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nC1 8Ck
Def|n|t|on Lvery [ournal whlch runs so warm as
Lo make lL necessary Lo deLach a vehlcle wagon or
brake van formaLlon wheLher aL orlglnaLlng polnL
aL en rouL sLaLlon or aL Lhe LermlnaLlng polnL
should be consldered a hoL box
lrlcLlon produces heaL and Lhe generaLlon of
heaL ln a parLlcular axle box sLarLs wlLh Lhe
dlsconLlnuaLlon of fllm ln beLween Lhe Lwo bearlng
surfaces due Lo any defecL 1he raLe of generaLlon
of heaL depends upon varlous facLors and rlses Lo
a breaklng polnL very shorLly lf allowed unfeLLered
1hls has been classlfled ln followlng four sLages
nC1 8Ck
f ln Lhe lnlLlal sLage Lhe axle box sLarLs
n warmer ln comparlson Lo all oLher axle boxes
on Lhe vehlcle or wagon
1he bearlngs are consldered Lo be normal up Lo a
LemperaLure of 120 degree C When Lhls LemperaLure
rlses above 120 degree C up Lo 140degree C Lhe axle
box ls sald Lo be warm of flrsL sLage
1hls can be deLecLed by feellng Lhe rear wall of Lhe axle
box (Lhe slde of axle box from whlch a Lraln ls comlng)
by Lhe back of palm and comparlng wlLh Lhe
LemperaLure of oLher axle boxes
nC1 8Ck
Second stage lf noL checked aL Lhe lnlLlal sLage Lhe
frlcLlon lncreases Lhe raLe of generaLlon of heaL ln Lhe
axle box and Lhe axle box becomes so warm LhaL you
can easlly deLecL by Lhe smell of heaLed oll comlng ouL
of Lhe axle box 1he LemperaLure of Lhe axle box ln Lhls
sLage ls ln beLween 140degree C and 160 degree C
AL Lhls sLage you may noL be able Lo Louch Lhe wall of
axle box as Lhe raLe of generaLlon of heaL becomes
hlgher and hlgher Lhan Lhe raLe of dlsslpaLlon of heaL ln
aLmosphere and Lhus Lhe bearlng parLs and Lhe
ad[olnlng parLs become hoLLer 1he heaLed oll sLarLs
seLLllng down Lhe boLLom of axle box leavlng Lhe upper
parL of Lhe packlng dry whlch lssues Lhe smell
nC1 8Ck
1h|rd stage 1he LemperaLure rlses furLher
above 160 degree Lo 190 degree C lf noL
deLecLed earller and Lhe [ournal come ln dlrecL
conLacL wlLh each oLher and noL separaLed by
fllm of oll due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe upper parL of
Lhe packlng has been lefL LoLally dry 1hls resulLs
ln whlsLllng sound comlng ouL of Lhe axle box of
a runnlng Lraln whlch ls deLecLed by hearlng Lhe
whlsLllng nolse When a Lraln comes Lo a halL
Lhe whlsLllng ceases ln cases of wasLe grab Lhe
whlsLllng sound ls heard aL Lhe earller sLage also
nC1 8Ck
Iourth stage 1he LemperaLure furLher rlses
above 190 degree c and a condlLlon ls reached
when Lhe whlLe meLal sLarLs melLlng aL a
LemperaLure of 230degree C and molLen meLal
falls on Lhe packlng wasLe underneaLh whlch
caLches flre soon and Lhe flames can be seen
comlng ouL of axle box from fronL and rear slde
of Lhe axle box from a dlsLance 1he [ournal
sLarLs scorlng and lf allowed Lo run unchecked
1he [ournal wlll break wlLhln a few kllomeLers
and cause serlous accldenLs
nC1 8Ck
ln a nuLshell lL can be sald LhaL by uslng our followlng four powers
ln sequence Lhe four sLages of hoL boxes can be deLecLed
l 8y Louchlng ll8y smelllng lll 8y hearlng and lv 8y seelng
So lL ls very essenLlal LhaL all Lhe axle boxes on a Lraln musL be felL
soon afLer Lhe arrlval of a Lraln wlLhouL and loss of Llme ln case
Lhe sLaff ls busy on ouL golng Lraln aL leasL 2 Men musL be
depuLed for rolllng ln examlnaLlon of lncomlng Lraln and feellng
of all axle boxes lmmedlaLely CLherwlse Lhe warm axle box wlll
