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Stress is defined as the process by which the individual responds to environmental and psychological events that are perceived as threatening or challenging.

Ways in which Stress can Occur:

person in a physically or mentally demanding or dangerous situation is said to be under stress. Internal disorders can produce stress responses. Chronic repetition of certain emotions, such as ANGER or DESPAIR, Changes in work or Home situations and reaction to surgery.

Effects of Stress: The effects of stress can be complex, but they all involve a certain group of certain body responses. These responses arose in the course of evolution, as the individuals met situations of physical danger. In the human body, when danger is perceived the pituitary gland releases a hormone called ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC.

Positive effects of stress:

develops ones mettle.





muscles; and

reaction time.

Negative effects of stress:


Unsuitable Lower Poorer

energy and performance level. health.

Some negative effects of stress are stated under each category.

Unsuitable behavior

Lower energy and Performance level

Poorer Health

Loser behavior

Reduced Concentration

Heart and circulatory diseases

Short temper
More frequent mistakes

Increased concentration
Poor judgment Prone to feelings of tiredness Ulcers Infectious diseases

Less flexibility

Stressors- is a chemical or biological

agent, environmental condition, an external stimulus or an event that causes stress to an organism the events that cause stress.

Stressors can be divided into Physical, Social, and Psychological. 1. Physical stressors. The following are examples of physical stressors:

Heat Cold Noise Fire

Traffic Violence Own illness Poor working conditions and equipment

2. Social Stressors. There are 4 main causes of social stresses. 1. Social, economic and political sitations. 2. Family; 3. Job and career; and 4. Interpersonal and environmental stressors.

3. Psychological Stressors.
Frustrations occurs when ones strivings are thwarted by obstacles that block progress toward a desired goal.

Conflicts are also psychological stressors. A conflict is the simultaneous occurrence of two or more important but incompatible needs or motives.
Pressures forces a person to change the direction of a goaloriented behavior. Stress Signals A stress signal acts as a red light or warning bell to tell us that action is needed to prevent more serious problems from developing.


The following are examples of stress signals:

Physical Change in breathing rhythm Tense and aching muscles Headaches Sweating Changes in appetite

2. Mental Lack of concentration More frequent mistakes Forgetfulness/ absent-mindedness Tendency to over-react Poorer judgment

3. Emotional Irritation/short temper Nervousness Depression Emotional outburst

4. Behavioral Insomnia Increased drinking/smoking Absenteeism Clumsiness How to Cope with Stress There are three major ways of coping with stress: Cognitive, Informational, and behavioral.

Cognitive Responses involves reappraisal, raising selfesteem, and developing self-efficacy.

Informational Responses uncertainly caused by lack of information contributes to the stress of the situation. Behavioral Responses
The following are suggested: 1. Sleep well, eat well, avoid harm, and exercise regularly. 2. Develop and maintain a relaxation program. 3. Do things you enjoy. Develop hobbies. 4. Be part of a social network and know that you can rely on others to help in time of crisis. 5. Learn to set aside problems temporarily. 6. Have a clear picture of your life goals. 7. Nurture your faith dimension 8. Take a break or a vacation.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Filipinos who are hit by the worst disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions or experience shock usually suffer from a series of acute stresses called Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. To fight the aftershock of disasters, victims should talk to trusted people about their experiences. They should also be informed that posttraumatic stress is common and natural.

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