg Koukl) Scientific fact: A new human life is created at conception http://tinyurl.com/yfje8lq. Im too pro-science to be pro-legalized http://tinyurl.com/yfje8lq. proproabortion. Psychological complexity vs. moral simplicity Typical reasons for women desiring abortions are psychological issues (pressure from the father of the unborn, financial, lifestyle, fear, not ready, etc.) The sanctity of human life is a moral issue. Only one question: What is the unborn? It is wrong to kill an innocent human being Abortion intentionally kills an innocent human being. Abortion is morally wrong. The SLED principle - Arguments for abortion usually imply that the unborn arent persons because of these characteristics, none of which justify killing outside the womb: Size Level of Development Environment Dependency Abortion is bad for women both physically and psychologically Speak up for life, and share the Gospel! Common themes of pro-choice arguments pro They assume what they should be proving: that the pre-born prechild does not have a right to keep living and that the parents had no control over how the pre-born child got there. pre They are often emotional sound bites designed to put the hearer on the defensive. Guide them to have to defend their assumptions. Ask questions of pro-choicers and show them the logical proconclusion of their arguments Distinguish between Biblical and non-Biblical reasoning non Dont be afraid to say, I dont know, but Ill find out All pro-abortion arguments have good pro-life rebuttals propro Research them then share them with grace and truth Example: Dont oppose abortion if you arent willing to adopt unwanted children or help with the problem. Protesting an immoral act does not require owning the problem. Could they oppose the destruction of toddlers without having to adopt them all? Even though they dont have to, pro-lifers do help before and proafter the children are born with their own time and money. The pro-choicers have the same obligation to help. proWhen in doubt, Trot out the toddler Take pro-abortion arguments to their logical conclusion by prosubstituting a toddler for the unborn Point out that the real question is, What is the unborn? Show that the unborn is human. Example: Children shouldnt be born into poverty. Is it ok to kill a toddler if she is poor? Of course not. OK, then we agree that we shouldnt kill humans for reasons like that. The question is, What are the unborn? Terrific pro-life overview: http://www.abort73.com/ proStand to Reason: www.str.org Email: neil@4simpsons.com Blog: www.4simpsons.wordpress.com To view or download presentation: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6877569/prolife.ppt

Bible overview and themes God is the author of life and is sovereign over life and death. We are human from conception We should protect the weak All humans have equal value God is pro-life pro Peace & forgiveness are found in Jesus Jesus can help us through difficult times Its all about love Those who have sinned need forgiveness and healing. Jesus is pro-life and would not counsel for abortion pro Many Bible verses are pro-life view / none are pro-choice propro Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, . . .So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Deuteronomy 5:17 You shall not murder. Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates, seven 6:16that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood. . . John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Romans 13:9-10 The commandments . . . are summed up in 13:9this one rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Ezekiel 16:20-21 And you took your sons and daughters whom 16:20you bore to me and sacrificed them as food to the idols. Matthew 25:40, 45 The King will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. He will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Acts 3:15 You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. Psalm 82:3-4 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; 82:3maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive. Psalm 103:11-12 For as high as the heavens are above the 103:11earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Psalm 51:5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Luke 1:41-44 When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby 1:41leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. . . . Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Leviticus 17:11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for ones life. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who are weary and 11:28burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Resources used
Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice arguments by ProProRandy Alcorn

Web sites & audio tapes

Stand To Reason www.str.org (used for Can I kill it?, SLED, Trot out the toddler and other arguments)


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