cool down and escape deLecLlon and nurslng aLLenLlon LhaL may
cause dlsasLers Lo Lhe Lraln afLerwards 1haL lncomlng Lraln can
be full examlned laLer on Slmllarly Lhe operaLlng sLaff should noL
sLop a Lraln ouLslde Lhe ouLer slgnal for longer Llme Lhan 3 Lo 10
mlnuLes as Lhe culprlL axle box may escape 1x8's aLLenLlon and
may cause Lrouble afLerwards
nC1 8Ck
|ann|ng of nurs|ng po|nts 1he lncldences of
hoL boxes on goods Lralns on busy secLlons are
comparaLlvely hlgher and parLlcularly on Lhrough
Lralns So Lo deLecL and nurse Lhe poLenLlal hoL
boxes on such Lralns Lhe axle box feellng and
nurslng of over warm boxes should be planned
aL locaLlons of 30 Lo 100 kms from Lhe large
marshalllng yards and 400 kms from lasL
lnLenslve examlnaLlon
nC1 8Ck
Causes of hot boxes uefecLs aLLrlbuLlng hoL
boxes can be classlfled as under
1 uefecLs of lubrlcanL
2 Mechanlcal dlsorders
3 lrregular loadlng
4 CLher mlscellaneous defecLs
nC1 8Ck
Mechan|ca| defects lollowlng mechanlcal
defecLs play Lhelr own parL ln creaLlng hoL boxes
a) uefecLs ln !ournal of wheel
b) uefecLs ln axle box
c) uefecLs ln sprlng assembly
d) llaL places on Lyre
e) under frame or Lrolley ouL of allgnmenL
f) lrregular loadlng lL also creaLes Lrouble of
hoL boxes as under
nC1 8Ck
Uneven |oad|ng 1he bearlngs have cerLaln
speclfled load bearlng capaclLy When Lhe wagon
ls unevenly loaded lL resulLs lnLo any one [ournal
belng excesslvely loaded When load exceeds Lhe
glven capaclLy of Lhe bearlng Lhe fllm of oll
cannoL malnLaln lLself ln beLween Lhe nearlng
surfaces Lo Lhe exLenL requlred and resulLs lnLo
hoL box
Cver |oad|ng lf a wagon ls over loaded even
beyond Lhe permlsslble Lolerances Lhe wagon ls
Lermed Lo be over loaded
nC1 8Ck
M|sce||aneous defects 1here are some oLher
defecLs also whlch also conLrlbuLe Lo hoL axles
1hese are summarlzed as under
kough Loose of nump shunt|ng When Lhe
wagons of vehlcles are sub[ecLed Lo rough loose
of hump shunLlng Lhey suffer serlous damages
uurlng such shunLlng Lhe bearlng and Lhe sllpper
plaLes geL dlsplaced and mounL over Lhe [ournal
cap of shoulder and Lhe sllpper plaLes sllp ouL up
Lo Lhe face plaLe 1hls condlLlon leads Lo hoL
boxes wlLhln a few kllomeLers
nC1 8Ck
Dera||ment SomeLlmes Lhe wagon or
vehlcle deralls ln yard and Lhe shunLlng
sLaff wlLh a vlew Lo escape punlshmenL
rerall Lhemselves by dragglng wlLhouL
calllng ln Lhe break down sLaff and become
successful ln dolng so
nC1 8Ck
Defects |n track Many rall llnes when [olned
wlLh on anoLher wlLh flsh plaLes eLc become a
rallway Lrack 1heses rall [olnLs are glven cerLaln
speclfled gaps for creep and expanslon durlng
hoL weaLher and Lhe Lwo Lall llnes are kepL qulLe
parallel Lo each oLher lL for any reason Lhls gap
lncreases of Lhe [olnLs become Loo low Lhls
condlLlon leads Lo hammerlng effecL on Lhe fllm
of oll and lf a longer sLreLch of Lrack ls of slmllarly
defecLlve sLaLe Lhe hoL box wlll be Lhe resulL
nC1 8Ck
Lxcess|ve speed 1he 4 wheeled sLock are capable of
runnlng up Lo a cerLaln maxlmum speed beyond whlch a
condlLlon called hunLlng ls creaLed whlch generaLes
heavy Lransverse osclllaLlons abouL verLlcal axls and
abouL longlLudlnal cenLre llne of Lhe sLock conduclve of
bre3aklng of fllm of oll very frequenLly leadlng Lo hoL
boxes besldes creaLlng oLher dlsorders When you flnd
LhaL really Lhere ls no apparenL defecL ln Lhe vehlcle or
wagon you should Lry Lo know Lhe esLlmaLe of sLaff of
