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Advertising as a tool of communication

Advertising is most effective marketing tool

which seeks to transmit an effective message from the marketer to a group of individuals. Advertiser is the source who transmits the message which passes through an appropriate medium like TV, radio, magazine or internet etc. The message is decoded meaningfully Message is ultimately received by the target audience

The communication Process

Sender is the source of message. He puts the

message in symbolic form say an advertising copy called as encoding. The message is carried by media. The message is received by the receiver who shows a particular response. The response is communicated back to sender. Noice or barriers to communication process

The message must accomplish three tasks in order to be effective

It must gain the attention of the receiver

It must be understood
It must stimulate the needs of the receiver

and suggest appropriate method to satisfy those needs.

Communication Models/Advertising response hierarchy models

The AIDA Model Hierarchy-of-effects model Innovation-adoption model Information processing model

AIDA Model
Developed by E.K. Strong (1920) An effective advertisement must be able to A attracting Attention I rousing Interest D building Desire A obtaining Action

Attention- Layout is the most important factor that directs attention to an advertisement. Typography and colors used in layout Celebrities in the advertisements Interest- Ad seen does not mean as read Headlines must provoke further reading Copy format is very important in interest creation Scientific copy or humorous copy?

Desire- It is a function of appeals used for motivation Buying motives: physiological as well as psychological Convincing by facts and figures and giving evidence Action- the logical end of the desire aroused is to buy the product

Hierarchy-of-effects model
Developed by Lavidge and Steiner. This model provides the basis for setting

advertising objectives and measuring the effectiveness. Awareness- understanding- LikingConviction- Purchase

Innovation Adoption Model

Based on diffusion of innovations It depicts various stages through which a

consumer moves in adopting a new product. Awareness- Interest- Evaluation- Trial- action If the consumer is satisfied the product is adopted , otherwise rejected

Information Processing Model

Assumes that audiences are information

processors Given by William Mcguire Presentation- attention- comprehensionyielding- retention- behavior

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