prevlous sLaLlons abouL Lhe speed of Lhe Lraln because
Lhe speedograph of englne seldom records Lhe speed lf
Lhe speedograph ls noL self speaklng
nC1 8Ck
Detachment of hot ax|e wagons or veh|c|es
1he general and subsldlary 8ules 429/1 Lo
429/8 have made lL very clear and obllgaLory
duLy of every rallway servanL noLlclng a hoL axle
on a runnlng Lraln Lo manage Lo sLop Lhe Lraln
and avold lmpendlng danger Lo Lhe same wlLhln
hls power SLaLlon MasLer and Cabln men of way
slde sLaLlons musL observe Lhe runnlng Lraln
from elLher slde and exchange slgnals wlLh guard
and drlver of Lhe Lraln
nC1 8Ck
Detachment of hot ax|e wagons or veh|c|es 1he guard and
drlver on noLlclng red slgnals musL sLop Lhe Lraln and
examlne Lhe parLlcular axle box lf Lhe Lraln could noL be
sLopped aL hls sLaLlon Lhe SM shall lmmedlaLely advlse Lhe
nexL sLaLlon of Lhe same and Lhe secLlon conLrol Lo sLop Lhe
Lraln and geL Lhe hoL axle examlned whlle dolng so Lhe SM
MusL exchange hls prlvaLe code number 1he SM of nexL
sLaLlon shall sLop Lhe Lraln ouLslde Lhe flrsL sLop slgnal and
geL Lhe Lraln plloLed wlLh and advlce Lo Lhe drlver of Lhe
Lraln aL a speed of 8 kmph geL Lhe hoL axle wagon/
vehlcle examlned by Lhe 1x8 sLaff or Lhe drlver of Lhe Lraln
AL non 1x8 sLaLlon Lhe drlver of Lhe Lraln musL examlne Lhe
axle box and aLLend lL Lemporarlly lf feaslble and advlsable
Lo make lL safe Lo run and glve a cerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe guard
nC1 8Ck
Detachment of hot ax|e wagons or veh|c|es
CLherwlse Lhe vehlcle / wagon may be deLached
an advlce be senL Lo Lhe CWS under shoes beaL Lhe
sLaLlon falls SecLlon conLrol should also be lnformed
and proper records malnLalned ln case durlng run
whlle observlng Lhe provlslon of Ceneral 8ules 441
and 443 lf a hoL axle vehlcle or wagon ls noLlced by
Lhe drlver flreman or Lhe guard ln a block secLlon
Lhe Lraln musL be sLopped and axle box goL
examlned by Lhe drlver who musL aLLend lL Lo make
lL safe Lo clear Lhe block secLlon
nC1 8Ck
not box prevent|ve measures Slnce one hoL box
cosLs Lhe exchequer huge amounL besldes heavy
deLenLlon Lo Lhe Lraln Lo whlch lL ls aLLached and
repercusslonal deLenLlons Lo so many oLher mosL
lmporLanL mall/ express and passenger Lralns lrklng
Lhe Lravelllng publlc so Lhe CW wlng owes a duLy
Lo do Lhe blL Lo prevenL hoL axles as a sllghL
carelessness can brlng ln hoL axle 1hough Lhls
maLLer has been dlscussed ln prevlous pages even
Lhen lmporLanL polnLs for prevenLlon of hoL axles
are summarlzed for guldance and observaLlon
nC1 8Ck
not box prevent|ve measures
Lnsure proper use of sklds durlng hump shunLlng
Avold loose or bump shunLlng
LxLernal mechanlcal defecLs musL be ensure aL
followlng CW polnL and Lhey are responslble for
deLecLlon of hoL box aL
l CrlglnaLlng Lraln examlnlng sLaff and
ll LasL safe Lo run examlnlng sLaff
Cver or uneven loadlng Loadlng goods clerk
unreporLed derallmenLs ShunLlng sLaff
nC1 8Ck
not box prevent|ve measures
(Plghly experlenced sLaff can aL a glance [udge wheLher
a parLlcular wheel has deralled or noL as Lhe fresh denL
and grazlng marks can be locaLed on Lhe wheel flange
and on openlng Lhe axle box Lhe sllpper plaLe or bearlng
wlll be seen shlfLed or meLal deLached or Lhe llke)
Lxcess|ve speed LasL axle box feellng sLaLlon lf any ls
also responslble lf Lhe axle box ls deLached unaLLended/

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